Air Malta issues call for CEO
Air Malta seeking new CEO after Clifford Chetcuti resigned in August citing personal reasons

Air Malta has issued a local and international call for the post of Chief Executive Officer.
According to the airline’s call, the newly made CEO will be expected to manage the growth and performance of the company, while “developing and implementing a global strategy.”
The call follows the resignation of former CEO Clifford Chetcuti in August.
Announcing his resignation, the economy ministry cited personal reasons for his exit.
Chetcuti left at the height of a crisis for the airline as it struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic and a long-drawn-out feud with pilots’ union ALPA, after Air Malta made 69 pilots redundant when talks with the union failed over pay cuts.
The union had been insisting on an early retirement scheme worth €73 million, that would see an average payout of €700,000 to every pilot. The government has said the union’s demands were unreasonable given the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on air travel.
Chetcuti took a 70 per cent pay cut and gave up all perks in line with the airline’s drastic cost cutting measures aimed at survival after the COVID-19 outbreak. The former pilot’s pay has not been disclosed but aviation sources put the figure at well over €240,000.
“Even if government has full confidence in Captain Chetcuti, his decision is being respected,” a statement following his resignation read.
The applications for the post close on the 2 October.
“The ultimate aim of the role of the CEO will be to strengthen the airline in its stance to explore new revenue streams, adopt new emerging technologies that shall enhance operations together with customer experience and guide the Airline towards long-term success,” the Air Malta statement read.