Qormi mayor becomes youngest COVID-19 victim
Qormi mayor Renald Falzon, 46, passes away

Qormi mayor Renald Falzon is the youngest victim of COVID-19 having passed away today at the age of 46.
Falzon had announced on his Facebook wall a month ago that he was taking a step back because of health issues. It is understood that he contracted the coronavirus while undergoing treatment for another ailment.
In what was to be his last post, Falzon had said: “Once my health is back on track, I will continue working for our town.”
Malta had until noon registered 92 deaths from coronavirus. Falzon’s death has not yet been announced.
Falzon had been treated at the ITU for weeks and his father is also believed to have died of COVID-19.
The Labour Party saluted Falzon’s memory. He was elected Qormi councillor in 2015 and four years later became the locality’s mayor.
“He will be remembered also for his work in the voluntary sector,” the party said, adding Falzon had been an example to many within the party.
Condolences poured in from district MPs, including minister Roderick Galdes and parliamentary secretary Rosianne Cutajar, both from Qormi.
Bħal kumplament ta’ ħuti l-Qriema ninsab maħsuda bit-telfa tas-Sindku Renald. Strieħ fis-sliem ħabib, grazzi...
Posted by Rosianne Cutajar on Friday, 13 November 2020
Kondoljanzi lill-familja tas-Sindku ta' Ħal Qormi Renald Falzon. Il-komunità Qormija tibqa' grata għas-servizz tiegħek....
Posted by Roderick Galdes on Friday, 13 November 2020
Bl-akbar sogħba u b'qalbna sewda, inħabbru li s-Sindku Renald Falzon ħalla din id-dinja, illum 13 ta' Novembru 2020....
Posted by Kunsill Lokali Ħal Qormi on Friday, 13 November 2020
Bla kliem... Post li qatt ma xtaqt nikteb. Sa mill-ewwel ġurnata li fiha hu ġie elett Sindku u jien Minority Leader f'...
Posted by Jerome Caruana Cilia on Friday, 13 November 2020
The Qormi council also saluted Falzon’s memory and his Facebook wall has been flooded with messages of condolences.
Falzon leaves to mourn him his wife and three children.