The honoraria saga liveblog

Opposition motion fails to pass, Prime Minister successfully amends motion.

The background - What is the Labour honoraria motion? | DATA: salaries and honoraria | Why this vote is important for Lawrence Gonzi | What are people in the public sector paid? | Ministers' declarations of assets in 2008




Vote taken on amended motion: motion is passed. 35 in favour, 34 against.

Labour motion as amended does not pass. Opposition calls for division.

Vote taken on PM's amendment to motion: amendment is passed. 35 in favour, 34 against.

PM's amendment to the motion. Opposition calls for division.

Vote taken on Labour amendment to motion: amendment is not passed. 34 in favour, 35 against.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando addressing House. "Mr. Speaker, I was intending to vote with the Opposition on this motion to be coherent with the people's sentiment, however I will now be voting for the Prime Minister's counter-motion, after his clear admission of embarrassment and his promise to be more transparent and his proposal for a discussion within the Select Committee, whereby the salaries increase will be pinned to the House of Commons model."

Labour's amendment to its motion and Opposition calls for division: vote to be taken in 20 minutes.

Whips, Leader of the House discussing amendments with Speaker of the House.

12:37 Labour MP Helena Dalli asks for ruling by the Speaker on claims in her regard by Nationalist MP Jean-Pierre Farrugia which "remain unsubstantiated".

12:31 Joe Mizzi moves Opposition's amendment to the motion.

Joe Mizzi resumes address to the House.

Prime Minister: "We will be moving an amendment to the motion: substitute censure and instead move to refer the matter to the Select Committee to evaluate the system used in the House of Commons of the UK and see whether this should be applicable in the payment of honoraria to members of the executive."

12:14 "I was quoted by MaltaToday saying that it was not opportune timing for this salary increase. David Agius got his dictation wrong this time... I am being portrayed as having agreed with this salary increase."

12:12 "Back in May 2008, in an interview to the Times the Prime Minister announced that ministers would be getting their honorarium. But in November, another newspaper [MaltaToday] announced that these ministers would actually be taking a higher honorarium."

12:05 "If this parliament had to adopt the Commons' system it would be the prime minister's MPs who resign first with all the corruption and conflicts of interest in this government."

Labour whip Joe Mizzi addressing the House.

12:03 Opposition leader Joseph Muscat: "We are insisting on our motion to go ahead if the Prime Minister is not intending to go back on the salary increase."

12:02 Prime Minister: "No. What I am proposing is that we study the UK Commons' system of regulating salaries, and use this as an opportunity to re-enter the Select Committee for the Strengthening of Democracy."

12:01 Opposition leader Joseph Muscat: "Will you go to the Select Committee and renounce the salary increase?"

11:58 "We must go back to the Select Committee for the Strengthening of Democracy and study whether the UK House of Commons' system of regulating the salaries of political office-holders."

11:52 "You [the Opposition] keep throwing the salt on the wound by hitting out at ministers' salaries and their assets... don't tell me you didn't know of this salary increase, when it was even revealed by the newspapers."

11:50 "If I had to ask lawyers and architect in this House what their profession earns them, it would be ten times this salary raise... what are we doing wrong by telling ministers that they will keep earning their honorarium as MPs for serving the country?"

11:46 "We legislated to pay former ministers and the Opposition leader a transitional salary for six months because of the difficulties they encounter in searching for a job after their political career... have we done something wrong by rewarding those who gave themselves to serving society?"

11:43 "I felt that an Opposition leader should also take home a salary that recognises his role as Opposition leader and MP; and giving the choice to a Speaker who is full-time and does not retain his private profession, to take home the same salary - which is what we gave to former Speaker Louis Galea, who was paid both the Speaker's salary and an MP's honorarium."

11:38 "There is a limit to what I can defend what has been in the interest of Opposition MPs who retained their employment in the civil service, and who did not even say whether this was good or not. Why was this anomaly, which I challenged and changed, good for the Opposition but not for ministers who previously had to forgo their MPs' honoraria?"

11:36 "Nobody stood up to protest the fact that by giving MPs the right to retain their employment in the civil service, had automatically given them a large raise."

11:34 "I didn't find it right that MPs lose their private earnings to just live by their honorarium."

11:32 "Opposition MPs have twisted this story and given a false narrative of what happened... this decision was taken in May 2008, and the way the Opposition leader seems to be pushing the line that this decision was just taken recently. This is false."

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi addressing the House.

Alfred Sant ends his address to the House.

11:27 “The way the salary saga was conducted created an ugly precedent… not even the Speaker of the House was aware of this increase. If there was ever a case where MPs were ridiculed and held in contempt, then this was it… these increases were not part of the House’s budget even though they were honoraria and not salary increases.”

11:25 “Last January, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi sounded just like a shop-steward when he tried to argue that since MPs from the civil service where allowed to retain their employment, then so should ministers be paid their honoraria… I’ve never such an arrogant way of characterising the duty us MPs should be carrying out that us. It was a manifest of greed for Cabinet ministers.”

11:22 “People are asking that while they are making sacrifices, decision-makers are honest and open and also make sacrifices… austerity also exists among us with the increase of fuel and energy prices, and the Air Malta redundancies. If we want to be honest today, we have to ask whether we want to discredit parliamentary democracy by ploughing ahead with these increased salaries.”

11:16 "MPs should not enter politics so that they can further their private or family's interests... ministers should accept criticism of their decisions, and they should not hide their decisions, because they are duty-bound to make such decisions openly and honestly. This is the kind of democracy that attracts people to politics."

11:14 "The income for a Cabinet minister should reflect the importance of this role, even though public service should be recognised as a duty to society rather than satisfying some ambition for private gain."

11:12 "This saga has increased the negative perception of the political class... reversed the perception of politics working towards the common good rather than personal gain."

11:10 "Irrespectively of what we've heard so far, this salary raise has been sensational in itself. It gave ministers a higher MPs' honoraria and a 20% duty allowance. Additionally, the raise was not given to the Opposition leader and the Speaker, whose salaries are indexed with those of the Cabinet. So did they know of this salary raise?"

Labour MP Alfred Sant addressing the House.

Tonio Fenech ends his address.

11:07 "Labour talks of the increase in utility prices as if I, Tonio Fenech, have been going to OPEC and telling them to raise their oil prices. If Labour is elected to government they will turn Malta into another Greece with their promises and the way they play to the gallery."

11:05 "The Opposition is saying this is a vote between Gonzi or families... they should tell the people what the families in Spain, Greece, Portugal and the UK are passing through right now. We worked to save jobs and create employment. We worked in the last three Budgets to reduce the burden of taxation, reducing income tax twice in a row."

11:03 "None of us is here for the money... I have no doubt that the money is being made outside of politics. So don't we want to attract the best minds to this House, people who have made a success of their careers and encourage them to enter politics?"

10:58 "It's not the aim of Budgets to announce salary raises, but for MPs to vote for budgetary estimates. The salary raises are administered by one office of the finance ministry... they were not hidden, and there was a newspaper that published the story of the salary raises."

10:56 "The message of this motion, and the spirit of the Opposition's debate today is telling people not to enter politics, and sending a message to people that politicians do not deserve such a raise."

10:55 "If there is hypocrisy in this motion, it's that Labour is hoping that a committee will increase salaries for ministers because they are hoping they will be in government next time around."

