[WATCH] 56-year-old man is eighth coronavirus death, no new cases overnight
13 new recoveries registered in the last 24 hours

Malta registered its eight death of COVID-19 on Friday, while 13 patients recovered.
No new cases of COVID-19 were registered overnight, Public Health Superintendent Charmaine Gauci conformed, with 1,193 swab tests carried out.
The 56-year-old man who died on Friday suffered from a number of health conditions, the health ministry said.
The man had been receiving treatment at Mater Dei on the 16 May, and was confirmed positive for the virus on 17 May.
Malta now has 94 active cases of the virus, after 514 recoveries were registered.
Detailing the four cases identified on Wednesday, Gauci said they were a 33-year-old Maltese woman and two carers of Indian nationality, aged 33 and 23 respectively, who work at Karin Grech Hospital.
OFFICIAL COVID-19 figures for 29•05•2020 Chris Fearne | MaltaGov | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate | Covid19 Malta
Posted by saħħa on Friday, 29 May 2020
The other case is a 53-year-old Maltese woman.
Thirteen patients are being cared for at Boffa Hospital, six at St Thomas Hospital and six at Mater Dei.
A patient that had been treated at Mount Carmel Hospital, has been sent home, Gauci confirmed.