[WATCH] Konrad Mizzi interrogated at police Financial Crimes Investigation Department
Former minister Konrad Mizzi, now an independent MP, was interrogated by the police financial crimes unit at Santa Venera

Former minister Konrad Mizzi was interrogated by the police Financial Crimes Investigations Department at their offices in Santa Venera on Wednesday.
The reasons behind his interrogation remain unclear. Mizzi was already interrogated back in November.
He was accompanied by his lawyers Jean-Paul Sammut and former magistrate Carol Peralta.
"We always collaborate," Mizzi said when asked by MaltaToday the reason for his visit to the FCID. He did not release any other comment.

Mizzi has long been a controversial figure, having been discovered to have opened a secret company in Panama along with Keith Schembri, chief of staff under former prime minister Joseph Muscat, soon after the 2013 general election.
Mizzi also negotiated the multi-million-euro Vitals and Electrogas deals that are mired in corruption claims.
He was suspended from the party last year after a Montenegro windfarm deal entered into by Enemalta when he was energy minister was outed in the press. He remains an independent member of parliament.