UPDATE: ‘GonziPN’ in deep political crisis

Government MP Beppe Fenech Adami concedes that the ‘No’ camp  was ‘checkmated’ by the ‘Yes’, as Sunday’s resounding vote in favour of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s divorce bill plunges both Lawrence Gonzi and the Nationalist Party into disarray

Last Sunday’s resounding vote in favour of divorce has triggered an unprecedented political crisis within government and the Nationalist Party, to the extent that MP Beppe Fenech Adami admitted during last Monday’s parliamentary group that the No camp was “checkmated” (gibtuna nitkellmu wehidna).

Fenech Adami’s remark came was made in the wake of a desperate appeal he addressed to the Prime Minister during the meeting, when he asked a puzzled Dr Gonzi to guide the PN parliamentary group on how to vote when the bill comes before the House.

The Birkirkara MP is reported to have addressed Lawrence Gonzi at least three times during the parliamentary group meeting to qualify what he meant by saying that parliament must respect the people’s decision.

“You are my leader, and I need to know how people like myself who clearly have crisis of conscience to deal with on this matter,” Fenech Adami was reported as telling Gonzi.

Contacted yesterday, Beppe Fenech Adami refused to go into the merit of his intervention during the parliamentary group meeting, but stressed that he has a difficult choice ahead.

“I won’t vote against, but I could abstain or even resign,” Fenech Adami said.

He added however that according to his calculations, the Bill will pass, but should there be the remote situation whereby the numbers don’t add up, then he would have to reconsider his position. “As I said, I won’t vote against, but I could abstain or resign.”

But today Beppe Fenech Adami denied saying that he would vote against.  “What I told Karl Stagno Navarra is that I shall be consistent in my stand against the introduction of divorce in Malta.  For the proposed legislation to become law it a parliamentary majority which is required.  I see no problem for such a majority to be acquired."

A number of MPs also confronted the Prime Minister on the way forward and was challenged to say how he will vote in parliament.

Gonzi was the first to call for a referendum on divorce hours after Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando had presented the Private Member’s Bill in July 2010, also leading the PN to adopt a stand against divorce.

A majority of MPs followed the Prime Minister’s lead and declared themselves against divorce, and are now facing the embarrassment of making a U-turn.

But while Gonzi refuses to budge from his position and declare how he will vote in parliament, MPs are venting their anger as they interpret the Prime Minister and his Cabinet’s silence as a choreographed stand by replying only that they will vote “according to conscience.”

MPs Robert Arrigo, Jean-Pierre Farrugia, Jesmond Mugliett, Censu Galea and Franco Debono all spoke on the odd and critical situation the party was in and that there was no easy way out, except by doing the honourable thing of accepting the people’s will and have their vote reflect that will.

Backbenchers are even claiming they have been ‘set up’ by Cabinet, who are hiding behind a rehearsed and vague reply as to how they will vote in parliament, despite a call by the Prime Minister for the House to “respect” the people’s decision.

Contacted yesterday, most backbenchers refused to comment, but some said that they will not accept a situation where Ministers would ‘hide’ behind their assumption of numbers within the house to have the bill passed.

“I will not be the one to be left out to dry to save their face while they comfortably chose to abstain,” an irate MP told MaltaToday.

MP Franco Debono said that “voting No is definitely not on the cards” and added that the time has come for the PN to do some thorough soul-searching and understand the motives behind such disastrous results.

“After the 2009 MEP election result and Saturday’s referendum, the party needs to conduct a thorough soul-searching excercise and listen more to the people,” he said.

Other MPs reacted to how the Prime Minister persists in speaking on behalf of the Church, when he remarked yesterday that he was preoccupied by the tensions towards the Church.

