Church schools concerned over spike in COVID-19 cases
Church Schools say lessons must start, irrespective of schools’ physical opening

The scholastic year needs to commence as planned, Church Schools have said.
Despite calling for the commencement of the scholastic year, church schools said the country’s COVID-19 situation is still of concern.
“Unfortunately, these circumstances may be precluding the safe physical opening of schools,” it said.
The catholic secretariat said that should schools not be in a position to open, lessons should still commence.
“The scholastic year still needs to commence from the date established by each respective school, according to their timetable, offering online lessons which will be live-streamed or recorded, and given by educators from their schools,” the statement read.
Church schools also appealed for all measures to be taken by public authorities as well as everyone’s cooperation so that a level of safety can be achieved.
“This would be in the best interest of all students and of the education system,” the schools said.
The statement also pointed out that church schools have been holding discussion with the education ministry and the Malta Union of Teachers.