Employers: stop mass events immediately or risk COVID-19 regression
MEA calls for responsible action to stop mass events to avoid “social and economic tragedy”

The Malta Employers’ Association has called for a stoppage on mass events after Malta registered an unprecedented spike of 14 cases in one day, nine of which are connected to a party at the Radisson Hotel in St Julian’s.
The MEA said authorising mass events like parties and feast marches was “ridiculous” and risked reversing all the gains made against the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Malta.
“There can be no winners if there is a surge in cases brought about by mass events. Besides the obvious impact and dangers posed to public health, many employers and employees have made tremendous sacrifices in the battle against COVID-19 – lost productivity, reduced pay packet, working flexibly, mandatory quarantine for vulnerable groups among others.
“Most companies have coped by digging into internal reserves to avoid declaring redundancies, but they will not hold out if there is a second wave, especially if it is of our own making by surrendering in to pressures by some lobbies for their short-term interests. Hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ money which have been used to keep the economy afloat and reduce the number of affected persons will have been spent in vain,” the MEA said.
The MEA said that if schools remain closed in September due to the virus, there will be chaos in the labour market. “Even the tourism industry stands to lose from a sustained spike in cases, as the recovery will take much longer than anticipated. We would have capriciously given up the advantage of promoting ourselves as a safe and family friendly destination to appease the myopic interests of a few operators.”
MEA stressed that should Malta be forced to go into lockdown again, thousands will lose their jobs. “Government cannot say that mass gatherings are being allowed due to pressure from employer bodies, since most employers are definitely against taking such unnecessary risks.”