PN singles out Labour MPs who retained public sector salaries

PN singles out MPs who retained civil service employment thanks to 2008 decision, Labour MPs say employment has nothing to do with MPs' roles.

The Nationalist party has accused Opposition leader Joseph Muscat of “hypocrisy” in his criticism of the parliamentary honoraria being paid to Cabinet ministers, because Labour MPs working in the civil service were allowed to retain their employment under the same measure.

The PN singled out three MPs who in 2008 were allowed to retain their public service employment, when they were previously prevented from retaining this salary if they were elected to parliament.

“Roderick Galdes, a director at MEPA, had a weekly increase of €566; Silvio Parnis, who works in the health department, had a €270 weekly increase; and surgeon Anthony Zammit, who can keep serving as a doctor in the public sector, will have taken a €1,137 weekly increase,” the party said in a statement.

In a reaction, the three MPs said they were being targeted personally because the prime minister was trying to justify the "double-salary" for ministers. "Lawrence Gonzi is trying to give the impression that we take home a double salary for the same job and that we took a raise for our work as MPs. The fact is we are paid for full-time employment that has nothing to do with politics. They are two jobs that have nothing to do with each ohter," they said in a statement.

Lawrence Gonzi has come under fire by the Opposition because he failed to publicly announce a decision taken in 2008 that Cabinet ministers were to be paid their honorarium as MPs – which they previously forfeited upon being appointed members of the executive.

“The change allowed MPs who worked in the public sector to retain their employment, giving them large salary increases of up to €1,137 a week,” the PN said its statement, in a reference to accusations by Labour that ministers paid themselves a €500 weekly increase.

“Three years ago, when this change took place, nobody from Labour talked of this increase. What’s good for Labour is not good for others,” the PN said.

The increased MPs’ honorarium however was not paid to either the Speaker of the House or the Opposition leader, whose salaries are indexed with Cabinet’s. Additionally, MPs were unaware that ministers were being paid an honorarium that was 75% of scale 1 salary and not at 50%, which is what they are paid.

Labour, whose motion of censure failed to win the support of rebel government backbenchers last week, have accused the government of paying ministers an honorarium straight out of an ‘allowance’ budget from their own ministries, and not from the budget allocated to the House of Representatives.

But the prime minister says it is “unfair” that ministers lose their honorarium while other MPs earned salaries from public employment.

Ministers were however paid a €26,000 honorarium that was higher than the €19,000 paid to MPs (FULL DATA here) whose honorarium is tagged at 50% of the scale 1 salary in the civil service. Additionally ministers were given a new allowance of 20% of the scale 1 salary bringing their salaries up from €42,000 to €78,000.

In a scale-back in January, Gonzi said ministers would refund the excess honoraria amassed since 2008, totaling some €14,000.

@Antoine Vella MINTOFFIANS and proud!!!! At least he had the balls to fight for what he thought was right for this country and its people. As regards "no PN backbencher will ever bring the government down" of course they do not want to suffer the consequences of character assasination that you and your party are very well known for doing. But who knows.....maybe your god EFA will bring the Government down! He doesn't seem to want his government to legislate divorce in spite of the people's will! And Gonzipn doesn't seem capable to shut him up!!!!
@Antoine Vella Of course Net T.V. had a field day in those days! Just like we're having now, seeing your party stumbling every day!! It's a goog thing that JPO voted with your government last Saturday because its going to be fun to see how this farce is going to end!!! X'cuc huma Wenzu w Rozi, lanqas jibdew ma shabek!!! After all we spent 23 years under your shameful govenment, what's another two years? At least we're having a good laugh! @ Briffy Before you call the 1981 elections illegitimate, why don't you read the constitution we had then? Fatti mhux paroli......l-istorja dgiddibkom!!!
@Salgister Don't complicate life for Antoine Vella by mentioning all these cases. Both of his brain cells have to work VERRRRRY hard to try to remember them and I doubt that he will. Jahasra his heart is bleeding for Marie Louise now wara li xebghu jaqlawlha!!! If he wants us to believe anything he says he should go and tell his friend to tell us who killed Raymond Caruana and Karen Grech. Or is that not a matter of conscience?
