Transgender case 'going straight to European Court of Human Rights' - lawyer

Joanne Cassar, a post-op transgender woman who has been fighting for the right to marry her partner since 2006, this morning technically lost an appeal filed by the Attorney General Peter Grech.

Updated at 12:59pm, with MGRM reaction.

In an unusual ruling that her lawyers plan to contest in Europe, the Court of Appeal acknowledged that the fundamental rights accorded to Ms Cassar by articles 8 and 12 of the convention had been breached.

But the Court also observed that other remedies were available outside of marriage, and that the State should pass legislation to formally recognize such unions while stopping short of granting full marriage rights.

The court also upheld the AG’s argument that the surgery undergone by Ms Cassar was not enough for the State to recognize her gender as female, despite having amended her birth certificate from male to female. This, the Court noted, had been done in order to respect her privacy and spare her any embarrassment.  

Cassar’s lawyers told MaltaToday that the case was now heading “straight for Strasbourg.”

“They have put Joanne Cassar through hell, we will be demanding higher compensation,” Dr Jose Herrera, who assisted Ms Cassar together with Dr David Camilleri, said.

Cassar’s battle began in May 2006, when the Registrar of Marriages refused to issue marriage banns for Cassar and her fiance on the grounds that the Marriage Act prohibited unions between persons of the same gender – and despite the fact that Cassar’s birth certificate had been amended post-surgery to reflect her gender change.

Cassar took the Marriage Registrar to court, and on February 12 2007, after noting that the proposed union did not contravene any provision of the Marriage Act, Mr Justice Gino Camilleri upheld her request and ordered the director of Public Registry to issue the necessary marriage banns.

But the registrar appealed, and in his decision to overturn the ruling in May 2008, Mr Justice Joseph R. Micallef observed that while the Marriage Act defined marriage as a union “between a man and a woman”, Maltese law offered no legal definition of either gender. The court therefore took into account various definitions, including an affidavit signed by the former chairman of the parliamentary bio-ethics committee, Dr Michael Asciak, who wrote: “after gender reassignment therapy, a person will have remained of the same sex as before the operation.”

Cassar challenged this ruling in the Constitutional Court. Last November Mr Justice Raymond C. Pace cited a previous European Court of Human Rights ruling (Christine Goodwin vs. UK) which established that a ban on transgender marriage, of the kind imposed by the lower courts in previous rulings, violated Article 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights on the right to marry, to which Malta is signatory.

In their reaction, the Malta Gay Rights Movement said that the Court did not recognise the right of the post-operative transgender woman to have her affirmed gender identity recognised by law, adopting the narrowest possible interpretation of gender based solely on biological criteria.
"The MGRM holds that the failure of the Maltese Constitutional Court to recognise Joanne Cassar as a woman goes against the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights as expressed in Goodwin vs UK and other recent judgements and also jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice," coordinator Gabi Calleja said.
"As reiterated in the Proposed Gender Identity Act for Malta MGRM holds that gender identity is a matter for the individual to decide and that the State is duty bound to respect this identity by granting full and effective legal recognition. Anything less than this violates the right of the individual to self-determination and often leads to a violation of the transgender person’s rights to private and family life.
"This implies the right of women like Joanne Cassar who have satisfied all the legal requirements to change their gender to then marry a person of the opposite sex, in this case a man," Calleja said.