10:54  "When the decision was taken back on 5 May 2008 to raise the salaries, we were not facing the recession prompted by the international financial crisis."

Finance minister Tonio Fenech addressing the House.

Francis Zammit Dimech ends his address to the House.

10:51 "My other appeal is that it's high time for us to see whether all MPs have the right tools to carry out their duties

10:49 "Certainly there had to be engagement with MPs from both sides and the general public. I have to appeal to the government to be more conscious of the need for serious and effective communication on all aspects of its work. There is a wide gap between the enormous work government makes - and its results are setting the island apart from other countries - and the it is communicated effectively."

10:47 "What happened in this parliament was that MPs with an executive role should retain their parliamentary honoraria. What happened in Malta is something that should have been ages ago... now we must see how we as a political class, should move forwards. Undoubtedly, my criticism is that there were mistakes of communication, engagement, or ownership."

10:45 "When you have MPs like Joe Mizzi, passing remarks in parliament back in 2009 like 'since when ministers have taken an increase in their parliamentary remunerations we've been moving backwards'... so my question to all MPs is: if those who claim they didn't know of the increases are referring to the ministers' honoraria they way they do today, then what should we say of those Opposition MPs who knew of the salary increase?"

10:35 "This motion reminded me of a TV advert, in which a child in the back seat of the car tells his mum that he wants to stay in front. Because this motion is sounding like child's play... and now the Opposition is trying to remove all the references to the Opposition leader, the reason for the motion."

10:30 "This entire motion, from beginning to end, refers to the fact that Opposition leader was not paid the increased salary. The way it has been constructed starts from the May 2008 decision to increase salaries."

10:29 "The Opposition knows this attack will always work against the government, and it is trying to gain mileage from this attack by proposing this motion."

Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech addressing the House.

Anglu Farrugia ends his address to the House.

10:22 "Tonio Borg seemed to be telling us yesterday there was nothing wrong for the Cabinet to raise salaries by 500 euros a week since there is no other independent body to do it... but us both being lawyers, I say I have never heard that a lawyer acts like a judge. That's why we came to the House Business Committee to propose an independent commission with the Auditor General, the Ombudsman and the Chief Electoral Commission to propose a salary scale for all political office-holders, and then decide the mechanism of how these salaries should be increased and forget this raise for this legislature."

10:20 "The Opposition leader has decided to give this raised salary to charity through a commission chaired by Judge emeritus Philip Sciberras... and we told you that this is wrong, something morally wrong."

10:19 Addresses health minister Joe Cassar, a psychiatrist: "I had a couple whose son is disabled, who happened to also have been patients of Dr Cassar... and I ask him whether he will be accepting to take the double salary after seeing the hardship of this family."

10:14 "You are trying to justify something you knew was wrong, which is why you hid it... and this no mistake, this is a crime Mr Speaker - the crime of taking money from the people and trying to justify it here by giving the money to your colleagues, us as well."

10:13 “There was never any reference to the double salary they had been taking since 2008 in any of the last three budget votes, because we didn’t even know we were voting money into ministerial budgets for this raise.”

10: 12 "As soon as the PN won the general elections and parliament had not even been summoned, “Gonzi’s club” unilaterally decided to increase their salary two-fold, accompanied by a series of allowances."

10:11 "Is it normal to have politics done this way? Why did the honoraria increase have to be hidden? All things related with financial issues, where payments are made using public funds must always be debated and approved by parliament."

10:07 "This motion speaks to the conscientiousness of MPs... we're in politics to reflect the people's will. This is a matter of conscience, something we've heard being mentioned a lot recently. Today it is the national test for this House for that everyone of us really judges whether the government's actions on salary raises have been correct or not, and how this has led up to the motion of today."

10:06 Session resumes: Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia addressing the House.

Labour MP Joe Debono Grech winding-down speech. Parliament ends tonight. Session continues Saturday morning.

Tonio Borg ends his address to the House.

21:04 "There is no doubt that this issue has been raised for partisan reasons... it's not right that what we extended to civil servants who were elected MPs, and MPs who take home their private salaries, should not be granted to ministers. I don't think this debate should take such a 'demogogic' turn."

20:55 "Do we want to attract the best people to this parliament? I understand that if you are not ready to make sacrifices this job is not suitable for you... there shouldn't be a wide gap between what you earn in the private or public sector, and what you earn as a minister."

20:53 "It is always the Cabinet that must effect these salary raises, and a similar one was done by the Mintoff government, because we never created a body to regulate these affairs."

20:49 "In the British House of Commons, all ministers and other junior ministers and whips do not lose the honorarium because they are still elected as MPs by the people." [Borg has laid a paper on the table of the House that details these salaries].

20:47 "Every MP can continue with their private professions or civil service employment while ministers cannot since this would be an obvious conflict of interest. When the honararium was added to ministers' salaries, the same principle was being applied: to have MPs retain the salary of their public role, this time as ministers."

20:44 "There is quite an element of hypocrisy that this debate is taking place some three years after the change in salaries took place. It really is a partisan debate and which serves to have people question whether ministers should be paid or not the honorarium."

Deputy prime minister Tonio Borg addressing the House.

David Agius ends his address.

20:40 "I think it is political irresponsibility that we are being treated like punching bags, and the people out there are understanding this irresponsibility. They understand that the Opposition is harping on the difference between the €500 weekly raise for ministers and the €1.16 cost of living increase..."

20:36 "I ask the Opposition what its benchmarks are going to be for its ministers if it will be in government? Will it be the Ombudsman or the Auditor General to set this benchmark?"

20:33 "Lawrence Gonzi's hallmark is the quality of education for our children, our free healthcare, the European standard of our roads, the lowest level of unemployment in the EU, our quality of environment... this is never mentioned by the Opposition. It only tries to win a few votes by criticising Gonzi, so that it wins the next election."

20:31 "It is important to understand the work that our ministers and parliamentary secretaries do is a service to our country. And this service must be remunerated decently. We heard Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca talk of the sacrifice involved in seeing to the electorate's concerns... shouldn't MPs be paid decently?"

20:29 "Labour is trying to sow class envy... they are trying to paint this motion as a choice between Gonzi and the Maltese family. They should know better about what the Prime Minister has done for families."

20:24 "Mizzi should be reminded that he was aware of the salary raise, as was the Opposition leader, and that he pointed this out in parliament before this motion was presented... you are trying to gain political mileage, and trying to win the next general election by capitalising on the emotions of the people."

20:21 "MaltaToday, in November 2008, had published the story of the salary raise on its front page... and on 3 December both Joe Mizzi and myself were asked to give our opinion on this matter. Mizzi was quoted saying 'ministers deserve a raise' and that he 'agreed in principle with the increase in salaries but should be accompanied by a greater sense of accountability.' Why didn't Labour file a motion back then?"

20:19 "Today we have less ministers and a lower salary bill, and parliamentary secretaries have much more work to do today than ever before. Even Labour whip Joe Mizzi said us MPs are paid worse than Bangladesh MPs."

20:18  "What is exactly Labour's solution in its motion? Is this censure the only thing that the Opposition feels about this issue?"

Nationalist Whip David Agius addressing the House.

George Vella ends his address to the House.

20:14 "Anyone who votes against this motion is an accomplice of the government and against democracy..."

