‘Egocentric’ Coleiro Preca had questioned Labour’s stand on honoraria

Labour MP's decision not to contest general elections indicates rupture with leadership.

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca’s announcement that she will not stand in the next general elections was welcomed at Mile End headquarters, where the fiery former party secretary-general was increasingly seen as a liability after the divorce referendum.

Coleiro Preca is to be replaced by a ‘star candidate’ who has deep familial roots in Qormi – Robert Abela, son of President George Abela, a former Labuor deputy leader.

Coleiro Preca raised eyebrows with her decision to align herself with the anti-divorce movement in the referendum campaign. But her own private life, a single mother who later married a man whose own marriage had been annulled, opened her up to accusations of hypocrisy.

Labour sources said the shadow minister for social policy was considered too “egocentric” for the likes of Opposition leader Joseph Muscat: her fall-out with him began after she objected to Labour’s position against the raise in MPs’ honoraria.

Muscat, who this Sunday declared in public that the door is open for Coleiro Preca to reconsider her decision, has not actively engaged with the Labour MP.

Coleiro Preca’s baggage from the past included her stint as Labour secretary-general in the 1980s, at a time when party thugs wielded violence and intimidation.

On announcing that she would be abstaining from the vote on divorce, Coleiro Preca said in her statement that she felt she had been intimidated but she did not explain what the intimidation was all about.

Talking to MaltaToday, a senior Labour source said: “We are in election mode, and we have to be focused. Everyone talks of winning an election and Marie Louise was talking about ‘her’ principles. Since when was this issue (divorce) a question of principle for her? She attracted a lot of unnecessary attention because of her personal situation, and it was source of embarrassment for herself, and not for the party.”