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. What you are trying to attribute to us labourites, lies simply in your camp and your type of reasoning. Even now, you're trying to warp the figures to suite your logic. The 8000 votes difference in 1996, don't count the AD votes. It's in your imagination. About violence. You really don't know what you're talking about and don't know what's happening on your side of the fence. Mentioning Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca is nothing short of the dismal logic you try to pin on us labourites. You want examples of violence? How about the Zebbug balustrades following on the crowds below by themselves? Or how about the murder of Wilfrid Cardona to shut him up before he to sing at the police? Or how about Louis Bartolo who murdered il-Fusellu because he was a thorn in your side? And then help him escape from his cell and from the country? Or how about the threats thrown at JPO for daring to go against your party's grain? If you want more, I'll give you more, but I dare you to open Pandora's box.
Ian George Walker
Mr Antoine Vella (who is occasionally let off the leash by his Mistress so he can come and yap here) thinks he can fool us by juggling the figures. Typical of a nationalist, I suppose, but it does not work any more. In 1996, The MLP had 132,497 votes for an absolute majority of 50.9% The PN had 124,864 (diff. -7,633) vote for a minority of 47.8% (diff. -3.1%) That should, by all right and logic, have translated into at least 2, possibly 3 seats more. But that was foiled by the cynical gerrymandering carried out by the PN and, instead, the MLP won 3 seats less.
Salgister, I think your argument about moral violence would be cleaer if you gave practical examples. Let me help you - does the name Coleiro Preca ring a bell? . Regarding the 1996 elections, the MLP did not have a majority of 8000 votes as you claim. They had exactly 50.7% of the votes and 1 seat was perfectly proportional. . What born-again Mintoffjani fail to say is that there were almost 4000 AD votes and most of them were inherited by PN candidates so, when you say that the MLP had 8000 votes more than the PN, you're leaving out the Alternattiva voters. . I know. All these numbers. wow. It's complicated. Both of your brain cells have to work very hard but you can do it. You can understand if you try.
Micheal Bonanno
@briffy. You really have the gall to take the PL to task about gerrymandering? What would you call it then when in 1996 the PL got the majority of votes +8000, and then ended with a simply majority of 1, and this only through the same amendment of 1986? And you dare call the 1981 legislature illegitimate? I told you take your political blinkers off but you didn't heed my words. The 1981 legislature was perfectly legal in line with what the Consitution. There was no illegality about it. The only thing going for the PN was Mintoff's words when he said that he won't govern unless he had the majority of the people behind him. As for violence, as I said in another missive, yes there were big mistakes, but from both sides. HOw about mentioning someone whose surname begins with an S who was distributing arms at tal-Barrani? Why was EFA wearing a bulletproof vest on that day? If you want to mention violence, why not mention the violence on the labourites on the eve of the 1971 elections? Of course you mention one side of the coin! And why did the PN government promoted those police, and assistent commissioners, especially the leader of the SMU (later SAG) instead of castigating them for what they did in the 80's against your people? Or was their a tacit agreement so that the violence created would be shown to be Labour induced? Mentioning violence, what about the 1989 violence on 31st March at the Regatta by the SAG? Of course there are more. Today the PN is more subtle. MOral violence instead of physical violence, but violence nonetheless.
Ian George Walker
Antoine Vella (who is occasionally let off the leash by his Mistress in order to come and yap here) is exaggerating at best and lying at worst. There was no violence against Mintoff - though he was vituperated.
Ian George Walker
Briffy said "When Mintoff finally agreed to the 50%+1 clause he only put right a situation of his own making " NOT TRUE. The first party to juggle the districts in order to win a majority of seats with a minority of votes (known as gerrymandering) was the PN in 1971. And they would have succeeded too, but for a few votes in Qormi. Gwido Demarco called for about 5 recounts in order to try and swing them. I was there, so don't try to deny it. Ten years later, the MLP, very unwisely, did the same thing. So nobody has any right th throw stones in this matter - too much glass around.
