[WATCH] 16 turtle hatchlings emerge from Ghadira nest site
16 turtles hatch from Ghadira nest with ERA saying more expected in the coming days

Turtle hatchlings emerge from their Ghadira nest on Tuesday evening

16 turtle hatchlings emerged from a nest in Ghadira on Tuesday night, the Environment and Resource Authority said.
The hatchlings emerged from their nest at around 9:30 pm after a successful period of incubation.
ERA will continue to monitor the site, as more hatchlings are expected to emerge over the next couple of days.
Upon their exit from the nest, ERA volunteers guided the hatchlings towards the sea.
“ERA kickstarted its planned response to reduce disturbance from artificial light or any physical barriers at the bay so as to ensure that the hatchlings’ first journey is a successful one,” it said,