[WATCH] When pride met prejudice: activists face down evangelist pastor on gay conversion therapy

Gay rights activists picket the site of ‘gay conversions’ by evangelical pastor Gordon-John Manché

Picketing the pastor: Gabi Calleja (left) faces down televangelist Gordon John Manché
Picketing the pastor: Gabi Calleja (left) faces down televangelist Gordon John Manché

It was a meeting of parallel universes, as Gabi Calleja, the head of the Malta Gay Rights Movement later said of her exchange with Gordon-John Manché, the pastor who leads the River Of Love evangelical fellowship. Nothing, it seemed, could bridge the gulf of two identities separated by a belief in the Bible which, Manché said, provides the proof as to why homosexuality is a sin and a lifestyle he cannot agree with.

He fired chapter and verse from the good book. “1 Timothy 1, Galatians 5, 1 Thessalonians 4, Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, 9-12. Oh, and don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah.”

“I’m not happy with you,” he said referring to MaltaToday. His Facebook event ‘Gay No More’ – the testimonials of three gay men who claimed they were converted (from homosexuality) by their belief in Jesus Christ – had angered the gay community, and led to this protest two weeks later. But while Manché found himself overwhelmed by the sudden interest in the conversions of gay men, he inadvertently threw the spotlight on his psychologist wife, Mariella Blackman, who had to deny that she is involved in alleged ‘gay reparation’ treatment.

In an event that briefly stole the show from the current debate on divorce, where religion has often clashed with civil rights, the protestors chanted ‘It’s ok to be gay’ at the windows on the first floor of the Sapphire Suite, the headquarters of the River Of Love fellowship, where worshippers were heard booing them for a few seconds.

Calleja addressed the crowd, saying that while the Evangelical Alliance – the federation of the 14 evangelical churches in Malta – had expressed regret at the offence caused, the MGRM was still not happy.

“Their apology was very nice but it doesn’t calm us. We’re still angry. Although they are free to have their own belief system or believe in any fairy-tale they create, it doesn’t mean we are not concerned at the harm their beliefs are doing.

“We come across many cases where parents send their kids to psychologists thinking they can be cured or healed by ‘Jesus’, and here lies the case of a lot of harm.”

One of the protestors asked Calleja to make a formal report to the Malta Psychologists Association about such abusive therapies. Calleja said the MGRM is in the possession of an alleged event in which a gay person was subjected to so called gay reparation, but refrained from mentioning Blackman by name.

As far as televangelists go, Manché appears to fit the bill. A former ballet dancer, his journey to San Francisco brought him back to Malta to head the Nations For Christ ministry. With his American affectations, and a gratuitous sprinkling of ‘Praise God’ with every imploration he makes, his Smash TV programme attracts curious listeners and believers alike. And outside the Zebbug headquarters of River Of Love, Manché cuts a striking figure with his red-rimmed sunglasses, and purple shirt with double-cuff.

Cyrus Engerer, the PN councillor for Sliema and a gay activist himself, approached Manché, presenting him to Gabi Calleja.

“We don’t hate gays. We don’t hate nobody,” Manché tells Calleja.

“You just hate homosexuality and its expression of it,” Calleja tells him, shaking his hand.

Manché then offered Calleja “help… if you would need us” – to which Calleja responded, “we don’t seek your help… you are being homophobic because you believe homosexuality is something that needs to be changed. It tells parents of young people who are coming out that they children are not ok… You are forcing people to hide what they are, and to not express their desires.”

This became the start of an exchange between activists and Manché, who single-handedly stood up for “his right and [his] community’s right to be free to believe what they like, whether you think it’s a truth or a lie.” At one point, he warded off one his congregation’s members, who came with a bible in hand to quote a verse or two. “Stop it! I have told my congregation to stop it.”

But even though both sides stood firm in their beliefs, and both Calleja and Manché heard each other out civilly, the message went beyond the simple right to believe.