Mintoff was 81 in 1998 and when he voted against the MLP government he had to be protected by the police from his "friends" and colleagues. Net television had just been inaugurated and it started off with a bang by bringing us those scenes of violence live, as they were happening. . This is one of the differences between the PN and MLP-PL-Mintoffianism: the PN does not believe in violence, physical or moral. Compare the attitude of Gonzi towards Pullicino Orlando and Jean Pierre Farrugia with that of Sant towards Mintoff and that of Joseph Muscat towards Coleiro Preca.
Mintoff could afford to bring Labour down, he could afford to vote as he pleased, he then was determined to bring down the government when he was called traditur by Alfred Sant. Mintoff suffered as well for his actions as his family grave was desecrated after labour lost the 1998 elections. Unlike Mintoff, the PN's trio, are not millioners , they are still young - Mintoff was over 70 in 1998. Mintoff made the Labour party and he was the one who destroyed it. Somebody wrote that the PN were allowed to hold mass meetings in the 1980s, yet no mention was made of the shooting on the people who attended the meetings, of the tear-gassing by police officers trained by North Koreans - with whom AST signed a secret treaty, of the labour thugs attacking PN followers in full view of police officers paid from people's taxes to do their duty of protecting demonstrators from labour thugs, rather than aiding and abetting criminals. Nobody mentioned Tal-Barrani, when some 50 were grieviously injured including a lady whose nose was bitten off. And no arrests were made though the police were well aware who the perpetrators were, but their hands were tied because the thugs were protected by the powers-that-be. The lack of choice in all products under the sun was an inconvenience compared to the criminal acts carried out against the opposition particularly after 1981 by an illegitimate administration that carried the weapon of jerrymandering to the extreme.When Mintoff finally agreed to the 50%+1 clause he only put right a situation of his own making and this he did against the opinion of several of his ministers who did not want to give up their seats. And even so, the then opposition had to agree to a Neutrality clause, as a quid pro quo. The neautrality clause was inserted to protect Gaddafi from the West
Ian George Walker
Mr Antoine Vella (whose Mistress occasionally lets him of the leash to come and yap here) is perfectly right, for once; no PN backbencher will ever bring down the government. The funny thing is that he considers this to be a virtue when, in fact, it is proof that they care more fo hanging on to power at all costs than good governance, ethics and democracy. But what do you expect?
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Their conscience is really troubling them, especially when faced with a veiled threat of early elections. Don't you think so? With their snouts deep in the trough, what else could they do, but toe the party line? Or is there something more sinister than just the trough? Is the PN so afraid to lose the coming elections that it's threatening its own members?
If one wants to remember to what had happened in 1998, one has only to compare Mintoff, who stood his ground, and today's bunch of PN backbenchers. What happened in the House of Representatives on Saturday shows that PN backbenchers are nothing but men of straw who, unlike Mintoff, are more concerned about their seat than the welfare of the people. Of course Laborites did not relish being brought down by one of their own. But at least PL backbenchers are not the spineless scarecrows that adorn today's benches on the right of the Speaker's chair.
I can understand the bitter disappointment of Mintoffians at the gist of this story. . Mintoffians have never forgotten the humiliation of an MLP government being brought down by none other than their god - DM - and they were hoping (because so they were led to believe) that the present government would undergo the same fate. . It is with dismay and horror that Mintoffians now have to face the truth: no PN backbencher will ever bring down the government and, even with just a 1-seat majority and no pairing agreement, government will continue to function as normal. . All the grooming of certain so-called "disgruntled" MPs has been in vain and the empty praises that Mintoffians used to shower on them have turned sour.
Ian George Walker
2011 - 1987 = 24. And how come that all PN apologists seem to have a memory that only starts at 1971 and stops abruptly at 1987? Just to mention one example, how come they never remember that, in the 60s, it was hard to get a job (and impossible to get a gov job) unless you had a paper signed by the local PN MP and the parish priest testifying that you were a PN supporter? They could also remember that it was a PN government which tried to ban Labour papers and was stopped by the British Courts Or else they could decide to joint the rest of the world and live in the present - if they can bear it.