Marie Louise is a great asset to the Labour Party, a great friend, I knew MLC since she was Sec.General with an office at the Macina, spending most of the day on her own. I loved MLC but..............this is politics we eitgher pull same rope or we loose. Still thee is time to think about it. The Leader has to make an effort and trush the problem.
marylouise . is a great lady. i spoke with her only twice in my whole life .i never met a politician down 2 earth same as this lady.no surprise she get all those votes. shame 4 all those who try and show disrespect to this great lady. really shame.this is totally unacaptable.
This is nothing more than nasty old maltese poliitics. Malta has not changed one bit, even though it's part of the EU. WE are just a big bunch of hyporcrites.
Mela sewwa marie Lousie Coleiro Preca min tahseb li INTI ghalik ghandek trid TIZZEWWEG wiehed li ha l-ANNULAMENT u HADDIEHOR LE Foldieri INT qed TAHSEB li INTI SPECJALI meta int wahda min dawk li zewgek HUWA IDDEFORZJAT
marie Louse ghandek kull dritt li ma taqbilx ma divorsju, imma li m,intx KAPACI, taghti id dritt lill hadtiehor biex jaghzel hu dak li jrid ,hija ARROGANZA u INJORANZA mill kbar. ma tafx li ALLA minkejja li Qallhom lill Adam u Eva biex ma jieklux min dik il frotta, xorta wahda hallihilhom hemm,ma dawarilhomx bix xokkijiet haghlihom fil LIBERTA,allura x'int tipretendi li int u dawk kollha li ivutaw le aqwa minn ALLA ???
Marie Louise Coleiro Preca QATT ma kont nghamlek GHARFA DAQSHEKK meta il MP Nazjonalisti gew mistoqsija zser jghamlu wara li ic cittadini approvaw id DIVORZJU QATT ma qalu xser JIVVOTAW Inti ghamilta ta BRAVA u kont l-wwel wahda li ghid ser TASTJENI Dr Robert Abela kif ghandek il WICC tigi iddur id djar go Hal Qormi u TITLOB lin nies JIVVOTAWLEK ghal l-elezjoni li gejja wara dak li GHAMEL MISSIEREK il Presitend Gorg Abela lil EX HADDIEMA TAX XATT u ohra lil dr Gavin Gulia Dott INT YAHTI li l-Ex Haddiema tax Xatt ghadhom ma HADUX DAK LI BI DRITT KIEN TAGHHOM tantx titkellem fil parlament fuq il KAZ TAGHNA kieku ghamilt SEKWESTRU fuq il FLUS li KIEN HEMM KIEKU AHNA SEHEMNA HADNIEH UKOLL Dr Gavin Gulia ghandek il WICC INT UKOLL TMUR TITLOB LIN NIES TA HAL QORMI BIEX JIEHDU HSIEBEK GHAL L-ELEZJONI IRID IKOLLOK WICCA BLA ZEJT biex tmur hemm TITKARRAB
@gene3 Habib lil Marie Louise ikkwotajta ikkwtajta altru minn seww. Li forsi trid tghid hu kif jien u l-kotra interpretajna l-azzjoni ta' Marie Louise u minn ghamel bhala. Ahna ghandna d-dritt li ninterpretaw kif jidhrilna ahna skond il-kuxjenza taghna. Halli nirrepeti. . Marie Louise hadmet fil-kamp tal-le, li l-knisja taghthom kwart ta' miljun euro biex jikkonvincu n-nies. Kellha kull dritt taghmel hekk u l-partit konsistenti mal-politika tieghu halliha taghmel li trid. Lil Fenech Adami tawh il-parir biex waqt il-kampanja izomm low profile. Hafna kandidati nazzjonalisti li kellhom l-istess fehma ta' ML ma dehru mkien. Waqt il-kampanja tar-referendu l-attivisti tal-le lil Marie Louise bdew izeffnu fin-nofs, qatt ma smajthom izeffnu fin-nofs lil Edwin Vassallo jew lil xi hadd minn shabu. Inqdew b'ML biex jikkonvincu lil laburisti. Marie Louise qatt ma waqqfithom milli jisservew biha. Haditx pjacir jew le mhux il-kompitu tieghi li nghidu.. . Li naf hu, illi kieku ir-referendu mar kif xtaqet il-kuxjenza ta' Marie Louise u shaba, kull min qed ibghati ma kienx se jkollu rimedju biex jerga jizzewweg kif kellha hi li zzewget wara li r-ragel li ghandha ha l-annulament kif hadu t-tfal ta' Fenech Adami. Jiena lil dawn nixtieqilhom mil-qalb kull hena fiz-zwieg prezenti. . X'jiswa li tghid li se tirrispetta r-rieda tal-maggoranza jekk qalet ukoll li se tastjeni fil-parlament? Li tastjeni ifisser li waqt it-tehid tal-vot se titlaq il-barra mill-kamra. L-imgieba ta' Marie Louise u dawk tal-le inqisha - wiehed bil-guh gie jitlobni karita' u wegibtu li mhux se ntih ghax jista' jmur jisker. Rega talabni bil-hniena u minflok ma dahhalt idejja fil-but ghidtlu Alla jghinek. Imma bil-guh hallejtu. . Ara Carmelo Abela li kien ta' l-istess opinjoni taghha se jivvota favur u mhux se jahsel idejh. . Jiena perswaz li jekk Marie Louise li hi bniedma li thenn ghal kull min talabha l-ghajnuna u hi bniedma umli, tikkonsulta ma min hu mgarrab u ma min jista' jaghtiha parir genwin tirrealizza li jkun aktar ta' gid ghal kull min hu mgarrab li tivvota iva milli tastjeni. Jekk tikkonvinci lilha nfisha nahseb li ML taghmlu dan il-pass.
@ George Borge. Habib tant nifhem mhu hu li mnikket, li jiena kont wiehed mill 122,547. Jiena kull ma tlabtek hu meta meta tikkwota lill Marie-Loiise,dejjem jekkjoghbok u f'gieh s-sewwa maghruf,ikkwota sewwa l-storja,u mhux tghawwig tal fatti.L-informazzjoni li ghandek hija kompletament zbaljata. Il fatti juru mod iehor ukoll.Hadd ma hu ikbar mill partit,haga li kien hemm qbil fuqha min qabel.