“The Prime Minister must be secular, and should never speak about the Church the way he is, especially when one knows that it was the Church that created the tensions during this campaign,” the MP said.

issa kif tkun geja lelezjoini jibda il biki u nargaw nisimaw bil jobs u isoltu storja ftakru xamel il labour. imma naf zgur li din idarba labour nivota sur gonzi ghax hobzok lest jigri xjigri u jien ghar mili qijad il mewt em wara. jalla jitilaw il labour hali dawk li qedin jihdu izejza tinqatalom.
The PN does not need much soulsearching. We know that the PN has been hijacked by a group whose sole interest is maintaining power - the old battles of the 80s are but a faint memory used only for opportunistic purposes- many in the PN ranks today were never involved in the battles for democracy in the 80s. Why has the PN been deserted by so many activists from those days? They understood that the party had been taken over by a clique. Ta' Kattolici, ta' Latini, Maltin veri, nahilfuh - the old guard must be turning in their graves seeing the current lot of PN leaders. Viva Nerik Mizzi, Viva Herbert Ganado - true politicians, patriots and MEN of the people.
Will Austin Gatt resign now?
Please allow me to dedicate this video to our beloved politicians: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWKKB2iKOmE
The PM has to speak for the church because they're his bosom buddies. Unfortunately, this time they let him down. Log on https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/parir-lill-filippini-kemm-ahna-sbieh-minn-jaf-jarana/
The PM has to speak for the church because they're his bosom buddies. Unfortunately, this time they let him down. Log on https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/parir-lill-filippini-kemm-ahna-sbieh-minn-jaf-jarana/
Congratulations to the YES MOVIMENT for their esteemed work ethic and transparency in their divorce campaign. You truly deserve Malta’s gratitude for taking this country in the 21st.Century. Congratulations to the Maltese people that after decades of religious entrapment had the foresight and wisdom to separate state duties from pastoral allegiance. The courage of this referendum was the courage of conscience. The YES MOVIMENT has demonstrated before this nation their leadership and commitments to equal civil rights for all. Thank you to MR. BALZAN for allowing free space in his media context to be used by anyone with an opinion. This campaign has clearly established that equal rights to end abuse within Maltese society elevated Malta into a proper EU state. To all those that tried to deny this country its progress in a changing society, you should hang your head in shame. To the cabals who were in collusion with the Curia and were crusading to repress and deny our citizens this basic right, may your cups be cleanse from extortion and self indulgence. THIS REPRESENTION EXPOSES A CHURCH THAT HAS LOST CHRIST. Politicians from both sides of the house who have exposed themselves of their ineptitudes that revealed undeserving representation in our parliaments, you are still bound to legislate the will of the people. Hopefully this historic achievement will not be lost in parliamentary division and the courage shown by the majority in their compassion towards a less fortunate minority bear the fruits of a family oriented society. THE WILL OF THE MALTESE PEOPLE WILL NOT BE STOPPED.
Since the PN took an official position against the introduction of divorce before the referendum, now it looks like it's going to be very hard for many PN MP's to vote in parliament. Whatever they vote they will be in an awkard situation, either with their own conscience or with the clear decision of the electorate. Probably the Prime Minister is finding himself in a huge difficult political situation, and if he wants to clear himself once and for all from this issue, he should call a GENERAL ELECTION, and let the people decide again for him, like the people have done last Saturday. He should do like other governments in similar situations do in the EU. When it gets so tough for the party in government, and after conceding a huge defeat, and since Dr. Gonzi campained against the introduction of divorce, he should RESIGN and call an early election. Or maybe they are stuck so much to power!!!!! The people have shown that they think EUROPEAN, now let us see if we have a DEMOCRATIC EUROPEAN government or if we have a FUNDAMENTALIST government, which I'm sure doesn't have a place in the EU! The people want to know clearly to which direction this CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC government is heading.