Micheal Bonanno
@briffy. Mela qieghed thawwad jew? Jien fejn ghidt li kont nikteb jew nitkellem kontra l-Gvern? Mela skont ir-raguni tieghek favur il-Gvern tista' tikteb jekk tkun fic-civil jew f'xi awtorita tal-Gvern, u kontra ma tistax. Jien ghext fi zmien il-Labour. Fejn kien il-Labour dittatorjali? Ghax ma halliex in-Nazzjon ma turix isimha fuq il-pagna ta' quddiem, jew ghax ma halliex entitajiet ma juzawx Malta fuq kull isem ta' kumpanija li kienet tinholoq? Ghax ma kienetx tidhol ic-cikkulata jew tv tal-kulur (halliha li ma kontx naqbel ma certi mizuri)? Fejn kien dittatur il-Labour? Fi zmienu kien hemm in-Nazzjon, Id-Demokrat, Mhux fl-Interess... The Bulletin, Il-Hajja u dawn kollha kontra l-Gvern (il-Labour) kienu. Ma nghalqux. Ara kieku dittatorjali kienu jinghalu mhux hekk? Tghid il-Labour kien dittatorjali meta kien Mintoff stess ressaq il-mozzjoni tal-Majority wins fin-1986? Kieku lanqas kontu tarawh hemm fuq intom! Zbalji kien hemm, ara ma tahsebx li ma kienx hemm, u anke goffi, bhalma hawn illum, imma tigix tghidli li fi zmien il-labour kien dittatorjali. Kieku dittatorjat kienu bejn in-1977-1981, saru ma nafx kemm il-azzjoni ndustrijali biex jiddistabilizzaw il-Gvern legittimu? Kein kien dittatorjat kien isiru mal-500 manifestazzjoni (protesti, meetings, mass meetings, dimostrazzjonijiet) politici fi zmien sentejn? Halllina briffy u aghti titwila daqsxejn sew lejn l-istorja ta' dak iz-zmien. Imma nehhi l-ewwel in-nuccali politiku mcajpar li ghandek l-ewwel. Nghalaq b'din. Fi zmien il-Labour il-paga gholieq b'ghaxar darbiet. Taht il-PN b'kemm gholiet il-paga?
avatar ghandek il-wicc tghid li gvern tal-PN huwa dittatorjali! Tidher li ma kontx tghix fi zmien il-Labour tal-1971-1987. Kieku ma titkellimx hekk. Int ghidt li qlajt transfer ax int laburist, allura int tahdem fil-public sector. U allura jekk int fic-civil kif tista' toqghod tikteb fuq il-gvern u anzi kontra l-gvern? L-anqas tikteb favur il-gvern ma tista' ahseb u ara kontra. Jekk trid tikteb kontra l-gvern tal-gurnata ghandek kwalunkwe dritt ax ahna demokrazija. Imma trid l-ewwel tirrinzenja minn mac-civil. Kif jista' wiehed jaghmel dmiru meta daqshekk huwa kontra l-gvern? Jekk tkun tahdem ma' kumpanija privata, zgur mhux ser ihalluk tikteb u tghid kontra dik il-kumpanija fil-miftuh. L-istess haga jekk tkun fic-civil;, int trid tkun leali lejn il-gvern tal-gurnata, hu minn hu. Jekk ma tiflahx ma tiktibx kontra l-gvern, allur itlaq mic-civil u mbaghad ikteb li trid. Imma -sens komun jghidlek li ma tistax taghmel it-tnejn ghax ma tkun leali, li huwa d-dover ta' kull minn qieghed fic-civil.
Hawwadni ha nifhem!!!!! Ghax ma nghidux li din is-serqa ta 500 fil-Gimgha saret wara l-elezzjoni. Mela ergajna caqlaqna l-lasti waqt il-loghba. Jekk xi hadd irid johrog ghal elezzjoni jrid ikun hemm ir-regoli minn qabel. Ghalhekk meta jkollu cans il-PL jghidilna kemm ser jithallsu l-ministri tieghu jekk allahares qatt ikunu fil-gvern. Issa nafu li minn flusna bin-PN fil-gvern irridu nhallsu dawk il-pagi.
