Opposition: no talks on divorce vote
Opposition will call division if necessary on vote to approve divorce bill.
Updated at 10:01 - the original version incorrectly referred to Opposition MPs being involved in talks.
Opposition sources have told MaltaToday they are not engaged in talks in a bid to have the controversial divorce bill passed before the House with a relative majority, and not by an individual roll-call vote.
The move, communicated to MaltaToday by PN sources, was said was instrumental to save Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Cabinet ministers and MPs from both sides of the House – who expressed themselves against divorce - from the ‘embarrassment’ of either voting against or abstaining during the vote on the bill, which achieved the backing of 53% of the electorate that voted in a referendum last Saturday.
One MP who spoke to MaltaToday said the talks were held between Nationalist and Labour whips David Agius and Joe Mizzi, shortly after Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando presented the bill for its first reading on Wednesday evening.
Contacted yesterday, both David Agius and Joe Mizzi refused to comment on the matter.
Another MP said that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi was briefed about the plan, and would be calling a PN parliamentary group meeting next week where all MPs would be asked not to call for a division at the close of the second reading.
A Labour MP told MaltaToday: “The vote will be coming up in July… if we’re going to be intelligent about it, we won’t call for a division."
But this statement has been contradicted by high-level Labour officials: "We will call for a division if necessary."
The position would however suit the government side, most especially the Prime Minister who took a firm stand against divorce and led his party into taking a stand against divorce. The move would camouflage the Prime Minister’s so far undeclared and uncomfortable position now that he also called for parliament to “respect” the people’s decision.
Other MPs who would vote against the bill are Labour MP Adrian Vassallo, Nationalist MPs Austin Gatt, Frederick Azzopardi, Jason Azzopardi, and Louis Deguara; while Labour MP Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca will abstain as will Nationalist MPs Frans Agius, Charlò Bonnici, and Philip Mifsud.