Youths against divorce: ‘divorce is a short-term solution’

Anti-divorce youth group ‘Le, B’Rispett Lejn il-Ġejjieni’ said divorce “is a short-term solution”.

Speaking yesterday in front of the family monument in Sliema, movement spokespersons Andrea Pace and Angelo Micallef said divorce is not the solution for those whose marriage has broken down, and the state should provide courses for those who are getting married.

“As a movement we propose laws in favour of the family which strengthen the institution of marriages,” Pace said. “Let us get the house in order not tear it down.”

He added that whilst separated couples should find stability, “this cannot come to the detriment of others.”

The movement also complained about the hurried manner the public has been asked to vote in the referendum: “Everything was done in a too quick manner. There should have first been studies and assessments.”

Pace added that “the selfishness of some individuals should not affect the common good”, and went on to say that the “independence” of the separated couples will eventually be carried by the state.

The movement appealed to the young voters to vote ‘No’ for the “good of society” and urged those who are “embarrassed to say they are voting ‘No’, to encourage others to vote in the same way.”

Joseph Sant
Before you go any further sirs kindly explain your comment: whilst separated couples should find stability, “this cannot come to the detriment of others.” Do you mean that if couples cohabit it would be ok for the common good but if they obtain a divorce and remarry they would be hurting others? Please enigihten me how and why this comes about since I happen to be rather obtuse. . Whilst you are at it kindly also define the "common good", detailing exactly what criteria you use in establishing this concept. . Do you honestly feel comfortable calling people who have gone through the anguish of marital breakdown, including psychological and physical violence and who are now seeking some happiness and stability, selfish? Do you really say that hand on heart without any qualms? . And why should young people intending to vote No feel embarrassed to say so - is it perhaps because in their heart of hearts they know they are only doing so because they are being told (I will stop short of saying forced) to do so?
"Andrea Pace and Angelo Micallef said divorce is not the solution for those whose marriage has broken down, and the state should provide courses for those who are getting married." For once I agree with the LE movement. Of course divorce is not a solution for those whose marriage has broken down. But I ask - is getting an annulment a solution? Is separating a solution? Is cohabiting a solution? Divorce is a solution to people whose marriage has ALREADY broken down irretrievably. The way the LE movement are arguing is as if were this law to pass all and sundry would suddenly file for divorce. Why all this lack of faith in us Maltese might I ask? Regarding studies and assessments, having the entire world apart us and the Philippines entrenching this law is enough proof. If divorce (i.e. rubber-stamping forced cohabitation) was such a bad thing, I'm sure some if not all of the countries in the EU, and Australia, America and other continents or countries within them would have repealed this very bad and evil law, wouldn't they? (sic)
"Andrea Pace and Angelo Micallef said divorce is not the solution for those whose marriage has broken down, and the state should provide courses for those who are getting married." For once I agree with the LE movement. Of course divorce is not a solution for those whose marriage has broken down. But I ask - is getting an annulment a solution? Is separating a solution? Is cohabiting a solution? Divorce is a solution to people whose marriage has ALREADY broken down irretrievably. The way the LE movement are arguing is as if were this law to pass all and sundry would suddenly file for divorce. Why all this lack of faith in us Maltese might I ask? Regarding studies and assessments, having the entire world apart us and the Philippines entrenching this law is enough proof. If divorce (i.e. rubber-stamping forced cohabitation) was such a bad thing, I'm sure some if not all of the countries in the EU, and Australia, America and other continents or countries within them would have repealed this very bad and evil law, wouldn't they? (sic)
These guys are only faithful to their masters in Pieta`- Floriana. Angelo it was your dear PM, who you adore so much, that hastened to call the referendum...Btw...if you really believe that divorce is a social injustice because it is only a temporary solution, what would you call the Ministers' increase BEHIND our backs and the 1.16 Euros he gave to us...tell us Angelo...would you call that injustice? This is not unrelated because for a family to sick together it needs a decent standard of living something that your Masters in Pieta-Floriana have taken away from the majority of our families.
"Good of society"?! "Common good"?! Please explain further dear Angelo. The "good" in your "common good" is good for who? For you I'd guess. And what if it isn't for me and others? I guess we'll have to lump it because us lesser beings aren't brainy as you are to decide what is good four our own selves. Hux hekk? All of you "Lem bla bla bla" guys - GO GET A LIFE!