@ salgister, ghamel int jekk temminiex lil min ser nivvota , imma il-punt tieghi li ma hemmx x'taghzel bejn it-tnejn ghax li qed jghamel il-pl hu biex ikun fil-gvern. @Skocciz nahseb li ghandek zbal imma insomma min ikun one sided kollox hazin tal-iehor jara. pacenzja nisperra li la jkun joseph ma jiehu tranfer hadd, halli ma jitkissrux familji.
@Salgister; naqbel mieghek perfettament li msieken dawk li huma bil- minimum wage. Il-minimum wage qeda biss bix izomm halqek fuq l-ilma u mhux bix tghajjex familja, jew tiehu xi loans mill-bank. Il-minimum wage qeda biss bix wiehed jitrejjaq u bix taqla' xi haga waqt li tkun qed tistudja bix ikollok skills u qualifications ahjar u timxi fil-hajja. Il-gvern ghandu skema bix jinkoraggixxi li dawn in-nies bix jisrudjaw u jsiru skilled. Jigifieri min ma studjax qabel u hela l-hin l-iskola jsahhan is-siggu u jilghab tal-ors u jahli flus il-poplu issa ghandha chance li almenu jtejjeb ftit il-pozissjoni tieghu. Jekk ma jaghmlux dan l-effort ikunu veru parassiti mdendlin ma ghonq minn studja u sar skilled. Dawn in-nies qed isofru ghax huma ghazzenin u ghandhom jghidu mea culpa ghax hlew flus il-poplu li jhallas ghal edukazzjoni b'xejn u l-oppurtunatijiet indaqs. Jien gieli ltqajt ma nies li kienu l-liceo mieghi u jghiduli kamm jidispjacihom li ma komplewx l-istudju u baqghu clerks, jew meter reader, filwaqt li dawk li komplew l-istudju saru kapijiet ta' dipartimenti, to bba, avukati, periti. Mela t-tort ta' min jibqa' fuq il-minimum wage hu taghhom stess u taghhom biss u ghandhom xorti li almenu jaqalghu kemm jieklu. Anzi jekk tnejn bil-min wage jizzewgu ma jkunux hazin xejn ax bejnithom idahhlu l-average wage ta' Eur15 000 imma mbaghad ma jridux jiehdu loans, inkella jispiccaw hazin. Ghix fil-limitu tieghek, studja u sir skilled halli jkollok paga ahjar, mbaghad ahseb bix tixtri karozza zghira jew used, u fl-ahhar jekk iklolok paga almenu doppja tal-min wage u int ul-mara tibqghu tahdmu imbaghad ahseb biex tixtri dar. Dak l-ghaqal. Jekk tippretendi li tax payer ghandu jghinek il-hin kollu sakemm tmut, tkun biss parassita u egoist..
Ian George Walker
@ "Briffy" please do not confuse me with anybody else, despite the same surname. @ Antoine Vella (who's Mistress occasionally lets him off the leash so he can come and yap here) From what I hear, you are quite an expert on things which do not smell so well.
Micheal Bonanno
@Mike. Jien qatt ma pprendejt li l-affarijiet ghandhom jorhsu jekk joghlew minn barra. Imma lanqas nippretendi li l-hajja toghla ghax jgholliha l-gvern stess. U lanqas nippretendi li l-ministri u l-mp's jithallsu bil-minimum wage, wara kollox xoghol ukoll qeghdin jaghmlu. Imma li tigi u tithanzer minn fuq dahri u dahrek, dik hag' ohra. U dak li qieghed iddejjaqni lili u l-hafna Maltin ohra bhali. Safrattant anke lilek dejqu ghax ghidt li se tivvota AD (allavolja m'hinix nemmnek). U lanqas nippretendu li jorhsu l-prezzijiet ghax tela' l-Labour. Imma ghallinqas ikun hemm dixxiplina izjed (mhux stil dittatorjali lanqas) u kulhadd jara x'inhu d-dmir tieghu lejn is-socjeta. Tghidli forsi Utopia. Le mhux Utopia, taht il-PN dejjem kien hemm il-politika ta' laissez-faire, u dak hu l-hazin ghal pajjizna. Hadd mhu accountable. Ara fi zmien il-PL fin-1996, ghax kien hemm zball amministrattiv min-naha ta' Charles Mangion, mall-ewwel ta r-rizenja tieghu minn Ministru. Ara taht il-PN jew hawnx xi hadd minnhom irrizenjax? Ghandek cans!!!!
