COVID-19: 174 new cases, five deaths in 24 hours
COVID-19 update for 5 November | 174 new cases, 93 recoveries • 1,929 active cases • Swab tests past 24 hours 2,842 • Cases still being investigated

Malta has registered 174 new cases of COVID-19 over the past 24 hours, the Health Authorities have announced.
Information released by the Health Ministry on Facebook shows that there were 93 recoveries, bringing the total of active cases to 1,929.
On Thursday Malta registered its 70th death, a 75-year-old man. The man was admitted to Mater Dei Hospital on 3 November, and tested positive the following day. He died last night. The ministry said that he had underlying health conditions.
The island has experienced five deaths in the last 24 hours.
Today’s cases are still being investigated but from the cases discovered yesterday, 13 were family members of previously known cases, 11 were contacts of positive work colleagues, three were imported and two were from social gatherings.
2,842 swabs were conducted in the last 24 hours, with a grand total of 351,992 swabs having been conducted since the start of the pandemic
Malta has registered 6,764 coronavirus cases since the start of the pandemic in March.