“The reason the gay community is oppressed is because there are many people who believe in that book [the Bible]… and it is also why there are people like ministers who believe the Virgin Mary weeps tears for us,” Calleja said, in a reference to Tonio Fenech’s recent platitude on divorce. She pointed out that religious belief can overstep the simple freedom of worship by suddenly convincing parents that a cure was available for their gay children. “And to be fair, it is not just evangelists like Manché… we can’t forget the Roman Catholic Church either.”

Even so, among the gay activists were members of Drachma, a Catholic community for gay men and lesbians. “We are greatly concerned about claims of healing from homosexuality through the intervention of Jesus Christ. One of the first problems is that Jesus is presented as someone who is against the gay person, and that his love is presented on condition that ‘you’ change.”

Another activist, Neil, was adamant in challenging Manché’s apparent stand to have both sides agree to disagree. “History shows us the greatest evils happened when people stood passive, like the Holocaust.”

Manché stood his ground. “I will defend your freedom of speech, but it doesn’t mean I approve of your lifestyle… Nobody forced these men to do anything.”

But Calleja asked that he stop the testimonials, because of the harm they do to gay youths. “We won’t you to stop affirming people denying who they really are.”

Manché turned to her and asked her if she believed in the Bible. “These people may have gone ‘mad’ because they believe the Lord has changed them, but don’t they have the right to do that? You may say it’s a lie, but they have a right to believe it is their truth.”

And then he went inside the Sapphire Suite, where worshippers could be heard singing. Manché may have upheld his freedom of religious belief, and the alleged testimonials may have been honest inspirational accounts of gay men who have refrained from sexual activity through their belief in Jesus Christ.

But even in this brief encounter of opposite minds, the message that religion cannot be used as a justification for homophobia – or the intolerance towards other beliefs for that matter – rang out loud in the current climate.

