Jason Azzopardi accuses Cardona of lying about police interrogation
Nationalist MP and Caruana Galizia family lawyer Jason Azzopardi says Chris Cardona was interrogated under caution by the police

Jason Azzopardi has accused former minister Chris Cardona of lying when he told journalists that police did not question him under caution last Saturday.
“Cardona you are a liar. You were interrogated under caution,” the Daphne Caruana Galizia family lawyer said on his Facebook wall.
Cardona int giddieb. Gejt interrogat taht twissija. Gejt moghti l-caution.
Posted by Jason Azzopardi on Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Azzopardi took umbrage at Cardona’s response to the Times of Malta when confronted with the fact that he was questioned by the police on Saturday.
Cardona is reported to have told the newspaper that he was not on police bail and he was not questioned under caution.
READ ALSO: Chris Cardona questioned by police in connection with Caruana Galizia murder
Cardona’s name has been linked to an alleged 2015 plot to murder Daphne Caruana Galizia that failed to materialise. The information was given to the police by convicted murderer Vince Muscat, known as il-Koħħu and is based on what Muscat was told by George and Alfred Degiorgio.
This is hearsay evidence and won’t stand up in a court of law unless police can back up the claim with other evidence.
Cardona has denied the allegation, describing it as “pure evil fiction”.
Cardona is understood to have been questioned by police on a meeting he allegedly had with one of the executioners in the Caruana Galizia murder before October 2017.
Caruana Galizia was murdered on 16 October 2017.
Muscat pleaded guilty to the charges last week and was sentenced to 15 years in jail after a plea bargain.