'Divorce divided us, it's time for reconciliation' - Paul Borg Olivier

‘Divorce has divided us, but we aim for reconciliation, unity’ says PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier.

PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier has conveyed a message of reconciliation and unity in a bid to quell divisions within the party following the divorce referendum result.

Opening thye PN general council, Borg Olivier extended a hand to MPs and voters “of goodwill” to come forward and to feel comfortable within the “mosaic of ideas” that compose the party.

“After the referendum result, we have faced a divide but we are now duty-bound to seek reconciliation,” Borg Olivier said, adding that the country cannot remain “divided in thought.”

He stressed that the PN is committed towards guaranteeing that the people’s wishes are respected and the party’s parliamentary group has shown maturity in accepting the referendum result.

“We must uphold respect for freedom at all times, and most of all respect the opinions of each and every individual,” he said.

Paul Borg Olivier described the general council as “extremely important” for the party that seeks to renew itself and keep up with the aspirations of all Maltese.

He asked the councillors attending the general council a series of questions:

“Do we change or update? What is it that guide’s this party?”

The PN has moved ahead and preserved its values, without imposing them.

“This party was always a uniting force. A popular party that unites people of different opinions. Our challenge today is to ensure that we do not stray from what has made us a party that has repeatedly won the people’s trust,” he said.

Borg Olivier stressed that the PN does not display weaknesses, but strengths and called on party faithful to understand that the PN must find ways to embrace voters who expressed a different opinion.

He asked his audience to analyse the fact that traditional PN strongholds like the 10th and 13th districts produced two different results. “We must listen to both and embrace them both,” Borg Olivier said.

Family Borg Olivier said, must always remain at the heart of Maltese society, and at the heart of all PN polices as a party in government.

He added that the party must ask and answer the questions as to how it will face   the challenges and remain relevant to the aspirations of the electorate.

Before the referendum, the PM is on record saying that "the righteous" (those who were against divorce) would win - meaning that those who voted for divorce legislation were not righteous. I had never been called anything of the sort by anyone in my life. It took the leader of the party I had voted for all my life to tell me that I was not a righteous person - and this just because I favoured the introduction of divorce legislation. I now see no reason to reconcile with people who think this of me and others like me.
Mr. Borg Olivier, it's arrogrance that divides not a referendum. The PN needs to regroup and you should not be part of the regrouping.
Paul Sammut
After the referendum result, we have faced a divide but we are now duty-bound to seek reconciliation,” Borg Olivier said, adding that the country cannot remain “divided in thought.” Wrong Paul! After the referendum GonziPN did not choose reconciliation.Gonzi PN chose greed and the divide became a chasm with the honoraria vote. The greatest split is in the parliamentary group.
Quote PBO : The PN does not display weaknesses". Is this the joke of the year? Ask the P.M. I've never seen a weaker PM than Gonzi, not even Alfred Sant. At least he had the decency to resign!
Qasmuna il kontijiet tad-dawl, ilma, gas u fuel. Il pastazata ta l-onorarja u l-fatt li ma tridux taccettaw ir-rizultat tar-referendum sur PBO.
Heq, xi triduh jghid miskin? Araw din: http://bit.ly/lbtRLQ
Zgur ma jixxraqlekx il-kunjom illi gorr!!! ...Ipokrita! Mhux ahjra tmur taghmel kors fl-ECDL forsi titghallem tuza l-emails!
Sur Pawl, what your trying to do now, we'll do the same to you in next Election, we are PN supporters couple but if it was for PN we would not even dream of to think about Divorce and start all over again.... by the way we are all sinners for you and Kurja so i assume we are not good to be part of PN and church any more mhux hekk, jew for election we are no sinners.... Next Election you will have the answer, your playing your game now, then we play ours.... Nazzjonalist ta veru li qlajt il gass ta dmuh f 80's...
It's the party's forced obedience to the church that has created the divisions not divorce. If you want to gain an ounce of credibility "divorce" the party from the church and apologize to JPO (one of your own after all) for the disgusting manner in which the PN media treated him and IVA. During the referendum one could not distinguish between RTK and 101 or NET, whilst In-Nazzjon sounded like a Maltese version of L'Osservatore Romano. Otherwise reconciliation simply means clinging to power.
Is'nt he the same buffoon that threatened Sliema lady councilor? Talking of reconciliation, what a joke this man is.
Luke Camilleri
Want to become more united? Get rid of the imposed statement that the PN is against divorce, and in future be more careful about making such sweeping statements about matters which clearly the members and supporters of PN are not united about.
Why do you ask for reconciliation? To retain a majority in parliament?
QUOTE “Do we change or update? What is it that guide’s this party?” The PN has moved ahead and preserved its values, without imposing them. UNQUOTE Over the years PN has consistently held hands with the church, ignored the people's wishes and imposed its so-called values. Yours are values which value papal directives and which de-value everyone else. Give us a break Paul. If you continue to insult the people's intelligence, you'll have no party left for which to play the part of General Secretary.
Micheal Bonanno
Lill-dawk in-Nazzjonalisti genwini li vera qeghdin ihossu li l-partit taghhom m'ghadux taghhom, huma milqugha mal-familja laburista. Ahna meta nikkritikaw (mhux nghajjru) nikkritikaw lill-amministrazzjoni mhux il-poplu Nazzjonalista. Dik hi d-differenza bejn tal-Labour u tal-PN (il-hard liners l-izjed). B'idejna miftuha nilqghukom go darna ex-PN.
Ghami min ma jridx jara u trux min ma jridx jisma. . Il-poplu jkollu l-gvern li jixraqlu, jekk ser jibqa jghaddas rasu fir-ramel ser ikompli jivga.
Ghami min ma jridx jara u trux min ma jridx jisma. . Il-poplu jkollu l-gvern li jixraqlu, jekk ser jibqa jghaddasasu fir-ramel ser ikompli jivga.
''reconciliation, unity'' dear Paul, these are the exact words we heard from the PN after the last general election, which was won by just a few votes.............................................what was the result.....................zero. The party continued it's hard headed way. My way or no way. We know best so shut up. Actually the situation from certain ''learned'' cabinet got worse.....much worse. So for your past voters to trust the PN again, you have to try harder......much harder.........at least amongst those who are prepared to give you another chance.....when frankly few are left.
Every time PBO takes his fot out of his mouth to say something he still manages to come up with c***. Reconcilliation when you and gonzi had to resort to blackmailing those MPs who did not agree with the pay raise that gonzi would call early elections. Paul put your foot back the less you talk the better for your party.......... on the other hand keep your foot out and keep blabbering.
Jiddispjacini Papru. Issa tard wisq. Int u Gonzi amiltu hafna hsara lil partit nazzjonalista u lil malta li tant inhobb. Sakemm tibqaw int u gonzi daqshekk ivvotajna pn jien u tal familja. Issa hemm bzonn bidla kbira ghal gid ta pajjiz. Ghax jien Nazzjonalist ta veru, fl elezzjoni ha nivvotaw lejber bla dubju. Haga biss nixtieq, ja labursti istmawna lilna li konna pn. Tajrunix fuq il passat taghna. Ilqawna u tuna l id tal hbiberija. grazzi.
fejni il kuxjenza buffu, qiad tara dawl ja gagbin
Paroli, paroli! Check this: http://bit.ly/iuTMQL
Addio kuxjenza issa. Lecca lecca. Tell that to the sinners who voted in favour! nini nini mhux naghti l-VOT lil PiNuri
Beda jiftah naqra mohhu fl-ahhar. Qed jara telfa kbira gejja. Addio kuxjenza safja issa, infethet il-kacca ghal voti mid-dehra.