[WATCH] Bernard Grech wants more autonomy for Gozo
The Nationalist Party leader says Gozo should have a regional council elected by Gozitans with executive powers to run matters on the island

Bernard Grech has called for more autonomy for Gozo, suggesting the creation of a regional council elected by Gozitans that would have executive powers.
The Nationalist Party leader said more autonomy would strengthen the regional status of Gozo, where certain decisions will be taken by Gozitans and not the central government.
Grech was speaking in Gozo, where he criticised the regional council set up by the government, which is composed of people appointed by the government.
“Gozitans should be able to take the decisions that affect them closest and be in a position to execute them,” Grech said, adding more autonomy would strengthen Gozo.
He recalled that it was a PN administration in 1987 that first appointed a minister for Gozo but then criticised the current government for appointing three of its Gozitan MPs as ministers.
“Today, because they fear the PN’s growth in Gozo they appointed three Gozitan ministers but do not lose heart. People will choose wisely,” Grech told supporters.
The reference was to the latest reshuffle that saw Justyne Caruana making a return to Cabinet as education minister. Clint Camilleri and Anton Refalo, the two other Gozo MPs, retained their ministerial portfolios as Gozo Minister and Agriculture Minister respectively.
Grech said he was convinced Gozo could be in a better state.
“I have instructed the PN Gozo regional committee along with Gozitan MPs and others to prepare a socio-economic plan for Gozo. We know where we want to go and we will show Gozitans where we want to take them. The plan will take a snapshot of Gozo and propose a way forward,” he said.
Tunnel studies and Gozo referendum
Grech reiterated that a decision on whether a tunnel between the islands was the best option to ensure accessibility had to be taken after all studies are concluded.
He also suggested a referendum among Gozitans on the tunnel after the studies are done.
Grech said that today, a large number of Gozitans did not believe in the tunnel project and called for an informed decision based on independent expert advice.
“We have to ensure accessibility is addressed seriously… studies by independent experts should tell us what works best for Gozo, Gozitans, young people, workers and investors and after these are ready a decision will be taken,” he said.
Grech placed emphasis on the impact a tunnel will have, calling for responsibility. “These experts have to give us an honest picture on the feasibility of a tunnel and whether it is the best way to connect both islands because it will cost to build and run and will leave a social, economic and environmental impact,” he said.
Grech added that if there are alternatives that are less damaging and more feasible they should be explored, positing a fast ferry service as a suitable alternative.
Giovanna Debono gets special mention
Grech also had a special mention for former Nationalist Gozo ministers Giovanna Debono and Anton Tabone.
The former had resigned from the PN in 2015 after her husband was charged with fraud and misappropriation. He denied the charges and the case is ongoing.
“I met both of them [Giovanna and Anton] yesterday. In my eyes, since a young age, they were political giants. They are humble people and all they are interested in is the welfare of Gozo,” Grech said to applause.