Mr Portelli No matter how much you try to sweeten these verse, the fact remains that god encourages us to take, keep and marry slaves against their will. God also tells us that is easy to divorce such slave if the man is displeased with her. God is so in favour of slavery that he also states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations - Leviticus 25:44.
anderson - this is not a matter of free speech or anything. It is a proven fact that a gay person cannot become straight. A gay person can suppress for a time (long or short) his gayness but this will never change. I know this as a fact, as in my days, to suppress our gayness we used to get married, but it took me 5 years of bottling up my gayness before I exploded and did not want to live a lie anymore. You do not know anything about this subject - that's a fact.
Jien nisfida lil Gordon-Jobh Manche' igieghel lil dawk it-tlieta li qalu li m'ghadhomx Gay biex jghaddu min testijiet psikologici u naraw jekk qatt xi darba kienux gay. Jien min ktieb li ghandi fil-pussess tieghi jindika li hemm testijiet jekk verament persuna tkunx gay jew le, imma imkien ma jindika li xi persuna gay tista tinbidel u ssir straight. Hemm diversi stadji ta' kemm persuna tista tkun gay jew straight imma qatt ma jista' jkun li persuna tinbidel min gay ghal straight new vice-versa ghax in-natura hadd ma jista' jibdilha. fuq kollox in-natura halaqha Alla stess, kif qatt ahna nistghu nibdulha jekk mhux b'mezzi sopranaturali. Tista' tbiddlu bniedem, imma min stat mentali tajjeb ghal wiehed hazin ghax dawk il-mezzi li jghidu li juzaw huma kapaci jkissru bniedem u jaghmluh haxixa jew annimal.
@ Patrick Zammit It is very pleasant to see that although you are sceptical and don't believe in the bible and God you still take the time to read it and try to make sense of it, so in a way you are still leaning towards maybe not believing but at least giving the benefit of the doubt to what is written. Though like St.Thomas you want to see or in this case, understand before you believe. I would like to point out that you have a right to your opinion and for you to question things because if we all knew everything and were all good and there was no bad in the world, well really we'd have no need to be discussing these things or anything of the matter! So anyway to respond to the paragraph (Deuteronomy 21, 10:14) you chose to highlight this is my personal view of how to interpret it for those times since it's The Old Testament..so here goes; (21,10:11) When the Lord your God gives you victory in battle and you take prisoners, you may see among them a beautiful woman that you like and want to marry. In this sentence beauty is subjective as beauty here is seen through the eyes of the captor, the battle referred to is in the time between the Jews and Egyptians it is referring that if you like a woman (in this case we are presented with a woman) and she happens not to be of your same race, believes and want to make her you wife, there is nothing wrong there even if your country is at war and are outside our cultural religion. (21,12:13) Take her to your home, where she will shave her head, cut her fingernails, and change her clothes. This sentence is metaphorically indicating that you allowed to marry (her) and take (her). She must convert to your religion. Also the person (in this case the woman) is allowed to take her time to forget her past (cutting of fingernails) and start anew (shaving the head), by cleaning herself spiritually and to look forward and change her life around (change her clothes). (21, 13) She is to stay in your home and mourn for her parents for a month; after that, you may marry her.) Again indicating to wait for the person regardless of what they are going through allowing them to get rid of the problems that are weighing them down which will pass with the right amount of time (when referring to a month again metaphoric, it can take more but in this case it's meant to not take advantage of the situation the person is going through when they are especially not in their right mind). Especially if the person is willing to leave behind their religious beliefs and ready to commit to yours. (cause for two people to marry by church not civil, they have to be of the same religion). Also it gives a chance for the man here to realise if he is marrying out of lust and a month whilst living in the same home would have pretty much helped him to decide. (21, 14) Later, if you no longer want her, you are to let her go free. Since you forced her to have intercourse with you, you cannot treat her as a slave and sell her. Clearly here it is being said that if you did an ill deed during the relationship (before marriage), for example defiling the woman out of lust without her consent she is allowed to go her way free with no shame, mistreatment from physical abuse or paying her to leave (like a prostitute) Although in those times it could have been that if you had intercourse before her conversion to the new religion and being married, obviously for those times there was nothing binding them together, so the woman was free to go with no shame. So in no way is this paragraph indicating to marry and divorce someone at you own will, or marry for sex and leave the said person when fed up of them, it is mostly analysing the wrong doing and bad intentions which come out of lust consequently by forcing someone in sexual activity. In our modern society these things are not exactly unheard of so when you read and quote the bible take the time to understand what is being told.
Hawn tal-biża' dawn l-evanġelisti. L-agħar ħaġa li nistgħu nagħmlu hu li nieħduhom biċ-ċajt. (Tal-biża' wkoll l-Ingliż mgħaffeġ li smajt hawnhekk miż-żewġ naħat.)