Joseph Sant
The funniest thing about this decision is that Ms Cassar was offered a remedy that does not exist at law! I know it is up to the Courts to interpret and apply the law but it has to be a law that exists on the statute book. There is no law of cohabitation to date so how can the court offer that as a remedy?! The law does not apply retrospectively but it seems our Courts are now applying laws that just might come into force in the future. The mind boggles!
Go, go Joanne, take the buggers to the cleaners.
The Corbett decision has finally been laid to rest. The gender on a birth certificate, which is based purely on an examination of external genitalia at birth, is now only prima facie evidence of gender – but it can no longer be considered conclusive. As Ms Wallbank says, what is between the ears is more determinative than what is between the legs. The courage of Kevin and Jennifer and their legal counsel, Ms Rachel Wallbank, stands as inspiration for all those who struggle for human dignity and the right of all individuals to pursue their own ideal of happiness.
carmel duca
@monique Whooops.... you appear to be correct. PS tried commenting earlier but I got the sum wrong. Why can't we have a spelling test instead of a mathematical problem? Or a trivial pursuit question? Just a thought...
joanne cassar is in my opinion a victim of our time...hopefully real reforms to the hidden power hands that manipulate our lives will happen in the short term...
Lots of readers may not know it, but the morning after pill in Malta is considered as an abortifacent drug on the instigation of people Like the learned Opus Dei doctor. He pushed a lot on such matters when he was appointed chairman of the Bioethics committee. Even on IVF he is pushing the Opus Dei viewpoint. I am still waiting the day when he will try to influence this Curia ass-licker of a government to introduce mutilation of female genitalia. For,make no mistake, the removal of the female clitoris will, in their warped catholic minds, be pleasing to God !!!!
OMG, did it again! You misspelt his name – “Axiak” instead of “Asciak”.. and promised it won’t happen again ;-)
So Dr Michael Asciak remains true to his colours, an assiduous follower of Opus Dei ! This is part of the plans of the Nationalist Party and its leaders, to turn Malta into a chattel of Opus Dei. But your PM does not deign to inform the Maltese of his heinous plan. Obviously supported by the Bishops, who along with Lawrence Gonzi represent the forces of darkness !!
So the court simply amends birth certificates to post-op transgender persons « in order to respect their privacy and spare them any embarrassment” … How very nice of our court!!! But then why doesn’t the court allow transgender people who have not gone through all the transition process, to change their birth certificate? Shouldn’t we also respect their privacy and spare them embarrassment? Completely illogical! Stop discrimination on grounds of gender reassignment!
Islamist fundamentalists (with apopogies to genuine good hearted muslims) pale into insignificance with the kind of reasoning and rethoric of the local "catholic mullahs" in high places running this poor country. Wish Ms Cassar good luck in her persuit to live the life she so much yearns.
The Registrar of Marriages kicked off the whole crap by refusing to issue marriage banns for Cassar and her fiancé and then appealing against the order of Mr Justice Gino Camilleri to issue the banns. That Registrar doesn't give a damn about Joanne's or others happiness. A stickler for his principles and dogmatist.
The Americans are wasting their time looking for the Taliban in Afghanistan. They're right here running our country.
Denying Joanne the right to marry..despite the fact that her birth certificate had been amended? And offering her a pogguti-cookie to sweeten the bitter pill? What damn cheek.
Isabelle Borg
Anke l- qorti Tridna pogguti. Good luck Joanne.
Welcome to the Maltastan- the 'libera'l island led by the PN! Yups! Anke x,ghandek bejn saqajk irrid jindahallek! Once a conservative: always a conservative!
The implication here seems to be that transgender are wacky bonkers who, in case of males, have their thing chopped off to appease them just as, in other cases, psychiatrists administer drugs to balance unbalanced minds.
Rayman Jumbo
This Country never ceases to amaze! Going through such a major surgical intervention is no piece of cake for any male of female who considers Gender Reassignment Surgery as their way forward to be happy in life. It is already bad enough that the State does not offer any help whatsoever even though there is proven medical research that such people do exist i.e. they feel entrapped in the wrong gender. We went one step in the right direction to give such people the right to change their Identity Card and Birth Certificate but today we are going back 20 steps by denying this woman the right to marry a man. When are we going to place Human Rights high on the political agenda of this country? Or are we fearing, yet again, that those men in fancy robes, who supposedly represent God, may cause another stir on this rock just as they are currently doing on DIVORCE. I applaud this Woman for her courage and determination to fight the establishment on breach of her Human Rights.
Take the case to the European Court of Justice because this is Malta in the Flintstones era. Good Luck Joanne
Good luck Joanne!
Joseph Sant
This really beggars belief! So on the one hand the Court says that fundamental human rights have been breached... on the other we say that giving her a fresh birth certificates was only given ex gratia.... and then the cherry on the cake - Ms Cassar is advised by the court to cohabit! Malta - l-art tal-pogguti bic-certifikat!