Look where the church's money has gone? https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/il-knisja-taghti-kwart-ta-miljun-ewro-lill-moviment-le-ghad-divorzju/
@gene3 Habib milli jidher difficli tifhem il-wegghat ta' min hu mnikket. . Ghaija min veru jirrispetta ir-rieda tal-maggoranza jivvota favuriha u mhux jahsel idejh u jastjeni. . Fatti u mhux skuzi.
@George Borge. Habib l-ewwelnet il punt tieghi hu li mhux sewwa li flok nirribatu l-argument,ninfexxu nattakkaw personali.Dak,il punt kardinali ghaliha.jekkjoghbok ghalinqas meta ha tikkwota ,ikwota tajjeb, ghax ghandek informazzjoni zbaljata zgur fuq Marie-louise. Hi qalet car u tond,li ha tirrispetta ''il rieda tal maggoranza'',espressa fil referumdum,u hekk ghandu ikun.Ara kieku qalet jiena nigi naqa u nqum,hemmhekk naqbel mieghek fejn ghid ''Din ghalina m'hi xejn hlief I'm allright f**k you jack''.
@gene3 GHALHIEX HAFNA LABURISTI U NAZZJONALISTI HUMA NFUSKATI GHAL MARIE LOUISE U EDDIE FENECH ADAMI? . Il-laburisti kollha jinsabu ferhanin li Marie Louise irnexxielha tizzewweg lil ragel li thobb wara li dan gab l-annullament. M'hemm l-ebda dubbju dwar dan. L-istess jista jinghad ghat-tfal ta' Eddie li hadu tliet annullamenti. Li infoska bil-kbir lil kotra hu li fil-waqt li Marie Louise u t-tfal ta' Eddie jinsabu kuntenti li kellhom ic-cans li jergghu jizzewwgu, dawn ma jridux lil min jinstab fi zwieg imfarrak li jkollu cans jerga jizzewweg halli jibda hajja mil-gdid. . Din ghalina m'hi xejn hlief I'm allright f**k you jack.
Imma possibli li flok nattakkaw l-argument,ninfexxu nattakkaw lill persuna personali, u lill min !!!!! X'hemm warajha din il ''hate campaign''? Intom kontu tant kontra il ''character assisnation'',kif issa qieghdin taghmlu l-stess jekk mhux ghar ukoll. Interessanti jekk ikunu nafu min hu dan ''seniour Labour source'' !!!! Mela,il gurnalista li tikteb dan l-artiklu,nessha jikteb ismu !!!!!!
@ Antoine Vella You have stayed mum about the list of candidates that were/are being pushed overboard. If you had so much sympathy for Coleiro Preca, why is it that you do not have anything to say about versatile candidates like John Dalli, JPO, Jesmond Mugliett, Michael Falzon, Frank Portelli, Carmel Cocopardao, Mario Felice, Borg Olivier and Josie Muscat? Didn’t these politicians serve their party well?
@Antoine Vella I think you want to deceive because the list of PN MPs who were pushed aside, destroyed or made to move on during the last 25 years is endless: JPO (was told by Joe Saliba to resign notwithstanding that JPO gathered 8000 votes when the PN majority was just 1500 votes) John Dalli (framed when he was Cabinet Minister) Louis Galea (brought Franco Debono to outs him) Giovanna Debono (unsuccessful attempts to push her aside to make space for Chris Said) Ninu Zammit (kicked out of Cabinet through a simple sms) Louis Deguara (kicked out of Cabinet through a simple sms) Mugliett, Jesmond (kicked out of Cabinet through a simple sms) Censu Galea (kicked out of Cabinet through a simple sms) Toni Abela (kicked out of Cabinet through a simple sms) Francis Agius (kicked out of Cabinet through a simple sms) Francis Zammit Dimech (kicked out of Cabinet through a simple sms) Franco Debono (could not be found anywhere to vote in Parliament last year) Robert Arrigo Robert Musumeci Michael Falzon Frank Portelli Lawrence Gatt Stanley Zammit Carmel Cacopardo John Bundy (candidate in 1996 election) Herman Schiavone Joe Ellis Lino Gauci Borda Ray Bondin Joe A Grima Alexander Cachia Zammit Albert Borg Olivier De Puget Borg Olivier (kicked out from leader through a revolt against him) Carm Lino Spiteri Mario Felice Joseph Cassar Galea Josie Muscat etc, etc, etc
The funny thing is that PN is in Crisis yet its PL that has a resignation! They can try to put a spin on this as something positive - but it forced their hands too soon - Deborah had to play her card way too soon, and some bozo who happens to be the son of the El Presidente was proposed as NEW BLOOD - huh as opposed to his Dads vintage blood?# As for Coleiro - at least she had the dignity to resign. Its a bit odd to accused a politician leaving politics because he was egoCentric. Being EgoCentric is why people join politics - not leave!
