COVID-19 pandemic hits travel between Malta and Gozo, NSO figures show

A NSO statistics show a 9.5% decrease in passengers travelling between Malta and Gozo in first three months, with COVID-19 pandemic leaving its mark on March figures

Passengers travelling to Gozo dropped drastically in March as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold
Passengers travelling to Gozo dropped drastically in March as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold

Passenger travel between Malta and Gozo dropped by almost 10% in the first three months when compared to the same quarter last year, figures out today show.

The National Statistics Office said 1,038,142 passengers travelled between Malta and Gozo, with the highest number recorded in February, which coincides with the carnival period.

The lowest number of passengers was recorded in March, which is when the COVID-19 pandemic started and appeals were made for  people not to travel unnecessarily to and from Gozo.

Trips in the first quarter numbered 7,324, up by 34.4% when compared to 2019.

The majority were also carried out in February, with 2,494 trips, translating to 34.1% of total trips.

The statistics also show that between January to March, there was a decrease in vehicle use, with 1.8% decrease over the previous year. 356,997 vehicles made the trip between the two islands in 2020, down from 363,460 in 2019.

Vehicle use remained consistent throughout the months of January and February, with an increase of 23.3% and 24.9% respectively over the previous year.

COVID-19 hits March travel

March on the other hand, registered a 41.2% decrease in vehicle use, down by 59,371 when compared to 2019.

The same can be said in the number of passengers making the trip, as March recorded a 55.6% decrease, translating to 265,604 less passengers when compared to the previous year.

During the first quarter of 2020, passenger movement from Cirkewwa was busiest on Fridays with 97,881 passengers making the trip, and Saturdays with 88,140.

Passenger movement from Mgarr saw Sundays (102,606) and Mondays (73,494) being the busiest days, the NSO said.