Bernard Grech condemns prime minister’s ‘dangerous’ attitude over Daphne inquiry
Opposition leader Bernard Grech says government’s reaction to the Daphne Caruana Galizia public inquiry board’s decision to go beyond the deadline is an attack on the judiciary

Bernard Grech condemned the Prime Minister’s reaction to the decision taken by the judges overseeing the Daphne Caruana Galizia public inquiry to continue proceedings beyond the deadline.
The Opposition leader said Robert Abela’s attitude was “not only wrong but also dangerous”.
“Yesterday, we witnessed an unprecedented attack by the government against the Maltese judiciary,” Grech said.
He was reacting to government’s statement that the judges leading the inquiry have to “shoulder responsibility” for their actions.
The government has not explained what it means by its statement that took umbrage at the board’s decision to go beyond the 15 December deadline.
Joseph Muscat iġġieled b’ruħu u ġismu biex ma ssirx inkjesta pubblika dwar l-assassinju ta’ ġurnalista. Illum nafu...
Posted by Bernard Grech on Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Grech accused Abela of not wanting to know the truth and doing all he can to stop it from coming out.
“He wants you to remain in the dark. If we want our country to move forward we must not fear light,” Grech said.
The inquiry board had asked for an extension to its term until the 15 December last summer. The request was granted by the Prime Minister, who ruled out further extensions.
However, the board, the Caruana Galizia family and Council of Europe Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt have argued that the inquiry’s terms of reference allow it to go beyond the deadline in pursuit of its work.