100 empty chairs outside Prime Minister's office in remembrance of COVID-19 victims
In a symbolic action outside the Office of the Prime Minister in Valletta, civil society group Repubblika puts up 100 empty chairs with white carnations to mark the victims of coronavirus

Victims of COVID-19 were remembered in a symbolic action outside Castille where Repubblika put up 100 empty chairs with white carnations on them.
The civil society organisation called out the government for giving out conflicting messages on the pandemic.
Malta registered 101 deaths from coronavirus with the vast majority being elderly people. Deaths increased exponentially since September when the second wave of the pandemic set in and government faced flak for reacting late.
Repubblika spokesperson Alessandra Dee Crespo said the chairs represented 100 family members.
“Nothing will bring them back,” she said, blaming the increase in COVID-19 cases on conflicting messages coming from the government.

Crespo said on the one hand, government was asking people to be careful, and on the other hand, telling people they could go to the beach and enjoy summer.
She said that because of the high number of cases the health care system was no longer able to function correctly.
She was also critical of the incentives to bring people to Valletta during the Christmas period.
“For a while now, Health Minister Chris Fearne has been warning the public not the gather; however, Robert Abela's government seems to know better than the health authorities, and has instead insisted on going ahead with activities,” she said.
Crespo thanked the front liners, who she said continued to work tirelessly for the public's welfare, while simultaneously calling for Abela and his government to take COVID-19 seriously.