AFM inquiry: drug tests negative, soldier who refused test is sacked
Internal AFM inquiry reveals no use of drugs in allegation of ‘cocaine party’ at Hal Far barracks

Internal investigations by the Armed Forces of Malta into allegations of cocaine use amongst a group of soldiers have revealed that no illicit substances were consumed at the place of work.
In a government statement, the AFM said this was corroborated by negative results of urine drug tests taken by all the soldiers involved.
The AFM said however that the only member who refused to take the test was discharged immediately “in the interest of the service as per related internal policies.”
“The internal investigation still highlighted certain misdemeanours which could have occurred on the day and disciplinary action will be taken accordingly. The AFM reiterates its firm position of zero tolerance policy for the use of illicit substances.”
The AFM launched an internal inquiry into allegations that soldiers held a “cocaine party” at the Hal Far barracks just two weeks ago, when allegations were first brought to light by former servicemen Godwin Schembri.
Schembri was sacked after a mobile phone video of him mocking an ineffective gate at the mouth of the AFM’s shooting ranges, did the rounds on social media.
On Facebook, Schembri posted a series of messages sent to him on the alleged cocaine party held by uniformed personnel, claiming that a certain soldier had refused to take a drug test after the incident. “Is it true that members of the B Company used drugs at the barracks, and were later assigned to protect the French embassy while carrying guns with loaded ammunition?” his Facebook post read.