Bank shares and government bonds popular investments among ministers

Hili Properties and MIDI Holdings among shares held by Robert Abela and Silvio Schembri

Government stock, local bank shares and numerous property investments are among the assets held by ministers and parliamentary secretaries.

Prime Minister Robert Abela owns an apartment and garage in Marsascala, with other property in Xewkija and Żejtun. He also holds shares in HSBC and Hili Properties, along with 5,000 shares in government stock.

Robert Abela's declaration of assets
Robert Abela's declaration of assets

Anton Refalo and Clint Camilleri enjoy ownership over 21 and 23 properties respectively, with all of Refalo's property found in Gozo, save for one.

Culture Minister Jose Herrera enjoyes ownership of nine properties along with shares in Fortebank JSC, a commercial bank offering services in Kazakhstan.

Other ministers prefer local stock, with many opting for BOV ordinary shares. With a comparatively wider financial portfolio, Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi owns shares in BOV, Global Capital, Mapfre, Loqus, Condominium Services Limited and in his company C.I.P ltd. 

Evarist Bartolo and Aaron Farrugia are among the more frugal ministers, with one property each and no shares held.