No new cases as Malta reaches 100,000 swab test milestone
One new recovery registered on Sunday

No new cases of COVID-19 were recorded on Sunday, after 771 swab tests were carried out in the last 24 hours.
Following Sunday’s swab tests, the total number swabs carried out since the pandemic started has now reached 101,937.
Active cases now stand at 11, after one recovery was registered.
Total recoveries now stand at 652, while the total number of cases number 672.
Health authorities said an extra 2040 swab tests were added to today’s KPI to reflect the total amount of tests carried out before March 2020.
Deaths which stemmed from the virus stand at nine.
OFFICIAL COVID-19 figures for 05•07•2020 Chris Fearne | MaltaGov | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate | Covid19 Malta
Posted by saħħa on Sunday, 5 July 2020