20:07 "The biggest problem here is the insensitivity of the timing... how can one drink champagne in front of somebody dying of thirst? I understand Jean-Pierre Farrugia's hysteria today. He was correct when he rebelled against his government, and when he felt insulted that backbenchers like him were ignored by the government. But I disagree with him that the Opposition is trying to reap political mileage, that this motion takes us nowhere, or that the Prime Minister 'ceded' some part of this honorarium. He's caught between a rock and a hard place."

20:05 "I hope the Accountant General will look into whether the MPs' honoraria payable to ministers could be paid from ministerial budgets and not from a general vote to the House of Represenatives."

20:03 A brief spat between Vella and the Nationalist whip David Agius. Vella tells Agius to "go quote some dissertation" (a polite reference to the whip's plagiarism during university examinations."

20:02 "I don't agree with the Speaker of the House when he said the raise was not in contempt of parliament... the same MPs of this government did not even know about these salary raises. The Prime Minister knows that this is not the way things are done. This was an insult to the House of Representatives."

19:58 "The argument is not whether ministers must be paid more or pocket their MPs' honorarium... what is being discussed is the opacity of the way things were carried out. It was two years after the salary raise was effected that the government officially informed the House of these salary raises."

19:53 "Karl Gouder calls this a comedy of errors and he still won't condemn... this motion by the Opposition is motion of censure against the government and its condemnable actions. We have a Cabinet that hid these salary raises, arrogantly effected an immediate raise, and withheld this raise for the Opposition leader and the Speaker of the House; and a lack of sensitivity to the realities of the people."

Labour MP George Vella addressing the House.

Karl Gouder ends his address.

19:49 "I cannot understand how this issue has come to this point... we may not agree, but we must administer this country and move forward. To me this motion takes us nowhere... it's just a motion that serves to embarrass the government. I'm surprised that some Opposition MPs are expecting, if not pleading, government MPs to vote for this motion."

19:45 "We need experienced and well-trained individuals, even people with experience in the private sector where efficiency is key, to be encouraged to run for parliament."

19:43 "It was a public relations mistake not to announce the raise... And there's never a good time to announce such a raise. But if must lead this country, with the big challenges we face, then we need good people, people who are qualified and who have vision for our country. Those who run for politics have a vocation."

19:40 "This government was one of the most hard-working of governments in helping people cope during the tough times internationally... and the results are there for all to see."

19:39 Nationalist MP Karl Gouder addresses the House.

Coleiro-Preca ends address with final words: "I'm proud to be Labour, and I'll be Labour until I die."

19:36 "I am certainly no thief... nobody can argue that because five years ago, us civil service employees were allowed to retain our employment as MPs, we've been getting a handsome salary. We give our service to citizens without any concern for our salaries."

19:31 "We've had careworkers being paid rubbish for a salary by their employment agencies... the reply to my PQ was that the same government was not even paying their contractors enough to pay the overtime on the weekend for these workers. Of course, this contractor is just another friend of the government, while the care-workers are breaking their backs in hospitals and homes for the elderly."

19:29 "It is not the time for these salary raises, and not just because of the situation of families out there... it is just not the time. Today families are not even going out to a restaurant to eat a pizza."

19:27 Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca is talking of attacks from the press on her (she mentioned MaltaToday in her Facebook status today) and said she takes the 'attacks' "like a duck to the water" [sic].

Labour MP Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

Helena Dalli ends her address.

19:21 "We're paying taxes for Enemalta's efficiencies... we pay €500,000 for the Air Malta chief executive... we see money in the public sector going to quangos on the premise that the government department is not efficient: they are quangos without the rules of the civil service, and they just create jobs for those who help them stay in power."

19:17 "If Jean-Pierre Farrugia is serious he should now vote with this motion."

19:14 "Gonzi knows he cannot keep throwing money at his problems... even the last general elections were bought with promotions, jobs in the public sector, and MEPA permits. The government was elected through these abuses and keeps stumbling from one crisis to the other with a one-seat majority."

19:13 "In a bid to keep the peace, the Prime Minister gave some MPs the job of 'parliamentary assistant' or chairmanships... now Jean-Pierre Farrugia tells us that some parliamentary assistants are not even attending parliament."

19:11 "The PN media and PBS have reported the Prime Minister's visit to British prime minister David Cameron but nowhere did they mention that Cameron effected pay cuts in his ministers' salaries due to the cutbacks of his government."

19:09 "The scandal here is that the government is telling people to make sacrifices because of the international financial crisis... while the Cabinet is taking a salary raise. The Prime Minister tried to patch it up by paying back the increased honorarium."

19:07 "I could see the Hon. Farrugia's face go white when Joseph Muscat said he would be amending the motion and remove all references to the Opposition leader, because he stole the carpet from under his feet... it removed all obstacles for him to vote for this motion."

Labour MP Helena Dalli addressing House.

Jean-Pierre Farrugia ends his address.

19:05 "I didn't know what ministers' salaries and allowances were before the raise so I couldn't compare... I appeal to the Prime Minister to reconsider to ask the Cabinet to decrease its duty allowance [20% of the salary as a top-up on the ministers' salaries].

19:02 "We have to be wary of creating a brain drain in politics... we saw a Speaker like Louis Galea going to Brussels [Galea was appointed a member of the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg by the Prime Minister]."

19:00 "Nobody from the Opposition talked about the increased honorarium that was paid to ministers two years ago... it's true they knew back in 2009 that ministers and parliamentary secretaries were being paid their honorarium."

18:56 Opposition calling out to Farrugia to name parliamentary assistants (MPs assisting minister) who are not attending House sittings. Helena Dalli heard calling out 'chicken' at Farrugia.

18:55 "I've seen the comments posted on news websites saying that MPs don't attend parliament... I ask the Prime Minister whether he knows that a parliamentary assistant has been pocketing his salary and missed out on 28 sittings since January."

18:49 Farrugia elicits laughter among the Opposition benches with some wrong statistics on the Cabinet ministers' raise. Some sparring with Helena Dalli taking place.

18:48 "I am not voting with an Opposition that has been chaotic on this motion from the start... I said I would vote with the Opposition. I must say that within less than 24 hours after that declaration, the Prime Minister met me, and other MPs... the Opposition knew for the past two years of the so called 'double salary' and none of you ever said anything, and left it until this year to move this motion. All the Opposition is interested in is power."

18:44 Nationalist MP Jean-Pierre Farrugia addressing House.

Joseph Muscat ends opening address

18:43 "If there was ever a vote on conscience, this it it - and for MPs it will be either a vote in favour of the prime minister or Maltese families."

18:42 "We're separating the boys from the men: I am presenting an amendment to the motion to remove all references to the Opposition leader. This discussion, this vote is not simply about the honoraria, about a bad decision that was mistakenly made and then covered up. This vote is about the credibility of this institution - not government's - but the highest institution in our country. A vote for our future... and youths who want to enter politics."

18:39 "It is incredible that this Prime Minister is defending the salary raise for him and his ministers when there are families who find today's cost of living impossible... when we come to voting tomorrow afternoon, anyone who votes with this prime minister will be cut off from the reality of this country's people."

18:34 "The finance minister has the same characteristics of the Prime Minister and his government... the lack of transparency in the proven corruption of his private secretary, who was paid money to waive fines for contractors, and the lack of accountability in the VAT fraud investigation, which in a normal country would have led any decent politician to resign."

