Beppe Grillo hits out at Maltese hunters over stork massacre

Italian activist, blogger, comedian and politician has hit out at Maltese hunters over the recent shootings of rare storks and other rare birds as they sought shelter over the Maltese islands.


In his blog, that is read by millions, Beppe Grillo denounced the massacre and also included a video of the shootings.


The activist explained that at least six storks were seen shot down, while another  two injured storks were recovered but had to be euthanized by a vet.

He quoted BirdlifeMalta that  “the sighting of White Storks is a reason for joy in many countries around Europe as they are one of the most majestic species that represent the phenomenon of bird migration. Yet, in Malta their appearance causes enforcement officials and bird watchers to rush to their vehicles to protect them from the brutal hunting we witnessed over the last 24 hours.” 

BirdLife Malta has called on the Office of the Prime Minister to significantly increase minimum penalties for illegal hunting, and permanently revoke licenses for all serious hunting and trapping contraventions, as this scenario repeats itself in the Maltese islands every single migration season.

Luke Camilleri
La l-ghasafar ma jehilsuha u lanqas il-klieb ..mbhal ma spiccat Star bi sparatura ta' senter t' xi selvagg frustrat, minn dawk li jisparaw fuq kollox!
The comments of Drewsome and Haha are so typical of the mentality of the hunting fraternity in Malta. The ongoing poaching atrocities in the name of tradition and sport have become a national embarrassment to the state and yet these so called bona fide hunters cry out indignantly everytime these abuses hits the international press. Just like little children, caught with the hands in the jar, their choice of wording and argumentation ( if you can call it that ) is just as selfish and abusive as the hobby they practice. Calling on the authorities to support their harassment and intimidation of conservationists is a glaring paradox of the state of affairs here in Malta.
The comments of Drewsome and Haha are so typical of the mentality of the hunting fraternity in Malta. The ongoing poaching atrocities in the name of tradition and sport have become a national embarrassment to the state and yet these so called bona fide hunters cry out indignantly everytime these abuses hits the international press. Just like little children, caught with the hands in the jar, their choice of wording and argumentation ( if you can call it that ) is just as selfish and abusive as the hobby they practice. Calling on the authorities to support their harassment and intimidation of conservationists is a glaring paradox of the state of affairs here in Malta.
Luke Camilleri
The TRUTH HURTS, and not only to the massacred birds! How can anyone in his right mind approve and defend such a massacre and such a massacre? Well Done Beppe! You are the voice of nature Lovers…and we do have some over here in Malta though their voice is often stifled by LOUD Maltese so called “hunters”! It is only when some criticism comes from abroad that tends to make news and get some action taken!
George Zammit
You guillible hypocrite, Beppe, and screw you, Birdlife. Italy is has one of the worst poaching/trapping records in Europe but dear Beppe forgets all that and gleefully parrots Birdlife's deja vu crap. And as for Birdlife, well, what's new. Maybe a dozen? storks out of 600-700 were killed/shot at, a number of arrests were made and all this out of season and by a handful of criminals. You pathetic bunch of whiners. Just got to smear us all over the worls, dont you, probably in some desperate attempt to use poaching by a criminal minority to overturn your "Illegal Spring Hunting" fiasco. You fanatics are as sick and fanatical as the very criminals themselves. A perfect example of the 2 extremes. Yeah, screw you. Your sleazy and anti-malta networking makes me puke.
Jeff Cassar
Il-BirdLife bhas-soltu jimpurthom izjed minn l-ghasfar milli r-reputatzzjoni tal-pajjiz. Tridx johorgu ktieb tat-tip Is Malta Burning u jqasmuh fl-Ewropa. . U dan Grillo ma jafx x'jigri f'pajjizu? .
Just what we need, a bit of positive advertising.
Il-Gvern ghandu jarresta lil dawk ta' Birdlife Malta tal-hsara enormi li qed jaghmlu lit-turizmu barra minn pajjiżna. Morru fuq il-blog ta' Bepe Grillo u araw il-hsara li tal-Birdlife qed jaghmlu. Fejn qeghdin tal-lukandu u r-restoranti halli jifthulhom kawza tal-hsara li qed jaghmlulhom?
Great add for visiting Malta, where are the par idejn sodi?
Kieku l-gemel jara hotobtu jaqà u jmut zoptu.