Lawrence Gonzi Tilef il Kontroll Fil Qasam tax Xoghol. Jekk jogħġbok Dr Gonzi innota li fid-diskors tiegħek li għalqet lahhar gurnata tas seminar lil attivisti tiegħek, wera li inti u l-ministri tiegħek qed jgħixu f'dinja ghalikom u qeghdin seperati mir-realtà. Inti ghedt li l-Gvern tiegħek qieghed jassigura li l-ebda Malti ma jaqgħa lura u qed tghamel kollox bil kontra! Jista 'xi ħaddiem/a fil-Lufthansa Technik Malta jkun kburi bl-introjtu tieghu. Jista 'xi Uffiċjal tas-Sigurtà (Security) jkun kburi meta hu bilkemm jaqla paga minima u biex jtella lpaga jrid jahdem hafna sieghat. Jista 'xi ħadd li jaħdem fis-Settur Edukazzjoni bħala "Supply " jkun kburi bil-kondizzjonijiet tax-xogħol tiegħu meta għandu paga baxxa u il- ' kuntratt jiskadi fl-aħħar tas-sena skolastika. Jista 'xi ħadd li jaħdem bħala pulizija jkun kburi bil-kondizzjonijiet tax-xogħol tiegħu. Jista 'kwalunkwe ħaddiem li jaħdem fl-Air Malta / Corinthia Catering Gourmet Sema / u GO jkun kburi min inċertezza qawwija. Tista 'xi ħadd li tahdem bħala “Sales Girl” go hanut tkun kburija bil-paga taghha. Jista 'xi ħadd li jgħix fuq il-pensjoni jlaħħaq mal hajja?. Ghandna impjiegi ta 'kwalità tajba?Gonzi gideb lil ta L-Air Malta ghax taghhom garanzija mil miktub u issa ha jkecci 600, gideb lil tal monti, tal linja, tat taxis,tal minibuses u tal heirs, dahak bil haddiema tal GO u anka bil haddiema tat Tarzna.Illum wkoll bghat karta lil xi learning Support Assistants li ilhom inqas min 4 snin biex jekk jridu jkomplu xoghol jergaw japplikaw mil gdid u jerghu jipprezentaw ic certificati. Gonzi dahak b’kullhadd u ghalih u ghal ministri hadu zieda ha zieda ta Eur500 fil gimgha u lilna taghna Eur1.16. ) L-Gvern ha jintroduci "Second Pillar Pension" is-sena diehla jigifieri jkonna tnaqqis obligatorju fil-pagi taghna ghax tghola iktar bolla b'mod drastiku. Il-Gvern ta Gonzi ha jagħmel Parlament ġdid u teatru bla saqaf li ha jiswina 100 miljun. Ajhar naqqas it taxxi min fun in negozjanti biex jaqtalom naqa l-ispejjez b'hekk jincentiva lil haddiem. Allura fl-elezzjoni li gejja kif tista tivvota lil GonziPN? Ghandna Iva nghatu cans lil Joseph Muscat ghax bniedem GENWIN
Anthony Galea
It is better to make a U-turn and admit that you were misguided than to persist in burying your head in the sand. The PN can only survive if it weans itself from the Curia and steps into the 21st century. The people have amply demonstrated that they are no longer beholden to what is now a fast declining Church. It is inevitable that Malta follows in Europe's footsteps where churches have all but emptied. This is Malta's spring, when people have overcome their fear of mythical fire and damnation and are thinking with their minds.
GonziPN and team have shown gross incompetencies in their work. Instead of concentrating on the real problems in society which are lack of employment, air malta, the educational fiasco being promoted and nutured by the directors of education and so on, serious environmental problems, etc. etc. felt everywhere. They are still trying to explain and justify what happened last saturday! and ignoring reality. This means that the PN will eventually fall to pieces and it is definitely their fault for not listening to the 'real familiy problems'! The yes vote has shown that persons in Malta can think for themselves and do not heed others advice and artificiality when deciding!!!
Vot ħieles huwa opportuniżmu biex iżomm is-siġġu tiegħek tal-Parlament mingħajr la tfuħ u lanqas tinten. http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/astensjoni-ghalabiebizmu-mir-rieda-tal-poplu/
Joseph Sant
" I . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . solemnly swear / affirm that I wi l l be a r true f a i th and a l l e g i an c e to the PEOPLE and the Republic of Malta and its Constitution. (So help me God) . When MPs take this oath they kiss the crucifix. Do they cross their fingers behind their backs and make a proviso to only follow this oath when it suits them? . I was angered by their stance in the run up to the referendum... now I am thoroughly disgusted.
