Schools to open on 28 September, Education Minister says
Owen Bonnici tells parliament experience gained from Skola Sajf will help government in ensuring all necessary procedures are in place when schools reopen

Schools will open on the 28 September, Education Minister Owen Bonnici said in parliament on Monday.
Bonnici said experience gained from Skola Sajf will help in the safe opening of schools in September.
Answering a parliamentary question from Nationalist MP David Thake, Bonnici hailed summer schools as a success from beginning to end.
“Our children have returned to normality,” he said.
Bonnici said all procedures are in place in case a positive case of coronavirus is discovered at one of the summer schools.
His statement comes on the same day the health authorities confirmed that an LSE working at the Luqa summer school tested positive for COVID-19.
A series of guidelines had been issued to parents as part of efforts to stop any potential infections from spreading in schools. These guidelines are also expected to be in force when schools reopen in September.
“Throughout the summer, we have learned and adapted to the new challenges brought about by the pandemic. We aim to take what we have learned in opening Skola Sajf and child care centres, and adapt to schools when the next scholastic year starts.”
The superintendence of public health on Monday said the LSE at the Luqa Skola Sajf came in contact with three classrooms. Contact tracing is underway.
Parents of children have been asked to book a swab test.