18:32 "Recently parliament was asked whether the jobs of the Selmun hotel's employees were safeguarded... finance minister Tonio Fenech in November 2010 said the buyer of the hotel had to employ the workers as well. Today he is throwing them away. Is the way one promotes families?"

18:30 "(Parliamentary Secretary) Chris Said's address to the ILO said economic development should not come at the expense of social justice... while this speech was taking place in Geneva, the government was announcing lay-offs and redundancies in Malta."

18:28 "If Gonzi's legislature had the Euro as its hallmark in 2008, this time it is his lack of accountability in giving ministers a raise... this is a symptom of a government being built in the image of its prime minister."

18:27 "Government tarnished all its MPs, with the resultant damage it created in public perception... the prime minister's irresponsible action made MPs the object of public ridicule."

18:25 "The salary raise was effected without parliament voting for it during the budgetary votes, because the raise was being paid from ministerial budgets... this is a case of lack of transparency."

18:24 Opposition leader Joseph Muscat addressing parliament.

Jiena Nemmen hbieb li suluzzjoni tezzisti ,mill l-oppozzizjoni ukoll, hemm hafna x'jaghmlu. jien niftakar fiz zmien KMB li kulhadd kien jghid li hu maxxex, imma is sahha tieghu urija sew. perezzempju meta qal ma nhalsux id dawl u l-ilma, u jekk kienu jaqtawh group ta haddiema mill partit kienu jintbaghtu iwahluh.jien nghid ahsbu ftiet kieku kellu Joseph Muscat jahdem hu stima kemm il-popplu immissu jhallas il-kontijiet, u kull laburist rejali u veru u kull minn dan il-gvern qed idejqu jinhadmu kontijiet bir rati baxxi u jithalsu gewwa PL headquaters, u meta jkun fil-gvern ikunu dawk ir rati u jithallas dirett mill partit.
thats why we are the last placed in europe, we are not europeans as they try to say, we are north africans more than you can imagine, we are a 3rd world country, we are not simillar to north africans just cause of a language similarity, but also to a 25 year of a same goverment, eh but the nun convents really help to keep this goverment in power. heq namlulom xi bankina quddiem xi kunvent, halli johorgu jivutawlna. it happend trust me kif waslet l-elezzjoni hekk sar quddiem kunvent partikolari marru jghamlulom il bankina (biex ma jaqqawx)
Paul Sammut
@ mikesgold Mike, how can one lead if not in power? Don't voters put leaders in power? Did you not vote for GonziPN to be in power? Leaders are put in power or removed from power by voters. You yourself stated that you want to remove GonziPN from power by voting AD come next election. So what is this nonsense about power? After all, power is the ability to do work - basic mechanical physics, remember? Regarding honesty, Joseph is clean and stands head and shoulders above Eddie and GonziPN placed one atop the other? That is why voters are deserting GonziPN and as you said you will be doing yourself. Wishing you the best for this Sunday.
Micheal Bonanno
@mike. Who doesn't? I think even you if you ever get the chance. But one thing is certain Joseph Muscat is miles ahead in the trust factor. Just read Malta Today's Survey and you'll get the idea. Muscat is 42% and Gonzi nearly 24%. A difference of 18 percentage point. Since Muscat became leader of the PL, Gonzi's trust factor plummeted into a nosedive without ever a chance of slowing down.
Mike is so predictable. Keep on defending the indefensible my friend. As to Joseph Muscat you don't scare me. Yes I want to give him a try when the time comes. Nothing can be as bad as this bunch of hypocrites that have been governing us while they and their friends have plundered the country. Sur Mike gold. The proof of the puddung is in the eating and the PN pudding has been disgusting to say the least
@GYK, who JM is honest come on? Don' t make me laugh what he wants is to be in power, what he had do about the electricity bills and other utilities do you think they can get cheaper? About his leadership skills he is controlled by the dirty old guys.
Thank you mr.gonzipn and others,your end is coming soon,you are the weakest link,goodbye
nuru kemm ahna poplu bla sinsla, araw spanja u l italia hargu jiprotestaw, ahna biss mahniex kapaci iwasslu messag pacifiku quddiem il parlament? il unions maltin biss mhumiex kappaci jorganizaw strike generali? il mizatta jigu bix jigbruwa biex idahluk membru.
Paul Sammut
@mike117 Mike, many agree with you that as you say GonziPN cannot be trusted any more and that for many the adventure with GonziPN has gone sour. It's over. However, in all fairness we cannot comment much about Dr Muscat except that we all know that he is honest. All else would be speculation. Why should Dr Muscat be a puppet on a string? It looks more like he is pulling the strings and for all it matters it is becoming clear that he is pulling them the the right way too. We only have to see how he is cornering Gonzi and exposing him for what he is - deceitful, creepy, fake and decadent. Today, any one is better than GonziPN even AD.
THE PEOPLE OF MALTA MUST REMEMBER THIS DAY IN INFAMY. WHETHER YOU ARE A PN OR PL SUPPORTER ONE THING HAS BECOME CLEAR. THE MALTESE PEOPLE MUST REMOVE EVRY M.P. IN THE NEXT ELECTION AND VOTE ONLY FOR NEW REPRESENTATION ACCORDING TO YOUR PARTY. THESE HYPOCRITES MUST BE TAUGHT A LESSON OTHERWISE WHAT HAPPENED TODAY IS ONLY THE BEGINING OF THE AUSTERITY MEASURES THAT ARE TO FOLLOW. MALTA MUST FOLLOW THE HISTORY OF OLIVER CROMWELL AND HIS FAMOUS SPEECH. :It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money. Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth? Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone!
Imma meta ha tifmu li dawn in-nazzjonalista gejjin mir-razza tal-qzieqez u jekk hanzir taqtalu denbu HANZIR jibqa!
Just like the pigs in George Orwell's Animal Farm. Gonzi and his minions keep on digging their snouts deeper in the trough. And then they harp about having the family at heart. Their families definitely, ours not in any way. May you rot in politcal helll in the not so distant future you hypocrites.
Imma l-poplu kwiet wisq...jekk il-poplu mhux ser iqum...ghalxejn tghidu musmar iehor...ghax ser jibqghu jghaddu minn fuqna. Hemm bzonn li l-poplu johrog fit-toroq.
Prosit Gonz!!! Musmar iehor fit-tebut!!!!!
Tiftakru kemm kien ighid bil -kuxjenza socjali ? Illum vera wera lejl il-haddiem kemm ghandu imhabba lejl. GHax se idahhlu fil-but 2,000 euros fi xhar. Tal -misthija. Dan meta qed naraw iktar minn shabna il-haddiema jigu bla xoghol , ta selmun il-bierah u fil-granet li gejjin tal -go se inehhu 100 haddiem iehor+ Daqt 600 haddiem minn airmalta bye bye ukoll. Il-vera gonzi pn ma ghandux misthija mill -haddiem. Il-maskra issa hija mikxufa.
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others...
@ GYK that is why I will be voting AD next time both parties cannot be trusted. the problem is that the pl will win next election and will be doing just the same. Do you think they will be consulting with the pn on every decsion? Honest Joseph will be a pupet on string
I have told you all that this motion will not pass . This should all be remembered by everyone for when we will start having PN members coming knocking on our doors in the next coming election .
