Updated | Air Malta pilots reaping what they sowed, airline tells European Cockpit Association
Air Malta says pilots have ignored reasonable consultation for too long

Updated at 5:17pm with statement from ALPA
Air Malta has accused pilots union ALPA of having refused to discuss the financial implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the airline, by repeatedly dismissing offers to reach an agreement.
In a reaction to a statement from the European Cockpit Association, Air Malta said ALPA had refused to discuss a sustainable offer that would have safeguarded the employment of its members.
Air Malta has made redundant over 100 pilots after ALPA refused to discuss a €1,200 monthly salary in a bid to reduce the impact of the pandemic’s ‘zero-revenue’ situation on the airline, whose flights have been grounded.
“ALPA’s attempted display of force, seeking to leverage the company into paying pilots more than other employees in a time of virtually zero revenues is appalling. During times of crisis it comes without saying that all stakeholders should be cooperating to safeguard the survival and long-term viability of the airline, not personal interest,” the airline said.
It also noted ALPA’s attempt to compare proposed salary cuts with European airlines, saying that the union has always refuted such comparisons when asked to fly longer hours and at par with counterparts.
The airline pointed out to the ECA that it had already requested “meaningful consultation” with ALPA but that it was ignored.
“Pilots should not feel entitled to be paid more than other employees, in a situation where its members are at home with absolutely no work and the company is facing economic hardship. While temporary arrangements are necessary to deal with the ongoing crisis, the union has clearly shown that it will leverage its position when presented with the opportunity,” the airline said.
During collective agreement discussions held in 2017, Air Malta had balked at contract and work conditions demanded by ALPA that were much higher than what European counterparts got.
The union had registered an industrial dispute, threatening a strike at a time of record-breaking tourist arrivals in Malta.
Under the current collective agreement, an Air Malta pilot receives an average €212 per hour rate, while those at Ryanair are paid €142/hr, at British Airways €177/hr, at Virgin €196/hr and those at Easyjet are paid €200/hr.
Air Malta pilots fly an average of 660 hours a year whilst those at British Airways and Ryanair fly 820 and 840 hours respectively, an average of 200 hours more for a smaller hourly rate.
Air Malta pilots also enjoy a take-home pay guarantee scheme, ensuring they get an annual minimum pay equal to the best pay from the previous three years.
MaltaToday has also revealed that Air Malta pilots can retire at 55 years of age requesting the company to pay out approximately €680,000 as a lump sum, or 70% of their pay each year up to age 65. Pilots at British Airways have a retirement scheme starting at 59 years of age, with an approximate 20% to 30% pay up to the age of 63.
Air Malta CEO refusing to meet pilots' union - ALPA
In a statement on Tuesday afternoon, the pilots' union said that, despite several requests, Air Malta CEO Clifford Chetcuti had refused to meet ALPA without giving any justification.
"Indeed, it is very strange, to say the least, that the company’s CEO should opt not to participate in discussions which should, in theory, be premised on his strategic guidance and policy direction. Consequently, talks will only resume when the CEO decides to abide by this request," the union said.
ALPA lamented that ever since being "handpicked" by Air Malta, Chetcuti had "embarked on an incessant attack on company pilots through numerous false allegations ranging from abuse of sick leave through false statistics, to gross misconduct, which were never proven."
"It would have beenwiser to embark on a path of reconciliation to resolve a wide array of problems facing air crew however, Mr. Chetcuti has instead opted to launch scathing attacks through local newspapers with the sole purpose of intimidating and tarnishing the Association’s reputation, as well as that of its representatives," it said.
The union said that the national carrier CEO's "offer to accept a 70% pay cut" from a package exceeding €300,000 excluding perks, came after pressure was applied by ALPA to ensure the necessary degree of transparency.
Notwithstanding, senior management members had admitted to ALPA that they have given up just 10% of their salaries, whilst demanding a 90% pay cut from pilots, the union said, adding that it was insisting on a fair, across the board percentage pay cut.
ALPA said it was also offering its solidarity with the Union of Cabin Crew, which it said had fallen victim to management's divisive and convoluted taxes.
It urged Economy Minister Silvio Schembri to "step in and accede to ALPA's request for a meeting before Mr Chetcuti caters any hope of a brighter future for Air Malta.