The way that Muscat has treated Coleiro Preca is nothing short of scandalous and exposes the ugly face of the PL. If he acts so shabbily with a loyal Labourite who has served the party so well and so long, how is he going to treat the Maltese people? . Pullicino Orlando is still active in the PN and has positions of importance and prestige while Coleiro Preca has been branded a "liability" by her own party.' . How's that for 'movement of moderates and progressives'?
MLCP is the new tool of the PN to strike against Labour at this delicate time for the PN. She is being used. She should sit back and assess the situation. She should come out and clear the air so that the PN stops using her. Otherwise the reference to her by the PN will intensify.
Ghandi nifhem min mandux jahbi ma jidejaqx juri ismhu . Nitfghu il hmieg u nahbu x isimna dik serjeta !!!
Qlajtu L Onorarja Issa ? What next ? Ghax ma saqsux in nies li jirikoru ghal xi ghajnuna min ghanda ,jekk il flus qatx ghamlu biha ? kellu bzonn ghandna mqar tuzana politici ohra bhala hawn Malta ta Kuxjenza kieku zgur ghandna hafna inqas tbatija !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@A. Vella MLCP is not being run off by the party like JPO is.
For all the hype and spin about PN "divisions", it is the PL that has suffered the most serious setback these past few months, as far as MPs and candidates are concerned - Antoin Vella What setback? Louise Coleiro weighed her options, either more mud slinging from the pn apologist on a local newspaper which will hurt her family or bow out of the scene gracefully. Up till now MLCP did not have any problem with the gutter press headed by your beloved boss only since she took a false step to get involved with the LE lobby when she should have known better. gonziPN idoes not have divisions but inly fragements.
@ Antoine Vella Kont naghmlek harira aktar intelligenti. . Mela l-gherf tieghek qed jghid li Dr. Joseph Muscat irid jehles minn Marie Louise ghax ikkontestatu ghal elezzjoni tal-Leader meta din kull ma gabet kienu ftit voti.. Fl-istess waqt irid li johrog bhala kandidat lit-tifel tal-President George Abela meta dan kien l-iktar wiehed li gab voti warajh. Ma tahsibx li jkun ahjar ghalik li tmur tittrombja l-ghasafar kif kont taghmel, u fejn ma tifhimx ma tizzattatx ghax tohrog ta' mazzetta.
Paul Sammut
@Antoine Fella: You always come across as very qualified in conspiracy theories, what-not and all that. Say,how about turning your attention to UFOs, Roswell, Area 51 or the Bermuda Triangle. Please do for we will be all ears. By the way, is that a chip we see on your shoulder.
@ Antoine Vella: Even Evarist Bartolo took part in the leadership race and Muscat certainly doesn't seem to want to get rid of him. Perhaps you're just assuming too much. She represents the Labour past and Labour needs to evolve by fielding new candidates while the old ones retire or get unseated.
@ Antoine Vella Dream on my friend, we as a family always voted for mlcp. But this time round will vote for new faces under the LABOUR ticket. never in my life will vote for the gonzipn party that sold all the maltese assets and ruined the country financially and enviromentally.
@Antoine Vella LOOOOOOL!!!!! You wish to get the labour votes haha!!!!!! Labourites votes for the party not for individuals!!! You seem to have given up on P.N. voters to want to attract MLCP votes!!!!!
Alchemist, perhaps you have forgotten that Coleiro Preca single-handedly got practically half of all Labour votes in her district. . It's likely that Dalli (if he contests the elections) and Musumeci will benefit from a significant protest vote this time round. . Joseph Muscat's clearly wanted to get rid of Coleiro Preca because she had taken part in the leadership race - there's no other explanation for calling her a "liability" and "welcoming" the announcement that she will not be contesting the elections.
MLCP was,is,and will always be held in high esteem by the vast majority of true labour supporters.She is well known for her hard work ,certainly much more than can be said for other MPs from both sides of Parliament. Her position on the divorce issue,both prior and after the referendum is well within the framework of declared Party Policy.As one who voted "yes",it does not bother me in the least that the referendum becomes law with some abstentions.A few months from now,nobody would bother, or remember whether this law was passed with abstentions or not ( barring that of the PM of course).What bothers me very much however is that the Labour Party can ill afford to lose honest , hard working true labourites of the likes of Hon Coleiro Preca.Besides Her experience cannot be readily replaced from one day to the next. There will always be people who indulge in throwing mud - usually they are nothing but trash themselves ;and they represent nobody but themselves and their hidden agendas.I am not from her own district,but i sincerely hope that just as she fought so many battles in her long career,she will not give in now. I am sure that the PL leadership knows any weakining of its flanks will only serve someone else.