@mikegold11 It-transfers ma sarux taht il-"business as usual" fin-1996 imma fl-1987 meta saru 9,000 transfer taht dak il-pampalun li issa qed jghajjat bil-kuxjenza . . Familji shah tkissru. Dik rikonciljazzjoni! . Ghidilhom lin-nies jitkellmu, meta ma jkollomx il-biza', ha tisma l-istejjer tal-wahx.
@salgister, jien f'sentejn ta' sant li mhux suppost hadd qala transfer jien qlajt tnejn u gwu qatt ma riedet titkellem ghax kienet bis-sarima. il-pl qatt ma wieghed li ser jorhoss xejn izda dejjem ikkritika. Nisperra li tkun hafna ahjar taht il-pl u nisperra li fi zmien li jkunu fil-gvern il-ministri tal-pl jiehdu il-minimum wage u juzaw il-karozza u mobile taghhom mhux hekk ghandu jkun mela ahna biss
Micheal Bonanno
@mike. Il-vot tieghek ivvota lil min trid. Jien nivvota lil min ghamilli l-gid, u ghalhekk se nivvota Labour. Jien taht il-PN hlief l-istandard of living tieghi niezel l-isfel ma rajtx. U bilkemm ma nghidlekx li qieghed fix-xifer tal-poverty line. Le m'hinix nesagera. Qabel il-paga tieghi u tal-mara konna stajna naghmlu kapricc. Illum xejn. Irridu noqghodu attenti kemm nonfqu ghax ma nwasslux sa l-ahhar tax-xahar. Fejn qatt m'ghamiltha, anke l-kont tad-dawl u l-ilma qieghed ikolli naqsmu fuq tliet xhur, inkella l-paga bye bye. Dan kollu thanks ghal PN. Barra minn hekk ghandi ghalfejn nafhulu bil-kbir ukoll. Fi zmien l-indipendenza ghax missieri wera l-opinjoni li hu kontra, f'xahar qala' 7 transfers! Jien, ukoll ghaddejt mill-istess ilma, imma din id-darba, ghax ma kontx nitkellem politika, imma ghax kont Laburista qlajt transfer xorta! Tahseb int ghandi ghalfejn nirringrazzjah lill-PN? Hajti u nahseb hajjiet haddiehor ghamilhilna nfern. Imsieken dawk li huma bil-minimum wage!
It is useless trying to justify this fantastic mistake. Admitting that it was a mistake may win you some much needed points. But to bring these foolish and silly "excuses" (they are definitely not "reasons") is childish.
Paul Sammut
Antoine dear, Remove your blinking blinkers and give yourself a chance to read text properly and understand it for what it says. Who said that briffy was wrong. However, briffy seems to lean more towards the stinky fraction. By the way il-bass qied aktar qrib il PeNe.
P.S. performancce bonus of 15 %, penzjoni tajba and other indirect benefits like power, contracts, appointments of friends of friends, etc.
Add to the 84,435 euros driver, car, petrol, insurance, licence, petrol, maintenance, telephone calls, mobile, adsl connection, computer, security, hospitality allowance, expense allowance, etc. etc. Total 120,000 +
Briffy perhaps you should study some agrichemistry from a part time farmer, perhaps with your acquired chemistry background you would be able to explain a phenomenon of turning Whisky into water.....
GYK, actually both Laiviera and Briffy are correct so you should take your own advice and study chemistry. . However, to avoid any misunderstandings, Laiviera should have said: qed iħallat il-ħass mal-PL.
