Aġenzija Sapport residences for the disabled start COVID-19 vaccinations
By the end of March, 933 residents and workers at Aġenzija Sapport’s residences are expected to be vaccinated, Social Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli says

The 933 people who live and work at residences operated by Aġenzija Sapport will be vaccinated against COVID-19 by the end of March.
Social Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli said 292 persons with disability and 641 employees will receive the two vaccine doses within a two-month timeframe.
Vaccinations at the residences operated by the government agency started today and the first to be inoculated was Noel Xuereb, a person with a disability residing at Villino Maria, in Imtarfa. Another eight residents and seven workers were vaccinated afterwards.
Farrugia Portelli said the COVID-19 pandemic created various struggles for people with disabilities.
“Research towards what caused the pandemic has highlighted the struggles faced by people with disabilities. The assistance given at present may be crucial in our fight against the pandemic. This will safeguard clients and workers who provide or and make use of the services provided by the agency,” she said.
Ruth Rose Sciberras, CEO of Aġenzija Sapport praised the efforts made by employees. She noted that residents and workers were the main priority and highlighted how the administration of vaccines continued to build on measures adopted by the agency to ensure a safer and manageable environment throughout the pandemic.