Five COVID-19 cases at Luqa civic amenity site
Wasteserv temporarily closes all its civic amenity sites in Malta after five workers at the Luqa facility test positive for coronavirus

Five workers at Wasteserv’s civic amenity site in Luqa have tested positive for COVID-19, forcing the agency to shut all other facilities in Malta.
Wasteserv said on Monday that after the cases were flagged, preventive measures kicked in that led to an extensive number of workers being placed in quarantine.
As a consequence, the waste agency closed all civic amenity sites in Malta with immediate effect.
“The Luqa Civic Amenity site, the biggest site in operation, has been closed since Saturday 10 October 2020 and three of the said five cases were from persons who were already in quarantine,” Wasteserv said.
The agency has five civic amenity sites, including the one at Luqa, in Malta and one in Gozo. The Tal-Kus site in Gozo is unaffected by the closure.
“WasteServ will do its utmost to resume operations as soon as possible and will keep the public informed of any relevant updates,” the agency said.
It reminded people to wear face masks when visiting these sites, adding the number of vehicles on site at one go will be limited.