PN factions gearing for showdown as currents prepare 'update' to principles

Tensions between conservative and liberal factions within the Nationalist Party risk undermining Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s attempts to keep his party and government afloat, as frontline exponents are prepared to take centre-stage during next weekend’s general council.

The general council has been summoned at a crucial time for Gonzi, who is under tremendous pressure following last month’s divorce referendum result.

Already caught between liberal-leaning MPs and a largely conservative cabinet, the Prime Minister is now also burdened with his predecessor’s influence on both party and government.

Last Saturday, PN grandee Eddie Fenech Adami drew the battle lines by spelling out his view that Gonzi should block divorce despite the referendum result. Speaking on Radju Malta, President Emeritus Eddie Fenech Adami reiterated his warnings of Malta taking “the downhill” path to secularism, in which he conjured up the fears of abortion and gay marriages, adding that “once you take that route downwards and throw away principles… there’s no stopping it. I have no doubt gay marriages should not be allowed.”

Fenech Adami is rumoured to be considering an attendance at next weekend’s general council: a move that would certainly upstage the event.

Senior Nationalist Party officials are at work to cushion the impact of any possible showdown between the liberal and conservative factions.

Sliema deputy mayor and gay-rights activist Cyrus Engerer is expected to take the podium and insist on the need for the party to move forward and take stock of the people’s message in last month’s referendum.

“The party must not continue to shoot itself in the foot and risk a further haemorrhage of voters who have strongly voted in favour of a clear separation between Church and State,” he said yesterday, adding that “the value of democracy comes before morals.”

The party’s information director Frank Psaila apparently threw Engerer a life-line, with a newspaper article appealing for the party not to lose its much-needed liberal faction.

Austin Gatt and Tonio Fenech, both cabinet ministers known for their conservative stands, are expected to take the podium on Sunday, while MP Beppe Fenech Adami is expected to address the general council on Friday.

All three have been the most vociferous against the introduction of divorce, and are prepared to vote against the divorce bill in parliament.

Their statements are expected to be representative of the conservative faction within the party and will be making themselves clear on the matter.

This situation has prompted the PN youth movement (MZPN) to issue a statement on Saturday that urged Parliament to vote in favour of the introduction of divorce, to reflect democracy and guarantee that the people’s will is respected.

MŻPN said the people’s democratic will had been expressed in the referendum when the absolute majority voted in favour of divorce legislation. Contacted yesterday, MZPN President Kevin Plumpton stressed that the statement was not a hint at the Prime Minister, but a message to “all Parliament.”

Meanwhile MaltaToday is informed that the MZPN has taken the initiative to work on a number of proposals that are expected to be presented to the party leadership for consideration and talk about “updating” the party’s basic principles.

A similar initiative is also in the making within the PN’s political think-tank AZAD, which – through its chairman Simon Busuttil – is also discussing a political document which also proposes a discussion on updating the party’s basic principles.

MaltaToday is informed that both MZPN and AZAD’s initiatives have so far not been officially communicated to the party leadership, but are representative of the currents for change that are pushing from within.

