68 news cases as total active cases hit 800 mark
COVID-19 update for 12 October | 68 new cases, 14 recoveries • 820 active cases • Swab tests past 24 hours 1940 • Cases still being investigated

Malta hits 820 active cases after 68 new cases were registered overnight.
This is Malta's highest tally for total active cases.
OFFICIAL COVID-19 figures for 12•10•2020 Chris Fearne | MaltaGov | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate
Posted by saħħa on Monday, October 12, 2020
As at noon there are now 14 recoveries, with 1940 swab tests being carried out in the past 24 hours. COVID-19 deaths have also risen to 43.
From yesterday's cases, 22 were family members of previously known cases, while 11 were contacts of positive work colleagues.
One case contracted the virus from a social gathering, while another one formed part of the existing Paceville cluster.
Two of yesterday's cases were imported.
Health authorities are still investigating today's cases.