Repubblika calls out "far-right" government policy amid anti-racism consultation
Parliamentary Secretary Rosianne Cutajar launched the consultation for Malta's first anti-racism action plan 'NAPRAX' earlier this month
As part of their submissions to the anti-racism consultation process, Repubblika expressed their anger over certain policies taken on by government when it came to migration, which they said is encouraging racist sentiment.
"The government's messages lead to and encourage racism, hate speech, and the justification for breaches in fundamental human rights on the basis of the colour of your skin," the NGO said.
They brought attention to government's decision to keep migrants in "floating prisons" without access to legal assistance - a policy they expect to be continued in the future.
"It is quite ironic that on page eight of this document the Parliamentary Secretary denounces the fact that victims of racist crimes were not aware of their rights and had difficulties with the complex procedures required to report them. I'm sure the copy of these procedures were not given to prisoners on the Captain Morgan in 2020," Repubblika president Robert Aquilina said.
He referred also to the prime minister's comments that Malta is full up, but only for Africans. "This clarification is typical of the extreme right. We can't forget that it is the prime minister saying these shocking things, and thus this is official government policy."
As part of the public consultation for Malta's Anti-Racism plan, Repubblika put forward several other proposals, including having more opportunities for minorities to pursue careers in public service as well as space in public broadcasting.
The NGO says that migrant detention should take the least amount of time possible, and only in humane conditions. They also remarked over integration policy and how this shouldn't lead to a homogenous idea of the Maltese identity. "We need to widen the definition of being Maltese," they said.