Student population in post-secondary and tertiary institutions stood at almost 26,000
There were 25,863 students enrolled in post-secondary and tertiary institutions, according to figures released by the National Statistics Office for the academic year 2018-2019

Student enrolments in post-secondary and tertiary institutions during the academic year 2018-2019 increased by 0.9% over the preceding academic year, figures out today show.
According to the National Statistics Office the student population in post-secondary and tertiary institutions stood at 25,863 in 2018-2019.
The figures show that 9,795 students were enrolled in sixth forms and other post-secondary institutions, a decrease of 5.9% over the previous academic year. 85.7% of these students were aged between 14 and 19 years old.
There were also 872 international students at a post-secondary level, amounting to 8.9%.
The most popular field of study among vocational students was services with 20.1%, followed by health and welfare with 18.3% and engineering, manufacturing and construction with 16.2%.
At a tertiary level, the 2018-2019 academic year saw 16,068 students enrolled, an increase of 5.6% compared to the previous academic year.
Female students comprised 56.8% of the total students enrolled.
11,048 students were enrolled on a full-time basis, making up 68.8% of the student population. Part-time students increased by 14.2% over the previous academic year.
The most significant proportion of tertiary students, 54.8%, studied courses at a Bachelor’s level or equivalent, followed by those enrolled at a Mater's or equivalent level with 31.3%.
The largest share of tertiary students was composed of those aged between 20 and 24 years, followed by those under 20-years-old at 20.3%.
Female students outnumbered their male counterparts at almost all tertiary education levels, except at doctoral or equivalent.
During the academic year 2018-2019, international students totalled 1,986 of the student population, at 12.4% This was an increase of 1.7% over the previous academic year.
Female students also made up 88.3% of those in the education field, whereas the information and communication technologies field had a high male population with 84.5%.
The most popular fields of students were business, administration and law with 4,430 students, 27.6% and health and welfare with 3,202 students, 19.9%.
The least popular field was agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary with only 0.4%.