And someone once said' You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time'
Luke Camilleri
Now we know! . It's official! . With Gonzipn, some pigs are certainly and truly more equal tha others! Now we know whare the Gonzipn MPs stand , and we also know where we stand with a group of MPs with an A'La Carte Conscience ..and all tey think about is themselves and their back pockets! Now with the extra honoraria Dr. Lawrence Gonzi will have no problem with Credit when drawing frunds from an ATM..........the only problem is His CREDIBILITY with the electorate!
Yet another obscene move from GonziPN. Makes one shudder to think what these people will be lining themselves up for, next. Roll on the elections, together we can rid Malta of Shylock and his den of thieves.
Shame, Shame, Shame. Kif ma jisthux??? Kuxjenza? Fejn jaqblilhom biss!! What a bunch of Clowns, Hypocrites and opportunists. Who's going to trust them from now on? A Landslide will not be enough! How absolutely disgusting!!
flimkien kollox possibli. AND HOW!!!
Well its all about price. Everyone has a price tag.I wonder what the price of these three spineless idiots was. When I saw Farrugia stand up to be counted at the begining of the year he had my admiration. Mugliette probably was still in bile mode then and probably will be given something to do soon with a fat paycheck. As for JPO he was riding a super crest after his stand on divorce but I am sure he has fallen down freestyle now with this U turn. Talk and bullshit and lie as much as you want all you politicians but you are only convincing yourselves. Not the people anymore. You will pay big time when the time comes. So make hay while the sun shines.........
Paul Sammut
@mikegold117 Do you realise that by voting against the motion greedy Gonzi and the PN backbenchers have just pushed the self-employed floating voters to support Honest Joe. It's no use continuing to carry the chip from the 70's on one's shoulder, Mike. That is over 30 years now.Time changes everything and the PN is no longer the inclusive party it once was. It's become a greedy camorra who think that they are gods and all the rest of us just muck to be trodden on. Through their greed and deceit GonziPN is now bleeding. Bleeding votes.
I can't help noticing how some people can be so naive when they say they have realised that kulhadd jaghmel kif jaqbillu. As if this hasn't always been the case. No revelation here. Kulhadd ihokk fejn jieklu. Meta kont ghadni tifel ta' 8 snin missieri harigna minn skola tas-sorijiet u bghatni l-iskola tal-gvern. Konna biss xi sitta fil-klassi li kelna 8 snin, l-ohrajn kolla kellhom mat-12 , 13-il-sena u kienu jigi l-iskola ghax kienet ghadha kemm ghaddiet il_Compulsory Education Act li tghid li hadd ma jista' jhalli l-iskola qabel ma laghlaq 14-il-sena, u ghalhekk qajla kien jimpurthom mill-iskola. Kienu jippreferu jmorru jahdmu ma' missierhom u jaqalghu xi haga tal-flus. Insomma a parti, l-ewwel li taghllimt minn dawn it-tfal kienet ' l-ixkubetta fiha l-grillu u kulhadd jaghmel li jaqbillu'. U 'hadd ma jghidlek biex tahsel wiccek biex tigi isbah minnu'. Minn kien jimmagina li JPO, JM u JPF ser jivvutaw favur il-mozzjoni tal-Labour veru ma jghix f'dinja. Din bhal meta kien hemm il-mozzjoni fuq iz-zieda tad-dawl u l-ilma is-sena l-ohra ; kienu mhux ftit li emmnu li il-mozzjoni ser tghaddi u ser jaqa' l-gvern. Kienu mhux ftit li emmnu li il-PN ser jaghmel biss 22 xahar fil-gvern bhal-Labour fin-1996/98. Il-Labour kien ilhu jghid li l-PN ma jdujmx fil-gvern ghax ghandu siggu wiehed izjed biss u li ser jigrilu bhal-Labour fil-1996. Izda dan ma garax. U hekk il-lum min haseb li l-PN ser jitlef il-vot fuq il-mozzjoni li ressaq Joseph Muscat gie fi kliem MIntoff li kien jghid li it-tigrija sal-barkun biex jifmuh in-nies ta' Bormla, ta' l-Isla u tal-Birgu u tal-Marsa li kollha jtellqu fit-tigrija tad-dghajjes fil- Vitorja.
The PN has just hammered the last nail in its coffin. The true colour of hypocrisy has shined from the PN MPs these last couple of weeks. Gonzi & Co. shall be remembered for many years to come for giving the PN the greatest landslide defeat in all its history come next elections!
Krista Sullivan
Mela JPO ivvota favur id-divorzju ghax-QABILLU u rega ivvota favur il-gvern ghax rega QABILLU (butu) u mela ghax harqitu qalbu ghal poplu. Where are the politicians with steel spines and what about our beloved UHM what should they ask for this time, 100 Euros per week, when compared with what they asked back in the 80's. Dejjem jitkellmu dwar il-kuxjenza/religjon etc pero dawn in-nies b'xejn ma jemmnu l-anqas li jridu jghatu rendikont lil Alla ghax Alla taghhom huma il- flus u l-power BISS. Verita.
Conscience is so inconvenient at times
Dawn se jiddiskutu z-zjieda fis-select commetteefejn ghandhom il-maggoranza u bl-istess mod il-Gvern ghandu jaghti d-dritt lilna the working people id-dritt li niddiskutu z-zjieda ta' l-gholi tal-hajja kemm ghandha tkun mhux ghax huma ghandhom il-maggoranza f'dan il-kumitat allura jafu li se tghaddi taghhom u lilna l-batuti jibghat l-ghajta taghna f'dak il-kumitart MCESD fejn il-Gvern ghandu l-maggoranza allura ahna zgur li se jigrilna bhal Lazru lanqas il-loqom ma ahna se niehdu. Kompli ghaffeg Prim u gawdi l-inkwiet li qed tohloq inti stess. Issa naraw kif se tivvota fuq tad-divorzju, ha naraw jekk ghandekx il-hila tivvota kontra, mhur gib liz-ziju Mikiel ghadu haj, kieku min jaf x'kien jaghmel?????
In-Nazzjonalisti dejjem inqdew b'haddiehor.biex ma jidhrux huma il-koroh.......tad-divorzju inqdew bil-knisja....l-airmalta ser jaqdihom pulcinell ingliz....issa inqdew b'zewg pulcinelli. @Guidocforte, sorry ta', ghandek ragun :)
@ Nuju...........Jien minhiex " Gay ". Il Gays ghandhom il kelma u ir rieda soda daqshekk u daqsi, u zgur aktar min dawk li semmejt int. Dawk li semmejt int ( li jien l-anqas irrid inhammeg din il gazzetta b`isimhom ) ma huma xejn. Ghadhom l-anqas jafu kemm irredikolaw u waqqaw ghac cajt lil l-ghola istutuzzjoni tal pajjiz, . Gabu li... il politikant huwa tan NEJK u mhux il poplu. Misskhom flok parlament gdid taghmlu tinda bhal tal KUMMIEDJA, ghax x`bajtu taqaw ghaz zufjett. Dan il pajjiz spicca f`ONE PARTY STATE. Lil l-oppozizjoni infakkarhom li sa gimgha ilu kontu qeghdin nitbewsu ma wiehed minnhom , ghax erbahna id divorzju. Veru li kullhadd jghamel kif jaqbillu.
Very well now, we know who is on the people's side and who is on GonziPn's side. They could have still condemned the way the issue was handle and them try to clear the awful mess in the house committee. It's simply too late now, we WILL NOT FORGET this, come election time in less tan 2 year's time. They may have saved Gonzi's skin, but they have driven another nail in the PN's coffin.
L-ahwa. In-nazzjonalist anke l-ommom ibieghu ghall poter!! Ta' xejn jersqu l-mozzjonijiet kontra GonziPN fil-parlament. Laham mibjugh it-tip ta' JPO, JM u JPF ma' jaslu QATT jivvtaw kontra SAKEMM ma' jkunx hemm xi haga PERSONALI. JPO kien "wise" bizzejjed "jinqeda" bl-oppozizzjoni: xejn aktar, xejn anqas. In-nazzjonalisti, fil-parlament la mill-poplu u l-anqas minn Joseph Muscat ma' jibzghu. Dawn JIBZGHU BISS MILL-BARRANI. QUDDIEM IL-BARRANI JIRTRODU RRKUPPTEJHOM!! Araw il-panic li jkollom kull darba li jispiccaw quddiem il-barrani. Jekk hemm xi hadd fil-PL li qed jittama f'xi JPO, JM jew JPF se jarralu!! Dawn KOLLHA laham mibjugh.
