Bernard Grech in quarantine after COVID-19 case in wife’s school
Opposition leader Bernard Grech and his wife AnneMarie are to remain in quarantine until 1 January

Opposition leader Bernard Grech is on mandatory quarantine until 1 January after a positive case of COVID-19 at his wife’s school.
It was Grech who announced the news on Facebook on Christmas Eve after receiving instructions from public health authorities. Grech’s wife, AnneMarie is also in quarantine.
Ġejna nfurmati li studenta u LSE fl-iskola li fiha tgħallem il-mara tiegħi AnneMarie rriżultaw pożittivi għall-Covid-19....
Posted by Bernard Grech on Thursday, 24 December 2020
The Nationalist Party leader explained that a student and LSE at the school where his wife is a teacher, tested positive for COVID-19.
Grech said he will suspend all physical engagements over the next two weeks but will remain connected online.
He also called on people to continue obeying the instructions of the public health authorities.
This is the second time that Grech and his wife have had to quarantine. Last September, his wife tested positive for COVID-19 after a case cropped up at the gym where she trains.