Nationalist MP Franco Debono gets snapped with Brangelina

Politician gets some photo time with Hollywood power couple.

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and their brood of six yesterday spent some time at Malta's Splash and Fun before heading to Da Pippo restaurant in Valletta for some adult time.

Pitt, 47, is spending June in Malta as he films zombie flick World War Z. The couple were then spotted having dinner at Trattoria Da Pippo in Valletta.

A source told US Magazine: "It's a lunchtime restaurant, so it was opened especially for them. Brad wanted a dinner for some of the people working on the film. It was an intimate setting."

"They looked relaxed and enjoyed the evening," the source said.

Toward the end of the meal, they were joined by Nationalist MP Franco Debono for a quick chat. "I love Malta!" Pitt told Debono according to the source.

(The stars posed for a phone pic with Debono, second to left, a staffer, and restaurant owner Francis Cutajar, far right.)

Adds a second onlooker of the couple: "They are very nice people, very quiet, they were relaxed and enjoyed their evening."

Krista Sullivan
qallu Franco lil brad pitt li il-gimgha l-ohra ivotta ghall zieda ta'500euro lilu inifsu??????
Mhux biex naqbez ghal Franco Debono imma tghiduliex li kieku tigikom opportunita tiehdu itratta ma Jolie ma tohduhx eh? Mhux bahnan :P.... kieku l ewwel wihed li ma nirrifjutaxx :P
Want to see a really good snap of a Maltese minister NAPPING in parliament?
Raymond Falzon
Ghal Parlament ma ghandomx hin dawn.
Ghall affarijiet bhall dawn ninqalew .Mhux ahjar kieku naraw kif ser nsolvu dawn l problemi li hu mifni dan l pajjiz . Franco zommu dan ir ritratt halli turi kemm hint cool
indeed that smile from BP and AG is a bit forced and they look a bit terse, I do hope that they are left in peace to let them get on with their job and at the some time relax a bit and enjoy their family.. we want others to follow, so please give them their space and privacy.
It seems as if recently whatever our MPs do they still come in for criticism, most of which seems unjust. @ wenzinu Franco Debono has the envious record of only missing 1% of parliamentary sittings, and @ the alchemist I think you mean Parliamentary Assistant... Imma ghal certa nies kollox xorta right? Anyway if you're so fed up with these MPs contest the next election and show them how it's done!
By the way, did this pleasant encounter occur when Parliament happened to be in session?
Ghal pozi u t-tejatrini niehdu l-ewwel kieku!!
wow ritratt ghal elezzjoni zgur, ghedtlu lill Britt li bil fors ridt issir Ministru?
Hope they did not ask to visit one our infamous holding centres. You known what they're like people with money, full of charitable ideas.
So Franco is still around? After all the howling of some time ago seems to have lost his voice after being made Parliamentary Secretary - whatever this is. Little things please little minds.
Dawn il politici kollha lsienhom barra bix xoghol. Ippoza gbin, hemm l ONORARJA taghmel tajjeb!!! Imma kif ma jisthux minn Alla li halaqhom. Ghalhekk haduha z zieda dawn il qabda SANSIGUGI.
Sejjer ma tiddefis - forsi jihduk Hollywood u ittuk il-parti ta' THE CLOWN 2 nahseb tixraqlek.
Min jaf xi dwejjaq qas tista tmur imkien