Dear Antione Vella Veru ghandek mohh ta tigiega! Nitlob skuza lit-tigieg kollha. Who told you we are frustrated?? Frustrated is your beloved Eddie - Divorce Frustrated is Gonzi - No control of own party Frustrated are JPO and Jean Pierre - Afraid to follow what they believe in. Frustrated is David Agius - after the whacking from George Vella be continued....
JM illum haseb li kien pass il-boghod milli jsir PM. Hu ftit pacenzja habib u ftakar li i-tigrijia sal-barkun. Kellek ic-cans li tirtira l-mozzjoni ladarba l-Gonzi ried jiftah diskussjoni imma waqajt fin-nasba.
We always knew you couldn't trust JPO.
Mill-ewwel ghidtilkom jiena. Il-paroli ta' mal-media taghtux kasu. Aghtu kas biss il-vot ta' meta jigu ghal-fatti.
Il mozzjoni ghaddiet ghax il PN ghandu partita pulcinelli. Imma l poplu ma jinsiex li ministri hadu euro 500 zieda fil gimgha u l haddiem ha euro 1.16 zieda fil gimgha. See you at the elections Gonzi and co. Issa l ministru Gatt ivvota skond il kuxxjenza????????????????????
Paul Sammut
Today, the prime minister made another stinker. First the backlash in the divorce referendum and now this. In simple language he is telling us Maltese that he does not care two hoots for what we are feeling. He has just put two fingers up to all of us, one and all. The Maltese will not forget. Today, it was the time to choose the man from the boys. We now know who the backbenchers without backbones are. The Maltese will remember.
All this will pass when govt will announce the revised income tax rate from 35% to 25% .................on the eve of the election. People forget quickly. Is anybody talking about the 'scandal' of the extension of the power station.............................or the fighter jets landind and taking off the island at their free will.........................People forget easily. The sleek nationalist propaganda machine and its accolytes will keep PN in power forever. The problem on this island is the media.................
Dawn nies li jilghabuwha tal qaddisin pero tant ihobbu l- poter u l- but li anke max- xitan jaghmlu hbieb ahseb bejniethom . Vera Sur Pullicino Orlando ammirajtek dwar id divorzju pero illum ikkonfermajt li vera nazzjonalist lolll. Lill-haddiema biex jaghtuhom 1.16 euro fil-gimgha iriduhom izidu il-produzzjoni u l’efficjenza. Iriduwhom jahdmu sakemm ma jkunux jifilhu izjed, u huma, mhux talli ma humiex efficjenti talli Malta qatt fl’istorja taghha ma kellha dejn daqs kemm ghandha issa. Qatt ma kien hawn korruzjoni daqs kemm hawn issa. Kull ma ghajjarna bih lill tal-labour tas-sebghinijiet u t-tmeninijiet kollu ghamluh huma u aktar. Sa’ demokrazija giet mhedda minhabba is-suppost kuxjenza li ghandhom. Kull min ivvota favur il-gvern ghalxejn jipprova igib xi skuza jew ohra, la ivvota favur iz- zieda ta 500 euro fil gimgha ghal tal-klikka bilfors li jaqbel maghha. L’ebda skuza verbali ma hi se tirbah il-fatti. L’ebda persuna f’sensiha ma hi se tivvota ghal- Gonzi Pn fl-elezzjoni li gejja bdin il hniezrija li qatt ma saret F'Malta!
Antoine Vella you will be doing that in less than two years time together with your master.
JPO...tinsiex qabel l-elezzjoni tibkilna wahda...tinsiex issa li hadt li ridt tad-divorzju...ghax ma tinghaqadx hemm grupp tal-'Gays'...dak jixraqlek...kemm inti u Mugliett. Intom nies tal-misthija. Intom ghad tiffaccjaw gwerra mhux mal-MLP...imma mal-poplu kollu. Enjoy your 500 Euros....ghamel Gay Party bihom.
Illum il-PM u shabu tilfu 10,000 vot ohra ta nies li zgur mhu ha jahfruwlhom qatt fuq din, grazzi u grazzi li dawk ic-cippitati MP's , biss haga il-poplu ma jinsa qatt !
Dejjem emmint u nibqa nemmen, li il klassi taghna il haddiema QATT ma ghadna cans ma dawn is sangwisugi ta demm il poplu, jekk mhux min got toroq. Fuq il mejda ma ghandhiex cans. Jista ikun hemm mitt Joseph Muscat. Bhal ma kien jghamel Mintoff. Min mhux maghna kontra taghna, u mela gimgha ilu nitanqu ma J.P.O..... Miskina il klassi iz zghira tal poplu...........Ma fadallu lil hadd biex jiddefendih, ghax ghanke il Unions spiccaw bis sarima.
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. It is not only the opposition that is crying foul. It's the people and some of the PN MP's. But the latter have no guts.
May GOD give you twice at what you wish to the Maltese people. Dear PN. Qieghed tara Dun Tonio Fenech jekk titlob taqla (500 fil-gimgha. Mela bhekk bdiet tikbi il-Madonna ghax ma kontx ghadek haddthom? Daqt ser tighed li ghandek lis- stigmata issa.
It's funny to observe Mintoffian yelps of excitement turning to howls of frustration.
well done dear pm and co. Ghadkom kemm ikkonfermajtulna i "flimkien kollox possibbli" - hekk hu il-hakkiem jiehu 500 ewro fil gimgha (tinsewx fil-gimgha) u l-poplu 1.16 ewro fil-gimgha. Tidhak tisma lil ministri jispjegaw ghalfejn haqqhom jiehdu din iz-zieda - l-aktar meta jghidu li dan it-team ta ministri iddeliverja hafna favur il-familji maltin - l-aktar bit-tnaqqis tat taxxi. Dawn qieshom qed jitfghu il-melh fuq il-ferita. Ma jimpurtax zmien il-kontijiet daqt jasal - hemmhekk tkunu tafu kemm il-poplu kien jaqbel maghkom fuq din iz zieda li hadtu. Fi ftit zmien iehor mhux 35 vot ser ikollkom bzonn biex tkomplu tiehdu dawk il-flus mit-taxxi taghna lkoll!!!! l-ahhar kelma lil Dr Muscat - Joseph issa taf ma' min qed tehodha. Ftakar li dawn tal-pn meta jigu ghas-sahha tal poter jinghaqdu flimkien u lesti jaghmlu kollox (ghalhekk flimkien kollox possibbli), sahansitra jbieghu lil ommhom. Ghalhekk kun dejjem lest ghal affarijiet bhal dawn u tafdhom qatt u f'xejn. Ftakar dejjem li l-poplu warajk ghax inti qed thoss il-polz taghna l-haddiema. Grazzi talli qed tikxef l-ipokresija ta' Gonzipn.
Hands up all those who thought that it would end up differently. . Personnally I am glad the motion was defeated as it showed the real colours of some nationalist MPs who played for the gallery displaying themselves as owning an immaculate conscience yet they are rotten to the core. Hope this is a lesson to us all, that a gentleman is recognised by his actions not his gestures.
Taf tisthi JPO. U int Mugliet kemm taf tigi qrib il likk. Jean Pierre mur inheba ghax qisek cippitatu iddur daqqa lhemm u daqqa lhawn.
The grave they are digging for themselves is getting deeper. All of them, and day by day.
kemm nixtieq li kelli xi income bhal ta robert ariggo ezempju, mela dan jaqla il paga ta mp u owner ta lukanda, owner ta travel agency. il haddiem li jahdem mijaw ziedu 1.16 fil gima u huma haddu il 500 hahahaha what a bunch of idiots
The equation is very simple. Euros 600 sorry 500 weekly rise to the cabinet------------ euro 1.16 weekly rise to the workers. Period.
Darba smajt li il politika hija haga sabiha u missjoni importanti, huma il politikanti mahmugin u l ihammguha..........Kemm huwa veru dan hux,,,,, Illum qeghdin nassistu ghal l-akbar faccjolizzmu f`din il gzira. Kemm rajna politikanti ihabbtu fuq sidirhom, ghax kull ma jghamlu, jghamluh ghax ihobbu lil pajjizhom. Wasal iz zmien li l poplu jitkellem, aktar milli tkellem fir referendum li ghadu kif sar.
