PL mounts pressure on Fenech, 'will produce witnesses he refuses to hear'

UPDATED | The Labour Party has reacted to Finance minister Tonio Fenech statement that he will be seeking legal redress to counter what he defined as his “character assassination” and said that the party will be "producing witnesses the minister refuses to hear."

In a series of statements, Tonio Fenech and the PL have engaged in a war of words, evolving around a call for the minister's resignation in the wake of a series of politically sensistive issues that have rocked the ministry over the past weeks.

Fenech, who reacted to Labour that called on Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to take action, insisted that he is being a target of political and character assasination.

“The ball is in the Prime Minister’s court,” Labour said, adding that should the Prime Minister not act to remove Tonio Fenech from office, he would be “condoning what Fenech is involved in.”

In his reply, Tonio Fenech reiterated his attack on Labour leader Joseph Muscat last Tuesday, and stressed that he is a victim of “character assassination” whereby he is being targeted for no reason.

“Joseph Muscat has no political or economic arguments to face the ministry of finance, and this is why he is attacking me,” Fenech said.

He added that the attacks in his regard are “dry and weak” and clearly show that Labour intend to assassinate him politically.

“The minister will continue to take all the necessary legal steps to defend his name according to law,” a finance ministry statement said later.

But in another statement, Labour said that it looks forward to produce "witnesses that Tonio Fenech refuses to hear," in relation to the cases in question.

The PL said that it is interesting to note that Tonio Fenech is insisting that he has no regrets and won't carry political responsibility, and again called for the Prime Minister to take action.

