[WATCH] Puppy rescued after getting stuck in tar
Vets rushing to treat rescued puppy covered in tar

A puppy was found stuck in tar in Hal Far.
Animal rights group Association for Abandoned Animals said the juvenile dog was brought over by a man who found it stuck in tar.
“We rushed him to the vet as half his body is covered and the tar was even getting harder by the time we took to drive to the vet,” a Facebook post read.
Contacted by MaltaToday, a spokesperson said the tar removing operation will take hours.
She also said that the tar is stuck on large parts of the puppy’s body, including its eye. The tar could also be poisonous to the dog.
The association will be updating on the puppy’s condition later on today or tomorrow.
“Survive little one, we promise you the best future if you do,” the Facebook post read.
Anyone looking to help the sanctuary can send an SMS on 50617350 to donate €2.33, 50618060 to donate €4.66, 50618910 to donate €6.99 and 50619200 to donate €11.66.
Donations can also be sent on the following Revolut number – 79730921.