@ Antoine Vella. Are you really serious? Ooh, come off it. The PN under Gonzi is really in a Catch 22 situation. Even your beloved Eddie is now openly attacking him.
I am sorry to say that this whole mess lies on the hands of our so called Members of Parliament. (I always like to write it PARLAment…lol) They are there supposedly to lead the Maltese people, whether blue, red, green or whatever. I TAKE FOOL RESPONISBILITY TO CALL YOU A BUNCH OF IRRESSPONISBLE PEOPLE. Are you waiting for another 7 Gunio?? Get us Maltese people out of this mess before it’s too late. Ps. Just a note stop all these personal attacks, for heaven sake.
@Ghasis tal-latrini Andy Farrugia alias, Ma ghandix ghalfejn naqbez ghal Maltatoday jien imma biex tigi int "cucMalti" (not my words) iddahhal lil kulhadd f'keffa wahda qed turi fliema stat tal-biki uliedna qed jigu mghamla. Int l-anqas kont kapaci tikteb bhal teacher bl-ingliz li kellu jikkoregik haddiehor. U issa qlibta bil malti. Imma tahseb li mll-Maltatoday biss qed isiru l-attakki...ermm forsi fejn is-soltu timrah il-hdura tieghek ghal min ma jaqbilx mieghek ma hallewks tikteb b'dik il maniera?? Ara lili ghamlet min kollox dik il gazzetta biex taghlaqli halqi u btw kont qed niddefendi lili innifsi bhala bniedem 'handicapped'...fejn kont int dak in-nhar sur ghassis tal latrini? Forsi int wiehed min dawk li qed jidhru hawn fuq l-MaltaToday u timmarka in-nies bhalma ghamlu fil-gimgha tal-Christmas?? PERO QATT MA REFGHU SUBAJJHOM U KKUNDANNAW LIL MIN KIEN QED IZEBLAHNI!! LE MA NAQBILX LI BNIEDEM GHAX MA TAQBILX MIEGHU TATTAKKAH PERSONAL U WISQ AKTAR BIL- MANKAMENT LI JKOLLU....U TAF XI TRID INFISSER!! L-attakki personali qed isiru kuljum u mhux fuq din il=gazzetta biss. LILL DAWK INT MA TIKKUNDANAHOMX? Jew forsi it's a two ways two measures? JEKK FORSI MA TAFX L-ISTORJA TIEGHI (NERGA NIRREPETI 'JEKK MA TAFX') LI GHATTI TA MIN JIKKUNDANHOM, FITTEX HAWN JEKK TRID...XORTA MA ATTAKKAJTHOM FUQ AFFARIJIET PERSONALI. IMMA NERGA INSAQSIK, SUR GHASIS TAL-LATRINI, FEJN KONT INT U DAWK LI JARAW IT-TRABA F'GHAJNEJN HADDIEHOR IMMA L-IKBAR TRAVU LI HALAQ ALLA LI GHANDHOM F'GHAJNEJHOM MA JARAWHX? QED NGHAJREK GHAX INT GHAJJARTNI!!! NERGA NGHIDLEK HADD MA GHANDU JGHAJJAR LILL-HADD PERSONALI ANKE JEKK MA TAQBILX MAGHHOM. GHALISSA DAQSHEKK SAKEMM NISTENNA XI CUC IEHOR MALTI BHALEK JIKTEB FUQI!!! Tony Scott PS. Milli jidher sakemm kont qed inwiegeb li dan il kumment tnehha...hazin halluh halli l-MaltaToday tikxef l-ipokrezija ta dawn in-nies
Nemmen li il PL ghandu johrog sqarrija hu fuq il-mezzi tax xandir.ghax jista jkun ukoll li qed ninqdew bil pl meta mu veru xejn.jekk il-PL irried juri li mhux veru johrog sqarrija.
For all the hype and spin about PN "divisions", it is the PL that has suffered the most serious setback these past few months, as far as MPs and candidates are concerned. . They can field a whole galaxy of stars and starlets but the loss of Coleiro Preca seriously compromises the third Labour seat in the 6th District.
Mhux sewwa li jinkitbu artikli b'dan il-mod imbaghad ninhbew wara "Pl Spolesman". Jekk veru hemm spokesman u qal dan kollu ghandna nkunu nafu min hu u jissostanzja dan li qal. It-tajn facli jintefa' pero' M'Kouise inzertat politikanta li hafna nies hadmu maghha u nafu kemm hi mara ta' principju u kemm hadmet ghal pajjiz, ghal partit u ghal poplu. Uriet is-serjeta u l-impenn taghha f'kull qasam li kienet fdata bih u mhux sewwa li nippruvaw naghmlu character assassination. Il-hajja personali ul-familja (mhux taghha biss) m'ghandhom qatt jizzeffnu f'argumenti bhal dawn u M'Louise m'ghandha ghalfejn tibza u tiddejjaq mill-ebda kandidat ghax il-lejalta u x-xoghol li taghmel ghal kostitwenti taghha jissarrfu v-voti. Nistennew li dan is-suppost "PL SPOKESMAN" jghidilna min hu u jgibil-provi ta dak li qal. L-ahhar li smajna minghand Joseph Muscat ilbierah qal li l-bieb tal PL jinsab miftuh ghaliha u talabha tikkonsidra d-decizjoni u minn dal hmieg ma smajna xejn. Issa naraw min qed ixerred dal-hmieg ikunx ragel u juri wiccu.
Could it be a case of sour grapes for MLC (leadership race)? Or was she annoyed that Dr R Abela would be contesting the next election (same district) on the PL ticket - Malta is small and news or intentions travel fast? Otherwise, the reaction by MLC makes no 'political' sense. AND she is an intelligent person.

