Police association peeved off by PM’s COVID amnesty
Malta Police Association says PM’s proposed amnesty on public health fines is insult to force

The Malta Police Association has called out Prime Minister Robert Abela over his declaration that people fined for breaching social distancing rules could receive amnesty.
The association called the PMs declarations “insulting to members of the police corps” who have risked their personal health to carry out their duties.
The MPA also said that the comments were also insulting to the majority of people who were disciplined and abided by regulation issued by government.
“While the association feels that people should be educated not fined when possible, we believe that the courts and the justice tribunal have the power to decide the outcome of every decision without political pressure,” it said.
The union reminded how police work has increased, not slowed down, since restrictions started to be lifted, in order to ensure that regulation is adhered to.
“The union asks how police officials will be allowed to carry out their duties in light of the PM’s declarations?” it said.
L-Malta Police Association tagħmel referenza għad-dikjarazzjonijiet li saru mill-Prim Ministru Dr. Robert Abela aktar...
Posted by Malta Police Association on Sunday, 31 May 2020
In his Sunday address, the Prime Minister said that government will be looking at launching an amnesty mechanism for those who have been fined over breaking social distancing rules.
“These people are not criminals,” he said.
He said that he witnessed a number of people who were mistakenly for getting too close to each other.
“The MPA remarks that people who don’t wear a seat belt or park their car illegally are also not criminals, and so we feel that such a decision could result in discrimination over other contraventions.”
The union also said that members of the police corps have been threatened for trying to carry out their work as determined by a number of legal notices.
“The MPA appeals for work carried out by policemen and women to be respected,” it said in the statement.
Police Officers Union ask PM to clarify amnesty statement
The Police Officers Union also reacted to the PM’s declarations, stating it will be writing to Robert Abela over further clarification of his statement.
“While we agree with the PM that these people are not criminals, and naturally it is not in our interest to see the public being fined, the fact of the matter remains that police dedicated a considerable number of resources on enforcement,” it said.
The POU also expressed its concern that if social distancing measures are once again reintroduced, the enforcement of such measures will be harder to carry out given the public’s perception that no consequences will be felt.
Ftit minuti ilu l-Onorevoli Prim Ministru Dr.Robert Abela ħabbar li dawk il-membri tal-pubbliku li ġew multati għax...
Posted by Police Officers Union on Sunday, 31 May 2020
The union also said that it believes that measures issued by government were instrumental in the country’s success in dealing with the coronavirus.
“That is why we believe in the importance of enforcing such measures,” it said.
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