Montebello brothers to face bribery charges

Police are set to arraign contractors Jeffrey and Peter Montebello, charged with the bribery of finance minister Tonio Fenech’s former private secretary.

The arraignment follows the conviction of Noel Borg Hedley, 67 of Gzira who admitted last month to having received bribes from the Montebello’s for him to intervene with departments that fell under the finance ministry to waiver fines imposed over the sale of under-declared properties.

MaltaToday is informed that Jeffrey and Peter Montebello were interrogated over the past days following Borg Hedley’s admission in court, and will be arraigned to face bribery charges.

So far, Jeffrey and Peter Montebello have kept quiet over a series of events that have rocked the finance ministry over the past years, and caused embarrassment to Tonio Fenech.

The Montebellos were the contractors Fenech had hired for renovation works on his Balzan home and sub-contracted, Charles Magro, of Rainbow Projects Ltd, who had alleged that JPM Brothers had told him they were doing the renovation on the minister’s home  as “a favour” in return for his intervention in the sale of Jerma Palace Hotel.

Tonio Fenech repeatedly denied the allegation, but never sued Magro for libel. However, he sued One News for carrying the allegations. Of particular note, Tonio Fenech did not sue MaltaToday who was the first to break the story.

While the Jerma Palace remained unsold and a huge liability for the Montebello’s, another failed project by JPM Brothers was the Mistra Heights complex which also led to Bawag Bank calling in a loan for €42 million.

The former Galaxy Hotel site in Sliema, which had to be turned into a residential complex was left half completed and led to investors to take over the building and develop it after buying out JPM Brothers. 

One can only imagine what a field-day investigative journalists would have had elsewhere with so much information begging to be explored..and this cannot be just hearsay. No it is not just the people's duty to vote a minister down when election day comes. That will conveniently still permit that minister a good couple of years of undeserved power and authority. It is the oppostion's and media's duty to stop corruption even before the end of that minister's term.
Flahhar mill- ahhar Tonio ghandek kemm ghandek power il-poplu ghad irrid itik tisbita li ma tqumx minna , u ha nghidlek wahda , jekk tara l-istorja fija hafna x'titghallem biss donnu inti thares lejn il-mera u tahseb li ghandek xi don specjali , kemm kien hawn mustacunni !, kollha min hemm ghadew ! IL-POPLU JIKMANDA ! u ha inzied bicca ...MA GHADUX MAZZUN TONIO.
Krista Sullivan
Read about Gonzi's conscience.
Ghazla wahda hemm ghad-deputati nazzjonalisti - jew jivvutaw kontra z-zieda ta' 500 ewro fil-gimgha tal-ministri u jkunu fuq in-naha tal-opinjoni pubblika, jew jivvutaw favur il-ministri u jkunu kontra l-familji li hadu biss 1.16 ewro fil-gimgha. Il veru test tal kuxjenza nhar is Sibt fil parlament. Nhar is Sibt ha naraw jekk mhux Partit dittatorjali il partit li qieghed fil-Gvern! Ghal gid ta Malta, Dr Gonzi ghandu jsejjah elezzjoni generali malajr kemm jista jkun!
Joseph Sant
@ trollface. Well obviously he has to keep very quiet - how else would he have visions of the Virgin and know the state of her heart!
Obviously Tonio Fenech will not resign - here no politician resigns. BUT we have own mind and we can easily come to our own conclusion! The PN have been too long in power now and they become a party of political intrigue with its cliques of powerful 'friends of friends' who rub each other's back - becoming very rich in the process. Our 'nouveau riche'.
I'll bet that dear Tonio definitely will not resign. That hot seat has something for him. But he may stumble down from it some time and he will wave bye-bye to any such seat again. Be decent with your soul and go now while the sea is still choppy before it get very rough Tonio boy. in the Maltese language there is a proverb which says IL-QASBA MA CCAQCAQX GHAL XEJN!!!!!!
And Tonio remains silent
Clean the mess at Jerma Palace and give it back to the people would be the first step forward.