Sur Navarro Bil lista li nizzilt messek ghamilta bl-inglis ghax smajt li l madonna bl-inglis biss taqra .Kemm tibki aktar kieku U hallina sur Fenech jiena malli dhalt int fil politika kelli fidi fik izda malli taqra l lista tas sur navarro bil fors jkollok tbiddel fehemtek
Phillip Martin Micallef
miskin dal povru umillissimu ragel.................jien ghallija SANTO SUBITO................pls nistu l-qarreja ta MT naghmlu petition u niprezentawa l - VATIKAN
Imma sur ministru, kemm tiflah tkun pastaz w arroganti? The issues that have been mentioned are the result of bad administration. Now it does not matter whether you've seen some reports but not all, neither does it matter that you seem to be on the right side of the law. What matters is that these arising issues have come about with a lack of transparency. Why are you so surprised that the opposition is calling for your resignation? I would think that many people who are not PL supporters will also want you to tend in this resignation or else the PM to take some form of action. It is not enough anymore for anyone of you to smile and make up philosophical statements such as "temmnux dak li nghidu imma araw dak li naghamlu", the time for these theatrics has passed. We want accountability, you should know what that means, right?
I have many times labelled him as a hobbyist in finance, but now even at the level I’m having my doubts!
Nothing new with this guy. He thinks he is God's gift to mankind. Pity they don't nominate him for the Nobel Price in Economics. This guy pretends to be a saint but he is more like a Pharisee; all self-righteous and perfect who thinks that all others are bad and evil. Hypocrite! Resign!!
@ Mark Navarro: Mark, insejt ftit miljuni fejn jidhol id-dejn li ghamel dan il-Gvern tal-Money no Problem. Tinsiex li l-Labour halla 450 miljun lira Maltin meta spicca mill-gvern. Dawn jammontaw ghal bejn wiehed u iehor 1,062,000,000 ewro (BILJUN ewro). Barra minn hekk il-gvern dahal garanti ghal Biljun ewro ohra ghall-korporazzjonijiet. U jien nghid li ma nafux kollox. Bidla fil-gvern BISS tista tifqa' il-buzzieqa tal-finanzi fis-sod. Jien nghid li ahna aghar mill-Grecja, mill-Irlanda u mill-Portugall. Iz-zmien jaghtina parir. Mela jekk nghoddu kollox insibu li hemm dejn ta' l fuq minn SITT BILJUN ewro. U tinsiex ukoll, li dawn qerdu u bieghu il-fided kollha tal-pajjiz. Anki l-ajruplani tal-Air Malta. Dawn darba kienu propjeta' taghna, issa qed nikruhom.. U fejn marru dawk il-miljuni kollha ?. Fi bwiet min sabu ruhhom ?.
If this mental case does not resign and Dr.Gonzi continues to defend him, then the Maltese people have only one choice and that is to demonstrate and demand Fenech's resignation, not only from the Ministry of Finance but also as a member of parliament. Remind me guys, who used those famous words,"THAT IS YOU DO NOT COMBAT CORRUPTION, THEN YOU CONDONE IT." One more notation, has anyone noticed how the clams in the cabinet have all gone into their hard shells. What are they afraid off or perhaps all that is happening is normal in every ministry of this cuckoo's nest?
“character assassination”. That's a laugh. To be the victim of a “character assassination”, one has to have a character to start with. Something that this boy is sadly lacking.
Il ministru Tonio Fenech ghandu jirrizenja kemm jista jkun malajr ghax ma tistax tghamel dawn l-affarijiet drastici kollha ta hawn taht u tibqa ministru! L-iskandlu monumentali d-Dipartiment tal-VAT Minkejja li tnehha kull forma ta’ sussidju u nghataw diversi amnestiji fiskali, id-deficit tal-Gvern baqa’ fl-istess livell u d-dejn pubbliku jlahhaq il-€4.3 biljun (68% tal-PGD) It-tariffi esageratament gholjin tad-dawl u l-ilma li ghaffgu tant nies Il-frejjeg kbar ta’ ARMS Limited Is-safra b’xejn fuq il-jet-executive ta’ zewg negozjanti ewlenin biex imur jara partita futbol tal-Arsenal Ix-xoghol ‘bi pjacir’ li kienu qed jaghmlulu l-ahwa Montebello fid-dar tieghu bhala ‘senserija’ ghall-bejgh tal-Jerma Baqa’ ma hallasx ta’ kulma kellhom jiehdu ta’ Rainbow Turnkey u ppretenda li jinghata discount fuq il-bilanc Baqa’ ma ghamilx libell dwar dawn l-allegazzjonijiet ta’ Charles Magro Iddikjara li mhux se jimpjega “xi cuc Malti” bhala CEO tal-Air Malta Ammetta pubblikament li ma jhallasx VAT ghas-servizz moghti mis-seftura tieghu L-ekssegretarju privat ta’ Fenech, Noel Borg Hedley jinstab hati ta’ korruzzjoni talli ndahal f’isem l-ahwa Montebello rigward stimi ta’ proprjetà u multi
Dan dahlitlu xi banana f'ghajnejh?!?! Lil Madonna biss ra tibki? ... lil poplu mux qed jarah jibkilu biex jirrizenja?
IRREZENJA ja bicca ta' IPOKRITA u tkomplix ddahhaq nies bik!
Ian George Walker
Tonio Fenech should ponder on this: Fenech has a lot to learn from this man about ethics and integrity.
