Man on the run for University lab theft charged
Third person wanted for attempted theft of University chemistry department arraigned in court after month on the run, released on bail

A third person has been charged in connection with an attempt to steal items from a laboratory at the University of Malta.
The man, 35-year-old Jonathan Degiorgio, was arraigned in court on Monday after having been on the run for a month.
Degiorgio was charged with having been part of a theft attempt from the University’s Chemistry and Pharmacology Building on 25 June at 2pm, with the crime having been aggravated by the number of persons involved in the commission of the offence, the way in which it was carried out, and the value of the goods involved, which exceeded €2,329.
He was also accused of having failed to abide by bail conditions, connected to a previous case and imposed on him in September 2018.
The court heard how Degiorgio had failed to sign his bail book for a month. He was arraigned in court after the police succeeded in finding him following a period on the run.
Degiorgio pleaded not guilty to the charges.
The prosecution argued against bail, saying the accused had no fixed address.
In its request for bail, however, the defence argued that the other two alleged perpetrators in the crime had been granted bail.
The man’s father also gave testimony, saying that Degiorgio was residing with him.
In light of the arguments made, the court granted the accused bail.
Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit presided.
Lawyers Franco Debono and Amadeus Cachia appeared for the accused.
Inspectors Joseph Mercieca and Colin Sheldon prosecuted.