And the conservatives will win! Read this:
Now majority doesn't count ( kien jghajjat tant ). Only his Conscience counts and its a good thing he mentioned it because I would have doubted he ever had one!
Is Dr. EFA is siding with the minority that voted against the introduction of divorce? Does that means that he is trying to protect the minority thus ignoring the magority of those in favour? Since when !!!!!!! May I remind him when the referendum when we were asked whether we should entre or not to form part of the EU 47% of the voters said NO. Why didn't he as Prime Minister stood up in favour of that minority and be counted and voted No as well. Dr EFA please stay PUT and enjoy your remaining days with your grandchildren. Sober
To EFA : Ic-cens li kellek tal-power ghalaqlek. Give it a rest. Enjoy your grandchildren.
@Sage The only difference is that Mintoff was an MP at the time while EFA is supposed to enjoy his retirement with his family. So EFA cannot bring his party down like Mintoff did to the ecstasy of the PN.The howlers JPO, Mugliett and JPF just like to make a little sound every now and then but have no guts to bring their party down. The record rests firmly with the Dom.
Just a question if i may - quote 'Fenech Adami is rumoured to be considering an attendance at next weekend’s general council: a move that would certainly upstage the event.' - as President Emeritus does he actually have the right to enter the political scene again???
@astrolux Boy Mintoff wiehed kien hawn pero Joseph qed juri li hu sod bhalu u jidher li mh se jhalli l-hadd jaghddi z-zmien bih. Mhux ta b'xejn il-hdura dejjem tizdied kontrih.
Ghal dawk id-deputati Nazzjonalisti li fl-ahhar ivvutaw favur il-€500 nghidlhom li allavolja kienu mheddin li ssir elezzjoni bikrija messom ivvutaw kontra fuq il-princiju li jhaddnu huma, qalbilhom kien hemm wiehed mill-komp tal-Labour il-Perit Mintoff li kien jaf li jekk ha jivvota kontra l-Gvern ta' Sant bilfors kienet ser issir elezzjoni u huwa baqa' jivvota kontra u Sant ghajjt elezzjoni bikrija u l-Labour tilef u tilef mhux biss dik l-elezzjoni imma tnejn ohra wara wkoll. Imma llum il-Partit tal-Labour kiber u ghandu l-sibah cans li jirbah l-elezzjoni li jmiss tigi meta tigi. Li jibqa fil-istorja la giet hekk illum lil Mintoff jghidu li kien ta' principju sod imma lid-deputati Nazzjonalisti li vvutaw kontra r-rieda taghhom biex isalvaw il-Gvern jibqghu jghdulhom li huma bla B**D.
Dan huwa il-litmus test ta' Gonzi...issa naraw x'par idejn sodi ghandu!
Dr Fenech Adami states that we are heading down the wrong path. He did not state this when we joined the EU, but today's reality re Malta's national parliament in the EU is as follows ( : 1-lack of participation 2-utter disengagement 3-fallen on deaf ears etc...etc..... . Please tell all what you have to say about this serious issue. I feel that Malta is slowly divorcing itself from the EU. Where is all the vigour that existed in 2004? . Our politicians should be concentrating on important issues but alas they even fail to turn up for sittings in parliament in spite of the successive hefty pay rises.
@ sloot Il-kunjom Gonzi m'ghandu jidhol f'xejn la fil-politika u l-anqas fil-knisja. Zijuh kisser lil knisja u hu kisser pajjiz!!
hahaha dawk il-par idejn soddi? bl-ingwanti ukoll hahahaha gonzi qed jghereq miskin
And the farce goes on.........and on.......and on! Wonder what we will be hearing this weekend! Maybe Tonio sees the Madonna crying again........or Eddie or his son telling us about their pure conscience............or Edwin Vassallo thinking that we're living in Iran........or Austin Gatt threatening that if his party changes its position regarding divorce he will resign...........or JPO crying his eyes out because he realises he made a mistake in voting in favour of his Govt last Saturday...........or most probably we will be hearing our beloved P.M. screaming "X'GHAMILNA HAZIN!!!!!!!!! Who knows what we're going to hear! But whatever it is, we will surely have a good laugh...........or a good cry when we hear it!!!
propja zijuh lisqof. issa wara li jerina jigi jadilna sorry kif kien ghamel lisqof bil muqziezijat li ghamel fis sitinijiet. malta mijsa qatt ma tafda kunjom gonzi jithol fil politika
Is Fenech Adami doing a Mintoff here?
Who's this minister caught on camera napping in Parliament? Clue: he's not a liberal!
Zack Depasquale
Another day another crisis looms, can at least the PrimeMinister has a day off and tries to govern for the good of the country. The Maltese are fed up with these soap operas/Tragedies.
Thye will try to accomodate the very convenient christian democratic tag with social liberal values. U hallina. Drop God and you will be taken seriously.
Luke Camilleri
The P.N. are famous...or infamous for 'updates'. . Now it is the 'update' to PRINCIPLES turn! . In the past we even had 'update' in the name of P.N. Prime Minister from Eddie P.N. Prime Minister to Edward Emeritus. We also had an update in the name of the Party , Nationalist party or Partit Nazzjonalista UPDATED to Gonzipn . Eddie sive’ Edward is also famous for 'update' to Quality especially in P.N. Supporters, being held shoulder high by supporters with "KWALITAJIET TAJBIN AND ANQAS TAJBIN"! . We had 'update' to electoral promises like income tax refunds where pre-electoral promises were not kept. . We are continuously having 'update' to taxes and surcharges where the likes of Profs Josef Bonnici promising reduced tariffs and non-hedging agreements and than going back on his word without a flicker of a conscience. . And now dear Electorate the most famous updates - Update in PRINCIPLES ......and certainly to follow an update in CONCIENCE, NOT AS WE KNOW IT, BUT AS GonziPn defines it!
A period in opposition will enable the PN to find the centre ground and become electable.
At least the AZAD and the MZPN have spoken to champion democracy and secularism within the PN. If they are not men/women of straw like the PN MPs, they should stand their ground and not give way to musty policies followed by the current leadership, which seems to be headed by EFA and not Gonzi.
Can`t believe what EFA is trying to impose on Malta and Gozo .The referendum said it all YES and you should bow your head for it whether you like it or not EFA
I have said it several times before and I will say it again: An election defeat in 2013 will be HEALTHY for the PN.