Forget about religion and Values. This was all political strategy. PN helps Curia so that IVA is defeated. PN calls early election. The Pro Divorce tag is placed on Labour. In its underhand way and through the means well exposed in the referendum the Curia demonises Labour and helps PN to retain power. But thankfully enough the IVA majority and those who stayed home smelt a rat with the result that PN and Curia were left with eggon their faces.
The Maltese nation has finally matured and come of age but apparently not its politicians.
Where have Gonzi's mythical 'Par idejn sodi' gone? Imagine Beppe Fenech Adami resiging! Ha, ha, hee, hee - the joke of the century. Which politician resigns?
Karl Stagno Navarro is saying alot of rubbish in this sensational article. He hasn't understood anything. The two sides are doing their maths and in the light of their findings the whips of the two parties will 'decide' how the MPs will vote. Let's say that there will be THREE Nos from the PL camp, and THREE Yeses from the PN. These will cancel out, therefore it would be 35 No and 34 Yes. This is not good enough. There need to be at least 3 abstentions from PN, and not more than 1 abstention from PL to ensure that the bill will be approved in the House. i.e. 33 Yes, 32 No, 4 abstentions.In that way the problem is solved.
If this country had a mentality of accountability and resignations rather than clinging on to power at all costs, Gonzi would already have tendered his resignation from leader of the PN and consequently from Prime Minister. It has been a deceitful campaign by all opponents of divorce from the day JPO presented his Private Members Bill right until last Friday. Gonzi was not very wise when he first suggested the referendum. When he later realised that a referendum would result in a favourable YES vote, he tried to retreat saying that the referendum would be held only if parliament voted for divorce. He was foiled in this plot too and was forced to keep to his original plan of going for a referendum. He was again further foiled in presenting an unfair referendum question. The only way left open to him to avoid divorce was a deceitful campaign and the 'NO' went all out for such a campaign. Those people who spearheaded this campaign are now with their credibility dented as most people now associate them with their statements during the NO campaign rather than with who they actually are. Now that they have lost, Gonzi and all these people are saying that throughout the campaign there was unanimous agreement by all concerned that the family should be protected and strengthened. This is true but during the campaign the No movement painted the YES as being anti family. Furthermore, the referendum was a capricious attempt to impose personal values on the entire population at a cost of €4,000,000 to the taxpayer. Franco Debono is right, the PN needs some soul searching but this can never be done while they are in government. The PN has become arrogant and fails to see the writing on the wall. They come up with all sorts of excuses except the real reasons for the electorate’s disgruntlement. The first eye opener should have been the close result of the 2008 election. Had this been followed by shedding arrogance and the adoption of a more conciliatory government, the PN would be in calmer waters now.
Wara li l-membri parlamentari ghaddew lill-poplu dak li kien fid-dmir tagghom li jghamlu, issa ma baqalhomx triq ohra hlief jimxu u jivvotaw skond ir-rieda tal-poplu. Hekk xi membru (taz-zewg nahhat) ghandu xi problema dwar din jew il-kuxjenza tieghu ghandu jirrizenja minnufih u bla tlaqlieq. U l-PN u Gonzi li dahhlu lilu nnifishom go toqba issa ukoll ma tantx baqalhom toroq ohra x'jghazlu, ghax gew sfiducjati mill-poplu u imissu jirrizejna u jsejjah elezzjoni. L-arroganza qatt ma rebhet, la fit-tmenijiet u wisq anqas illum. IL-POPLU ISSA TKELLEM...
Fejn hu s-success? Li tfalli l-kumpanija li tmexxi l-Freeport? Ill-Ministru Gatt ghen biex ikollna kumpanija viabbli meta mpjega razzez shah ta' familji mil-Belt, li hafna minnhom ma jaghmlu xejn. Hu familja mgharufa ghal forn li kellhom: hemm mal-10 membri ta' din il-familja. Dan hu 5 darbiet aghar milli kien jaghmel Wistin taz-Zejtun, avolja fit-tmeninijiet ma kienx hemm kumpanija wahda falluta.
First, he threw the hot potato to the people, now it is back in his lap and he is trying to throw onto his backbenchers. NOW that is what I call an HONEST man.
First, he threw the hot potato to the people, now it is back in his lap and he is trying to throw onto his backbenchers. NOW that is what I call an HONEST man.