Fraud charges filed against 32 police officers from the traffic branch
A police investigation into allegations of widespread fraud in the force’s traffic branch has led to charges being filed against 32 officers

Fraud charges have been filed against 32 police officers who formed part of a racket in the force’s traffic branch, the police said on Monday.
The investigation started late last year when a whistleblower gave details of overtime and extra duty abuse within the traffic branch.
The police officers will be charged with fraud, complicity to fraud and making false declarations. No mention was made of money laundering charges.
The charges were filed this morning in the court registry and the hearings will start when a magistrate is assigned to the case.
The police said that charges will be filed against other officers in the coming days.
The widespread abuse had been going on for years with officers claiming payments for extra duties they did not perform, or carrying out extra duties during times when they were supposed to be at work.