This is not the first time that Tonio Fenech has threatened to sue somebody - but he rarely follows through. And when Charles Magro made very serious allegations against him, Fenech did not sue him - instead he sued te joutnalists who reported the allegations!
Dear Tonio cucmalti Fenech. The contractor who carried works at your home is still waiting for you to sue him for libel. I should say that this is a deja vu tactic in that you are trying to scare off Labour by seeking legal redress.
What an outrageous cheek. Dear San Tonio cucmalti Fenech, I think that you had better contact the Madonna to help you. Because your accountability has fallen to being ROCK BOTTOM. And dont try to put the blame on who is doing the duty. What do you expect of Joseph Muscat ? That he should applaud you for all those shortcomings ? Well done Joseph keep it up.
Calling for accountability is not character assassination. . His Holeyness Tonio Fenech is engaging in a very common trick of threatening or announcing an intention to go to the courts, thereby pretending to be the injured party, and then never following up on that threat or letting it fizzle away quietly.
So Mr. Fenech or should I address you as Mr. Incompetent, who will you call as witnesses? The entrepreneurs that took you on their plane to see a football match? The contractors whom you did not pay for work rendered? The housekeeper whom you employed but did not pay her due taxes? The X secretary who admittedly took bribes and paid for your political career which you now turned into a fiasco? OR THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY WHOM YOU CLAIMED TO BE SO DISTURBED BY EVENTS IN MALTA? And are you sure SHE was not talking about your ministry of finance and how crimes of fraud are being committed? You have cast such a bad omen on this GONZIPN administration, that one would not hesitate to label it a CUCKOO'S NEST. Please go and see a psychiatrist ! You have mental issues !
Luke Camilleri
Ma marx jaghmel il-Libelli l-Qorti Dr. Tonio Fenech ! Hargitlu xi tahrika li ma hallasx in-N.I. tas-seftura?
Luke Camilleri
Jilghab Home irrid Dr. Tonio Fench ! L-ghazla tal-Imhallef f'idejn min?
Mario Pace
I couldn't stop laughing when i read this article. Look who's talking about charachter assassination!!!!!!!!!!!! As if the PN in't the "PERCIMES" in these kind of things. Have Miniter Fenech forgotten what they did and how they treated Dr.Alfred Sant. We al remember those posters during the election and all kind of other things. Kemm insew malajr fejn iridu dawn. U ddahaqniex Ministru jew din ukoll qaliielek il-madonna sabiex tamel kawza lill PL.
The saintly minister plans to "take all the necessary legal steps to defend his name according to law" Great. OMG does that mean that the general election is also round the corner? We're used to hearing about good prospect of oil findings or a couple of libel cases thrown around when things get real hot. Yes dear PM the ball IS in your court.
The Minister is absolutely right. He doesn't need any help from the PL on this matter as he is doing a great job of it already. He'll can probably give some sound advice to Strauss-Khan how to handle such situations.
Paroli fil vojt. Ma tarax mhux sejjer tmur il qorti. U hemm trid tiddefendi ruhek, w tispjega fid-dettal il balbuljati mohbijja tieghek sur Ministru. Zball zghir wiehed bizzejjed. Meta kont int stess li ghad li taf li is-seftura tieghek ma thallax bolla jewn VAT. U dan mill Ministru tal Finanzi. L'Ingilterra, ministri irrizzenjaw ghal hafna w hafna inqas. Imma Malta hadd ma jirrezenja. Hadd.
Imissu ilu li rrizenja dan il-Qaddis li jara l-Madonna tibki.
Ma nafx kif Tonio ma fetahx kawza lis-sur Magro li ccalingjah kemmildarba biex jagjhmel hekk, wara akkuzi serjissimi.Imma l-Ministru ghal xi raguni jew ohra m'accettax l-isfida u issa lanqas jekk irid ma jista' ghax iz-zmien li kellu biex jaghmel dan gie preskritt. Imma forsi dak li ma ma riedx li johrog il-Ministru, issa jista' jsir mill-oppozizzjoni u jressqu lil Magro bhala xhud !. Mhux hekk , Tonio.
Guys immaginawh liebes ta' abbati fl-istampa t'hawn fuq. Kemm hu gustuuuz :D
Il-Ministru Fenech messu ghamel bhal ma jaghmel kull Ministru iehro fl-Ewropa li meta jigri kaz bhall ma gara joffri r-rizenja tieghu mill-ewwel u mhux jaqghod jgranfa mal-poter. I kien messu ilu li rrezenja meta ammetta li haddem lil xi wahda bhal ktieb tax-xoghol u ma thallasx bolla (Balla), l-Ingliterra kien hemm ministru prominenti li rrezenja fuq l-istess haga ghax haddem lil xi imigrant illegali mieghu. U hawn Alla jbierk irid ikun hemm xi rapport falz biex NIRREZENJAW. U hallina ghax se ninqasmu bid-dahq dalghodu. Il-gurnata t-tajba lil kullhadd.