Din hija l-iktar episodju tal-misthija ta gonzi pn, mela apparti dan kollhu, ma tawx iz-zieda tal -honoraria li Leader ta Partit Laburista Dr Joseph Muscat ,li dan iddikjara bil-quddiem li din kienet se tinghata li minn hu fil-bzonn .Tal -misthija u fl-istess hin l-mp minn naha tal -gvern messhom jisthu jidhlu gol-parlament .
The proposal for the setting up a select committee was done months ago by the Leader of the opposition, which was in turn shot down by the Prime Minister. Is this another U turn that GONZIPN is so renowned for ?
GonziPN is making a U-turn now by sending this issue to the Select Committee. So why did GonziPN did not refer this issue to the said Committee in the first place? Because they wanted this increase in pay to be hush hush. Lack of credibility from GonziPN.
Contrary to Tonio Borg’s assertion that higher pay in politics attracts the best, Timothy Besley of the London School of Economics in Besley ‘Paying Politicians: Theory and Evidence’ states that: . “The efficacy of monetary incentives in political settings is far from clear. Discussions have frequently adopted a view based on the notion that political service is a calling and that money is a distraction. This is nicely illustrated by the following quote from an article published in The Idaho Statesman of 1945 complaining about the behavior of the incumbent senator: . The best of our public officials don’t seek their positions for the money. There are other and infinitely greater rewards. For a senator who can win, there is the respect of his ablest colleagues, and that is something no money-chaser has ever had. There is his own respect to win and keep, and his conscience to live with, while devoting himself faithfully to the welfare of his country. And after his long service is over there is the monument to himself in the memory and the gratitude of the people he served. If such deep and abiding gratifications don’t make your salary seem rather incidental, then you don’t belong there, and the people of Idaho will be happy to relieve you of the job in 1950".
@Mazzun You are right. But there are other issues involved. The timing issue is also important. No one is getting a rise elsewhere. On the contrary Prime Ministers are reducing their salary as an act of sympathy with their electorate. . I mentioned population size as this is one of the criteria used to compare salaries with other countries like David Agius was doing. Tonio Borg's argument of increase his salary to attract the best is also not good enough because foreign institutes do not use this argument.
Compare the following salaries of Prime Ministers/Presidents and the extent of the population they govern: . Malta.......€84,435 + perks.....413,000 India.........€3,041........1,210,193,000 China........€7,868........1,300,000,000 Poland.....€33,367............38,187,000 Argentina.€54,908............36,000,000 Russia......€85,185...........142,905,000 Israel.......€89,492..............7,746,000 Spain.......€92,000............46,030,000
@Skocciz, the issue is not the extent of the salary in relation to the population governed. It's the extent of the pay RISE in relation to the rise the COMMON PEOPLE got. That's the issue here! The €500 a week is grossly, scandalously disproportionate to the €1.16 a week granted to workers in the last budget. That's the whole point. It's well explained here:
Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg is wrong to assume that upping Minister’s honoraria will attract better people. . The Journal of European Economic Association basis Prime Minister’s and President’s salaries on three criteria: population size, government expenditure and GDP per capita. So Tonio Borg should not expect to be paid anything near a big foreign country. . Even Bangaladesh, the country quoted by David Agius, has a population of 164 million. This population size is 410 times bigger than Malta’s population. Yet our Cabinet paid itself a monthly salary rise which is even higher than the salary of the Bangaladeshi Prime Minister! . Job description is also important. Running the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office with its 130 embassies and as many consulates and British Councils is different to running Malta’s foreign minsitry with 24 embassies and as many consulates. . Compare the following salaries of Prime Ministers/Presidents and the extent of the population they govern: . Malta €84,435 + perks 413,000 India € 3,041 210,000,000 China € 7,868 300,000,000 Poland €33,367 38,187,000 Argentina €54,908 36,000,000 Russia €85,185 142,905,000 Israel €89,492 7,746,000 Spain €92,000 46,030,000
Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg said that “there is quite an element of hypocrisy that this debate is taking place some three years after the change in salaries took place”. He then provided information on the basis this decision on based on. . If the rise was NEVER OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED so no one could say anything. Not only, but it was hidden and kept a secret. The rise did not follow normal procedure for such public expenses and Alfred Sant was right when he said that the manner this rise was implemented was in contempt of Parliament. This does not happen in a democratic country. Let alone in an EU member state. . I ask Tonio Borg what is wrong with raising people’s concerns in Parliament for such an astronomical rise during a time when ALL prime ministers are adopting austerity measures and cutting their salaries, and when the rise of a 500 euros rise does not fit with the 1.16 euros given to anyone else? . How could Tonio Borg defend the opacity when he presides on top of scores of embassies and consulates all feeding him with information on what is happening around the world, which information is procured from public funds? Why does he hide all this information? Is Tonio Borg behind this mess of hiding from Parliament and the Maltese?
Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg said that “there is quite an element of hypocrisy that this debate is taking place some three years after the change in salaries took place. He then gave us the basis for the decision”. If the rise was NEVER OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED so no one could say anything. Not only but it was hidden and kept a secret. The rise did not follow normal procedure for such public expenses and Alfred Sant was right when he raised that this was in contempt of Parliament and does not happen in a democratic country. Let alone in an EU member state. What is wrong with raising people’s concerns in Parliament for such an astronomical rise during a time when ALL prime ministers are adopting austerity measures and cutting their salaries and when the rise of a 500 euros rise does not fit with the 1.16 euros given to anyone else? How could Tonio Borg defend the opacity when he presides on top of scores of embassies and consulates all feeding him with information on what is happening around the world from public funds? Why does he hide all this information?
Luke Camilleri
Illum inkunu nafu min huma l-irgiel fil-gang ta' Gonzipn! . Illum inkunu nafu min hu mal -Poplu u min hu mal-But! . Illum inkunu nafu jekk l-ghoti ta' titli bghal Back-Benchers u l-allowances ma dawn it-titli jissarfux f'voti! Today we will knoe not that all animals are equal, for for Gonzipn that some pigs are more equeal than others!