@ A Portelli I can give you a lot of examples and I am sure you know what I’m talking about. But I will limit myself to just one. Do you believe the bible to be the word of god? If so, why does god encourages us to keep slaves, marry one we fancy and divorce her once she becomes displeasing? This is found in Deut 21, 10 to 14. This however, is not the only reference in the bible where god shows us that slavery and divorce are not immoral. The crucial question is; is the bible really the word of god or can we simply endorse the bits we want and ignore the rest which plainly show that god is not the being the catholic church wants us to believe he is? By ignore, I mean coming up with excuses like say they should not be taken literally, say that they were mistranslated etc.
Words of God? As is God ever had pen and pencil and written down anything. All this b..s.. is what somebody thinks he heard in his sleep or what somebody said that somebody else had said, hundreds of years ago. Israel had a point to make about it's origins and spent millions of dollars in surveys and excavations trying to prove that Moses really existed or that the Israelites really escaped from Egypt. Well after decades of investigations they have not found one iota of proof of all this. The Egyptians left thousands and thousands of writings on there walls, on papyrus etc., about their life, their victories, their defeats, well about everything. Not even one reference was found about the seven plagues, or about the Israelites, or about Moses.
Nahseb l-ahhar persuna li dehret fuq il-filmat turi ezatt kemm jemmnu fit-tolleranza ghax kien qieghed hemm biex izebblah bin-nies...nahseb jekk ihossuhom li m'hemmx tolleranza fil-konfront taghhom, iridu jitghallmu l-ewwel igiebu rispett lejn haddiehor. BTW jiena la jien kristjan u lanqas homophobic...
@ Patrick Zammit Just because you read a couple of paragraphs from the bible you think you can really pass such a hateful untrue judgement! It truly shows that you not only have not understood anything from the Bible, but you lack the insight and blessings from God to understand it. The Bible is a great source of information not just how to live your life religiously but also to live as good a person, and by no means am I saying that if you're gay you're bad, this is not the point I'm trying to make & I have no right to judge. If you truly ever did read the Bible especially from The New Testament you will realise that it is all about love, forgiveness, humbleness, tolerance. So I don't know where you got your view of quote "lies, contradictions & slavery." It is also a book of history and we all know that in the old times their were slaves, it is no big news, is it?! Don't make it sound bigger than it is because it is very easy to make light on things you only unfortunately misunderstood, as again clearly you truly have no idea of what you're talking about. What you probably read you misinterpreted and I'm sure you read The Old Testament which yes its harsher but than people were more harsh themselves with no morals. So please stop, read, understand than speak as The bible is not only a story that someone made up, but when you read it over and over with a clear mind and when you pray to God to help you understand His words, than you will see that it is full of messages and you don't have take it only literally but you have to read in between lines as it is complex, from just one sentence you can shore out different arguments. So stop your hate, as that is definitely not helping in holding and legitimizing your argument. Even though you send the message that you don't believe in God and that He is bad (only for you please note) He is still now by your side taking care of you and your family, now that is The Love of God! God Bless You.
Human Torch, Zebbugi, JCC naqbel magħkom. Ħafna Ingliżati biex taparsi jafu iktar minn ħaddieħor.
Why is it that in almost each shot there is a policeman in view? THIS is what is worrying in Malta. This looks like a police state. Do the authorities believe that just because people of opposing views meet, they will trade blows? And it's not the church which is responsible for this.I think this whole stupid debate which is going on right now is distracting us from the real issue: that this is still a nanny-state.
Wow...now there are distant rumblings of yet another battle to come...one correspondent belows condemns the use of English as says it's "sickening". Oh dear, oh dear, what have we come to!!!!
You simply cannot shore up any argument by quoting the bible. The bible has contradictions, lies etc galore. Should we reintroduce slavery just because through the bible, god encourages us to keep (and marry and divorce) slaves?
Dak il-kelb x'kien; gay jew reporter? Bis-serjeta' issa. Tergghux tigu Haz-Zebbug (il-benniena tal-Malti) tqazzuna bl-Inglizati.
Wara li rajt din il Clip aktar thassibt minhabba il Lingwa Maltija li qed titmermer milli minhabba dawn it teatrini!!!! Din problema veru.
Perhaps they should start quoting from the Secret Gospel of St Mark and how Jesus 'spent a nite' with a young man who went to him for salvation. Christianity as we know it today is the one strain that survived. The Gnostics are gone. The Ebioniste are gone. the Marcionites are gone! The Nazzarenes are gone! All that is left is for the orthodox to p#ss off and the world will be a far better place without them! Jilhqu salib haddiehor truly describes Malta's pathetic Roman Catholics including one MLP politician.
All this b.s. quoted from the Bible. Which in itself is just a collection of made up stories to suit the agendas of the day. Word of God? PROVE it.
To Anderson - people are not free to stuff up the lives of others. It is neither a fundamental human right nor a civil right that people mislead others into thinking that sexual orientation can be switched on and off.
Why is all this taking place in English? It is sickening.
Just in! ---> There's no god
Come on Gaby, this is a free country. If there were people who wished not to be homosexual anymore it's their rightful choice as much as any homosexual has a right to be respected as a human being.