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Hbieb ejjew issa inhalluha bi kwieta, u ma jsirx izjed ivvintar fuq din il-mara.jekk nemmen kollox din ma nemminix.jien nahseb li tkun iktar cara u haga haffifa jekk il-leader tal pl jitkellem hu. u mhux noqodu nghidu li kelliem ghal pl. Nafu li il-Fil pl ghad hemm il klikka ta Sant, u dawn huma kontra taghha. imma issa ma nivvintawx izjed gideb fuq din il-mara. Jekk kien hawn xi hadd fil pajjiz li ghax ma qabilx mal popplu irrizenja kienet hi biss. ejjew nafsu fuq l-ohrajn.
Egocentric MPs? A missing President? Here's the full list and more: http://mazzun.wordpress.com/ = = =
This country really has no hope. Why do you so willfully participate in character assasination even after you goal has been reached? This woman was one of the few people whose heart was with the people. You know very well who was the main "percimes" in the hate campagin against MLC...how about your buddy DCG?
Jonqoskom xtivintaw, ja qabda purcinelli!!! You have nothing to pin on her so you invent a bunch of lies. Go ahead fabricate some more stories. I z-zejt jitla fwicc l-ilma xi darba ta!!!
This is very unfair. Marie Louise is a good woman, an asset to the PL, well loved. It is the duty of Dr Muscat to trash any problems. We cannot afford to go for an election with minor problems. This is a minor problem. Candidates get 5000 votes not for nothing. I bag Dr Muscat, and all candidates of good will, Varist, George Vella, Anglu, Toni abela, Joe Debono Grech, Mangion, to solve this problem I welcome Dr Robert Abela on board.