Paul Sammut
@briffy. Qalb ta` qalbi ahjar tistudja ftit kimika, ghax ghanqas fil-bass ma tifhem dear. Kif kont ghadek. Any first year chemistry student knows that V. Laiviera was correct. And be careful not to mix one V. Laiviera with N. Laivera. Keep cool honey, don't lose it.
when in a hole, it is usually recommended to stop digging further.
Mela l Prim ministru dejjem isemmi lil Profs Anthony Zammit.ghal l anqas dan qed jamel gid biex xghol li jghamel Imma il prim x gid qed jghamel bill 500 euro li ha . ghax ma ijmurx hu jopera halli aktar jirangah ghal frisk lil dak li jkun
Dr. Gonzi lill-gheziez ministri u segretarji parlamentarji li ghandek ghamlilhom l-ghazla li bejn li jzommu l-impjieg li kellhom u jibqghu iservu ta' deputati inkella jibqghu ministri bil-paga li ta' qabel u ara x'jaghazlu. Jien nghamillek imhatra li l-ebda wiehed minnhom ma jkun irid ma jibqax ministru ghax dak is-siggu ta' ministru jiswa wisq u mhux ta' b'xejn kullhadd irid isir ministru mhux ghax hadu €500 fil-gimgha ta, imma ghax minn hemm tidhol sewwa minn banda ohra. Alla jbierek il-ministri kollha kienu qeghdin imutu bil-guh u ghal ftit ma bdewx jittalbu qabel hadu z-zjieda. Hallina Wenz.
@salgister, fuq tat-tajn ghadu beginner ikkumparat mal-pl. Habib it-tnejn ma fihomx hobz. jien ser nivotta ghal AD
@ bonz dak li semmejt int li jbieh il filflops gol mosta mux talli ghandu hanut wihed issa, izda talli andu tnejn, jaqlawa tajjeb dawn. hekk sew, ibieh il fil-flops u il kuttri, u jiehu il paga tal parlament. min hu mejjet ghal qattra u min hu mejjet fi sakkra. laqwa li jkun min ta quddiem biex jerfa xi vara fil gimgha l kbira. btw dan ser jivotta le fuq fil parlament dwar il kwistjoni ta divorzzju bil kuruna f'idu ghax hekk gie m'ghalem meta kien l-oratorju.
what a hypocrate this gonzi can be, they are not being paied twice from the parlament, but they are being paied from full time job and parlament, while the nationalist mp's are being paied 3 times, double payment from the parlament, and also their personal jobs, take example from robert arriggo (hotel owner, arrigo travel group, MP) does he really need the 500 euro increase? what a bunch of hypocrates. they will all end up in hell for stealling our money. gonzipn go to hell
You could'nt have been more precise, you give lectures on how to mouthfart!!! You seem quite experienced on that. G'nite mate!!!
@John Smith...importanti hafna li tkun tifhem fil-bass ghax inkella tista' tizbalja u f'lok tohroghom minn sormok kif suppost tibda tohroghom minn halqek.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Kien darba li tippruvaw tisvijaw il-poplu billi tippruvaw iddawwru l-argument kif jaqblilkom, imma l-poplu qed jitghallem. Diga taghkom taghlim fir-referendum dwarid-divorzju.
Jghid x'jghid Dr Gonzi qatt ma jista' jiggustifika xi haga li giet ikkundannata mill-maggoranza kbira tal-Maltin kollha inkluzi hafna MPs nazzjonalisti. Bniedem gharef jammetti li zbalja u jirranga l-izball. Imma l-bahnan prim ministru taghna mhux talli ma jammettix l-izball imma jkompli jwebbes rasu biex jiehu r-ragun. Mhux ta' b'xejn li kulhadd hu tal-fehma li Dr Gonzi hu l-aghar Prim Ministru li twekkiet bieh Malta f'dawn l-ahhar 50 sena. Igri jghaddu dawn is-sentejn!
