Ombudsman underscores time restrictions on excavation works
The Environment Commissioner within the Ombudsman’s office says exemptions and restrictions to laws regulating excavation works can be imposed by the Building and Construction Agency

Excavation works, including digging with pneumatic drills, can only happen between 8am and 2pm, and between 4pm and 8pm, the Environment Commissioner said.
The commissioner within the Ombudsman’s office said such activities are regulated by laws that have been in place for years.
No excavation works can take place on Sundays and public holidays and between 2pm and 4pm.
Additionally, the law states that no other construction works shall be carried out before 7am, after 8pm, and on Sundays and public holidays.
The statement released on Tuesday comes in the wake of numerous complaints from residents, who are following advice to stay at home and live next to construction sites where excavations are happening.
“Exemptions are allowed and further restrictions can be imposed at the discretion of the Building Construction Agency,” the environment Ombudsman said.