European Asylum Support Office (EASO) signs seat agreement with Malta
The Seat Agreement between the Government of Malta and the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) was signed today in Brussels. The Agreement governs the relationship between the Government of Malta and the EASO.
The aim of the EASO is to strengthen practical cooperation among Member States on asylum and to improve the implementation of the Common European Asylum System. Its purpose is to facilitate, coordinate and strengthen practical cooperation among Member States on the many aspects of asylum; provide operational support to Member States which are subject to strong pressure on their asylum systems, including the coordination of asylum support teams made up of asylum experts; and to provide scientific and technical assistance for Community policy-making and legislation in all areas having a direct or indirect impact on asylum.
The Agreement was signed by Ambassador Richard Cachia Caruana, Malta’s Permanent Representative to the European Union, and Dr Robert K. Visser, EASO Executive Director. Ms Marta Cygan, Director Asylum and Immigration, European Commission, was also present for the signing of the Agreement
Ambassador Cachia Caruana thanked all those involved in the negotiations of the Seat Agreement and stated that the signing of the this Agreement today marks a major milestone in the setting up of the European Asylum Support Office since it essentially provides the basis for every aspect of the operations of the Agency in Malta. The detailed negotiations that led up to the Agreement’s signature, he added, had covered all relevant issues to ensure that EASO would be able to function as effectively and efficiently as possible and in full collaboration with the Maltese Government.
The European Asylum Support Office will be formally inaugurated on 19 June 2011 at a ceremony at the Auberge de Castille presided over by the Prime Minister. Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, and Justice and Home Affairs Minister, Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici, will also participate in the inauguration ceremony.