Charmaine Gauci denies rumours she has resigned: ‘I am happy doing my job’
Public Health Superintendent Charmaine Gauci tells MaltaToday that she is 'committed to continue safeguarding the public's health' as she denies rumours of her resignation

Updated at 12:45pm with Charmaine Gauci's comments
Charmaine Gauci has denied rumours of her resignation, telling MaltaToday that she was happy doing her job.
Perplexed by the rumour that has been making the rounds since Tuesday, the Public Health Superintendent said: "I never thought about resigning. I am happy doing my job and remain committed to safeguard the public's health."
Earlier, a high-level spokesperson for the health ministry had also denied the rumour that has been doing the rounds on private WhatsApp groups and social media.
Gauci has led all medical bulletins so far on the COVID-19 situation.
The rumour suggested that Gauci had resigned over disagreement on the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions she had previously imposed.
However, when spoken to by MaltaToday on Thursday afternoon, Gauci flatly denied the rumour. "I am committed as ever to continue serving," she said.
The campaign mounted by a few against the Superintendent of Public Health has reached new levels with fake news implying her resignation. I am sure that petty rumours will only strengthen the sterling work by @CGauci1 towards our country's 🇲🇹normality. - RA
— Robert Abela (@RobertAbela_MT) May 21, 2020
Gauci has distinguished herself as the reassuring face of Malta’s front-line health defence.
Her assertive and calm delivery gave the country an institutional reference point, and in her daily briefings she also had a key role in addressing public concerns and creating a firewall against misinformation and conspiracy theories.
Her non-political role as a public health professional has been a breath of fresh air for a country where politicians appropriate most of the airtime. Gauci has also distinguished herself for confidently answering questions from the media in a professional way, acting as a trailblazer for other public officials in other sectors.
So far the COVID-19 crisis in Malta has been remarkably handled, with a control on new infections allowing a gradual re-opening of establishments, which appears to be strongly endorsed by Prime Minister Robert Abela.
Abela's enthusiasm for reopening has amplified the contrast with the more sober approach of his deputy, health minister Chris Fearne, and the cautiousness of Gauci.
Il-professjoni medika hija mnebbħa minn vokazzjoni. Bħal kull vokazzjoni l-ħidma tirrikjedi sagrifiċċji, dedikazzjoni u...
Posted by Charmaine Gauci on Thursday, 21 May 2020