Gonzi has really hit rock bottom. By the same argument, whoever is a lawyer, or doctor or accountant or economist etc employed in the private sector, should give up his earnings or job because he is now an MP. The anomaly rested with the public sector situation, which was rectified. Gonzi is trying to justify the unjustifiable, and he is playing right in the hands of the PL, who will have a field day with this E500 increase issue, come next elections. All his friends and ex friends are warning him so, but he has reached the point of no return as far as arrogance is concerned. Welcome to Gonzistan dear Lawrence. Make the most of the few months you have as the dear leader
Well Done Briffy, fl-ahhar urejtna kemm tifhem fil-bass!!!
@Nestor Laivera...the emissions you mentioned are not methane but hydrogen sulphide.....
But the prime minister says it is “unfair” that ministers lose their honorarium while other MPs earned salaries from public employment - Gonzi . Then let them take their jobs back and give the ministries to those who would rather serve the people than line their pockets. No wonder gonzi is so much for a ministerial job he wasn't a shining start in his job as a lawyer. in fact I believe he hardly did any court work. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Krista Sullivan
kemm hu miskien dan il-prim ministru jipprova jaqbad ma kull tibna biex isalva pa...tu.......hallina gonz warrab kemm jista jkun malajr taghmel pjacir lilek u wisq aktar lill MALTA.............
Ex ministru ( farmer part time ) li twieled u trabba li Mqabba ftit snin ilu ddikjara, illi kull m` ghandu hu QABAR BID DEJN !!!! Imma issa mhux kazin ta miskin, ghax il kopp farlu mill paga ta Brussel. Il politika MAHMUGA, hamra, safra, jew blu. Bilhaqq hawn xi hadd jghidilna kif tinhadem il pensjoni tal parlamentari ????
Dr. Gonzi....Aktar ma tiftah halqek, aktar qeghed tikkonferma li waqt li il politika hija missjoni sabiha u nadifa, il politikanti huma il mahmugin u jghamluha mahmugha. Li jinterressa lil Cikku il poplu huwa li INT hemm tmexxi... u jekk qeghdin isiru il barumbati, min kull naha..... INT RESPONSABBLI, u jekk INT mhux ser tghti kont lil poplu, trid tghti kont lil l Alla.
Ian George Walker
The PN, desperate to find a straw to cling to, is comparing oranges with pears (or, as we say in Maltese mixing up lettuce with methane emissions) They are two separate jobs and, as long as they are done separately, there is no reason why they should no be paid. For a Minister to receive, also, an MP's honorarium is a completely different matter. It is like (for example) a police sergeant continuing to receive a constables salary on top of the sergeant's salary.
Micheal Bonanno
@mike. X'ghandha x'taqsam il-paga ma' l-onorarja u l-pagi doppji li se jiehdu tal-kabinett? Il-glieda qieghda li l-ewwel inghazel zmien hazin li tittiehed din iz-zieda, it-tieni li din ttiehdet minn wara dahar il-poplu u t-tielet hi li mhux ghax hadu z-zieda, izda ghax iz-zieda hi esagerata. Insomma l-PN qieghed jitfa' t-tajn biex jghatti ghemilu u jwarrab l-attenzjoni tal-poplu minn fuqu ghal fuq haddiehor! Drajniha l-istorja issa.
Why don't they mention NP MPs who enjoy the same priviledge?
Issa dawn misshom jirrifjutaw dawn il-flus. Issa naraw mil-kliem ghal fatti.
I choose to become an MP when I knew the rules beforehand. The rules where that if I am a lawyer and own my firm then I have to choose between parliament and working in my firm. I chose to keep my firm open and take profits from it and work in parliament get my wage. NOW THANKS TO THE 700VOTES that placed Gonzi as PM Parliament pays me €500 weekly for not working in my firm. It would have been better changing the rules and let him work as those needed in the public sector rather than giving him money for staying home. The government does not give me anything for not being able to do part time job due to my time at full work or is he thinking of giving me an extra €500 bill in electricity so i have to work up to the day i die to pay my bills?
hemm min baqa jbiegh il flipflops gewwa l-Mosta !!!!!!!!!!!