Animal Farm! Animal Farm! Some are more equal than others!
David Agius said “Even Labour whip Joe Mizzi said us MPs are paid worse than Bangladesh MPs." Who does David Agius or for that matter Joe Mizzi want to take for a ride? IN 2008 when this discussion supposedly took place, the Bangaladeshi Prime Minister was paid Taka 32,000 per month, which is equivalent to 299 euros PER MONTH! . JUST THE RISE that Gonzi and his cabinet gave themselves was 500 euros PER MONTH. I repeat just the rise. Then how could the Bangaladeshi PM be paid more if he had a salary of 299 euros per month? . Who is David Agius kidding? Doesn't he checks things out before opening his mouth? To win his argument he just says anything. No wonder the shabbyness wherever one looks. The rot simply starts in Parliament!
Tonio Borg Do you want to attract the best people to this parliament? Of course we do , but with an extra 500 euros a week Look what we got a bunch of buffoons.
Let us see who are those PN representatives elected in parliament that said if Dr Muscat was not included in the motion they would vote in favour. If these Mps will vote against the PL motion as amended they will lose Credibility and will abuse of their power.
George Vella hit the nail on the head when he asked “whether MPs' honoraria payable to ministers could be paid from ministerial budgets and not from a general vote to the House of Represenatives." . This is the main issue. This is how payment was carried out behind everyone’s back. If it is an honoraria increase, it has to be paid out of the House of Representative's vote, and issue a relevant transfer voucher in case the Minister has to be paid from ministerial budgets. Why wasn’t this system implemented?????????
Am I to understand that Minister Tonio Borg is comparing himself and his Prime Minister with Mintoff days? He must be dreaming. Maybe that's why they have destroyed every thing that Mintoff has done for the country. Does Minister Tonio Borg and his Party think that the people do not have an open mind and are all fools ? Call an early General Election, and you will find out. I assure you that your party will be crushed and will be written in the Maltese political history with such a defeat. To-day, the Maltese people will have a full view of who is a man or a child. Who really cares for the Maltese families, for the pensioners, for the young generation future, for those who are looking for work, for those that are loosing their jobs every day, for those that needs health assistance and for our Country economy. Only one last word, Mr.Prime Minister, be a gentlemen and resign. Good day.
Pity that Jean Pierre Farrugia has ended to be the clown of Parliament with his inconsistencies and U-turns. How could he vote in favour of a motion and at the same time criticise a parliamentary assistant for failing to attend Parliament 28 times when both issues are intrinsically tied? . A lot of people admired his interpretations and stand last January. But now he has completely lost it. . How can you say something and find excuses to do just the opposite? . This justifies that all Jean Pierre Farrugia wanted was to attract public attention that would advantage him in the next general election just like Franco Debono and JPO.
Jean Pierre Farrugia said "I ask the Prime Minister whether he knows that a parliamentary assistant has been pocketing his salary and missed out on 28 sittings since January." . Is this a Cabinet build on efficiency, economy and transparency? . Does the Prime Minister bother about this allegation? Or the most important thing for GonziPN is to 'buy' his MPs to vote in favour of his government?
Let us see who are those PN elected in parlament that said if Dr Muscat was not included in the motion would vote in favour. Bet you NONE
As the saying goes. You can run but cannot hide. Ghamiltu turtuera qassatat b'din taz-zieda. Il-poplu ma jinsiex u ma jahfirx.
Dear minister we do not care what the House of Commons does. We only care that you are the parasites of the Maltese nation. While in your sermons you preach that those oppressed have to do sacrifices you just spit on them by giving them 1€16c while you put in your pockets 500€ a week plus 6,000€ nontaxable allowance. This is Justice?.... This is democracy?. This is the fair distribution of wealth? Dear minister what do you think we are? A bunch of stupid idiots?. We are living during the times of communism when does pigs above think to be more equal than others. What do you think you are dear Minister? You already took a plunge down.Perhaps this is not enough. You may take a hard one and never regain it. The only thing is get off . Enough is enough.( A very interesting comment by a blogger)
Paul Sammut
GonziPN gave us €1.16 per week cost of living increase which is equivalent to less than one litre of petrol per week. Yet Dr. Gonzi and his ministers pocket an extra €500 per week, which equals 78 gallons. It's obscene, wouldn't you say?
20:29 "Labour is trying to sow class envy... they are trying to paint this motion as a choice between Gonzi and the Maltese family. They should know better about what the Prime Minister has done for families." - OF COURSE WE KNOW, WE HAVE A PRIME MINISTER WICH DONE ONLY RECORDS IN THIS COUNTRY, AS THE PRIME MINISTER WHO GAVE US THE HIGHEST ELECTRICITY TARIFFS, WHILE HE IS THE HIGHEST PAIED PRIME MINISTER IN MALTESE HISTORY, GONZIRECORD MAN
Our "free" healthcare? I don't know if this MP is living on the same planet as the rest of us, but I always assumed- wrongly it seems, that healthcare is an ongoing burden on our taxes. The "standard of our roads"? To WHAT standard is is the reference point made, certainly NOT EU standard. The environment? Obviously this man's senses are deluding him. Unfortunately this level of incompetence and total lack of awareness is the hall mark of gonzi and his cronies.
Stefan Mifsud
This is what David Agius has just said. "Lawrence Gonzi's hallmark is the quality of education for our children, our free healthcare, the European standard of our roads, the lowest level of unemployment in the EU, our quality of environment... this is never mentioned by the Opposition. It only tries to win a few votes by criticising Gonzi, so that it wins the next election." It seems that every time this MP opens his mouth he makes and arse of himself. Would suggest to him to keep it shut.
Issa naraw fejn hi l-kuxjenza ta' JEFFREY PULLICINO ORLANDO mhux fuq id-dritt tad-divorzju biss.
@ALL PN BLOGGERS The Pn backbenchers committed themselves that if the motion of the PL against the drastic honoraria rises would not focus on the raise that was not given on the opposition leader then they will vote in favor of the motion. Now that Dr Muscat amended the motion, everyone hopes that the PN Backbenchers will vote in favor of the opposition motion so that the drastic abuse from our Taxes would not happen. The Prime Minister and the ministers would receive Eur104,00 each till the next election and the tax payers would receive only Eur60 if the Pn backbencher will vote against the motion. Thankyou Dr Muscat for being Honest and credible! Hope Now that the Pn backbenchers would vote for the PL motion!
Now is the time to stand up and be counted.