PN executive to continue discussing party restructuring
Nationalist Party deputy leader David Agius says efforts towards restructuring the party continued during the pandemic

The Nationalist Party executive will be meeting next week to continue discussing amendments to the party’s statute.
In a press-conference on Wednesday, PN deputy leader David Agius said that members of the executive have already received an email telling them that a series of meetings will be held on the weekend of the 12 June, where party restructuring will be discussed.
“Even during the pandemic, our work towards restructuring the party continued,” Agius said.
Among the items up for discussion is the approval of the party’s candidate commission, which needs to be approved by the administrative and legislative branches of the party.
In July 2019, former PN minister Louis Galea was tasked with carrying out a reform within the party.
He had insisted the job to seek unity was not one person’s work.
“For this exercise to succeed genuine goodwill and sacrifices are needed from all those who have the party’s future and national interest at heart.”
Galea promised to conduct his work independently, impartially and with fairness.