Sant on abortion debate: ‘shaming of pro choice voices must stop’
Labour MEP Alfred Sant, who scorned 2005 bid to entrench abortion crime in Constitution, calls for open debate

Labour MEP Alfred Sant has welcomed the growing debate on abortion, stating the time of shaming people who are pro-choice must stop.
“It’s useless for those who are against abortion to present people who are in favour of abortion as outsiders or heartless people,” Sant said.
The former Prime Minister took to Facebook to say that among people who are pro-choice there are professional people with values, and form part of a far bigger European majority.
“That is why it is important to have an open debate on abortion, rather than the weak sermons we have heard for such a long number of years,” he said.
Tajjeb li qed isir b’mod publiku, l-argument favur l-abort. Kontra kif jippretendu ċertu nies, hemm minoranza mhux...
Posted by Alfred Sant on Friday, September 18, 2020
Sant insisted that the delicate subject is of the utmost importance from a health and moral standpoint.
He also said that no matter what some may think, no one possess a “monopoly” over the situation.
As Opposition leader, Alfred Sant had scorned efforts by pro-life pressure group Gift Of Life to crystallise the crime of abortion in the Constitution, at the time supported wholeheartedly by home affairs minister Tonio Borg.
Earlier in June, Sant had come out as leaning pro-choice, stating that its legislation is inevitable.
“In private, people admit that there’s a hypocrisy to our stance. Politicians, too,” he had told English newspaper The Guardian.
“They know that Maltese are going abroad to get abortions and that there are local doctors who recommend abortions. They admit that there are scenarios when abortion is justified. But they won’t say so publicly.”