Hamrun band clubs donate to Dar Tal-Providenza
Hamrun band clubs donate funds intended for annual feast to Dar Tal-Providenza
Għaqda tal-Mużika San Gejtanu and Soċjetà Mużikali San Ġużepp agreed to donate a sum of money, usually spent on feast celebrations, to Dar Tal-Providenza.
Despite experiencing financial difficulties throughout the year, the band clubs felt the need to do their part on the feast day of St. Gaetan.
The popular Sunday march celebrating the San Gaetano feast in Hamrun will not be held this year amid a resurgence of coronavirus cases and pressure for the cancellation of mass events.
The Hamrun march, which this year was going to be held on 9 August, is a summer highlight, attracting thousands of people from different localities in a party atmosphere coloured by rivalry.
The feast is organised by the two band clubs – San Gaetano and St Joseph.
The band clubs hope that others who also had their village feasts cancelled due to the COVID-19 spread, contribute to the needs of local charities.
“We hope that our actions set an example for others who have also had their feast cancelled,” the bandclusb said.