Minister praises police following developments in Caruana Galizia murder case
Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri says police force has transformed over past 12 months to provide continuity irrespective of individuals involved

The latest developments linked to Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder show that the country’s institutions are working, Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri said.
In his first comments after Vince Muscat pleaded guilty in court to the murder – a development that kick-started a chain of events – Camilleri praised the police for their work.
The brief mention came at the start of Camilleri’s speech in parliament on changes to the Criminal Code.
The minister said the past 12 months saw a transformation of the police force that created new structures that ensured continuity irrespective of the individuals involved.
Muscat’s admission of guilt was the result of a plea bargain agreement with the prosecution.
Superintendent Keith Arnaud told the court that Muscat had cooperated with the police since 2018 and information he gave could lead to third parties being prosecuted.
At the same time that Muscat pleaded guilty in court, the police arrested three men believed to have supplied the bomb that killed Caruana Galizia.
Brothers Adrian and Robert Agius, known as Tal-Maksar, and associate Jamie Vella, were arrested and are being questioned at police headquarters.