Video | Gonzi admits to ‘difficult moment’ but says PN is ‘rainbow of opinions’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has admitted that he is facing a “difficult moment” but adds that he is not alone.


Cameraman : Marjo Parascandalo

Speaking to MaltaToday as he arrived at PN’s Dar Centrali to attend the party’s bi-annual general council, Lawrence Gonzi admitted that “as a Prime Minister he is facing a difficult moment.”

Without being specific about the divisions created within the party following the divorce referendum, Gonzi said that it is a difficult moment for him, but also added that other Prime Ministers in countries like Greece, Ireland and Portugal are also facing difficult moments.

Asked about the divisions between conservatives and liberals within the PN, Lawrence Gonzi said that the greatness of the PN is best described as a “rainbow of ideas.” He stressed that there is room for all within the party.

Ma tarax mhux se johrog ir-rizultat tat-televoting min jaf x'gargarella kellu!!! Lanqas li ma deherx minn wiccu u l-body language!!! Marelli anke t-tazza kisser!!! L-agenda m'ghadiex tahdem Pepp, billi gibt hafna nies biex tipprova tkisser lil Joseph gharralek! Mhux talli gharralek talli shaebek tal-PN qed jipprovaw ibellghuha n-nies li Joseph fuq il-programm ieghek qal li se jintaxxa l-employers li mhu veru xejn!!! Il-poplu m'ghadux mazzun Pepp hi!!
u xi nghidu gal riklam ta wara xarabank.hlieh tizbieh law u l hemm ma rajniex.halliena pep u hu mieghek lil dak il gurnalist indipendenti lou.Your time is running out.Prosit zmien alfred sant kont nobza narah dan il programm.issa le ghax joseph jaf jispjega.
Luke Camilleri
Peppi Azzopardi should donate the income made yesterday from televoting to Dr. Joseph Muscat's favorite charity or to some well known charity like Puttinu Cares, the Hospice Moovement or Animal sanctuaries, ! . After all it was thanks to Joseph Muscat that he had so much televoting...and we still want to know how much! . Quit a show Hux Pep/ Dahal idejk darba int fil-but u ghati xi haga! Joseph zgur jiehu pjacir jara gest hekk u jerga jmurlek ghal program darba ohra! : )
"Rainbow of ideas"? . More like Henry Ford's "Any colour as long as it's black"
Xarabank PNooooooooooPNooooooooooooo
Sur Peppi Azzopardi, basta theggeg in nies jivvutaw ghat televoting, imbad mandekx l ARDIR tippublika ir rizultat. Ja IPOKRITA. JA QABAR IMBAJJAD. ISTHI PEPPI. Mhux ta b xejn bil fernezija li qabditek x hin int bdejt tispara lil joseph balla balla, joseph beda jitfalek lura tuzzana tuzzana balal fil pront, tfajt it tazza ma l art u kissirta. Laqqas taf x laqtek. U Iva ma nisthix nghid kont nazzjonalist u ghadni. Jien nazzjonalist ghax inhobb lil pajjizi, u ghax inhobb lil pajjizi, irrid lil Malta titmexxa ahjar, ghax cert li tista titmexxa ahjar. Issa nipprovaw lil Joseph. Gonzi zgur tilfu l vot tieghi. MHUX TA B XEJN li mal lista ta kandidati prospettivi ghal elezzjoni generali mal PL, hemm kandidati godda li sas sena 2008 kienu nazzjonalisti, imma issa indunaw li gonzipn ma fihx hobz u huwa ipokrita iehor. Iss lilna 1.16 u hu u shabu 500 ZIEDA fil GIMGHA. X TAHSBU FUQ IT TELEVOTING TA PEPPI li ma deher qatt ir rizultat il bierah fuq xarabank?
Now it's Liberal vs Conservative, before it was Liberal+Conservative. But the maths does not make political sense!
Maybe our eloquent Prime Minister can elaborate more on why he is comparing Malta to GREECE, IRELAND, SPAIN & PORTUGAL. Are these member states in bankruptcy paving the way for similar difficulties for Malta under the leadership of Lawrence Gonzi by 2013? The divorce referendum has settled the issue because the will of the people has been clearly identified. One gets the feeling that the reasons why this GONZIPN is begining to see the cracks in it's moorings is a direct result of the Euro zone flagship hitting that bankrupcy iceberg which will undoubtedly sink the euro and the Maltese economy. One must conclude that the PN is desperately trying to save face on it's EU membership and the hurried adoption of the Euro, as the liberal rebellion within the party continue to oppose the unbridled greed of the PM and his cabinet whose banality in trying to justify their honorarias has overwhelmed the country and its working class that cannot cope with the burdens of this nation's financial needs. Until such time as a commission is appointed and a review is clearly established about the guidelines of what the salaries of a Prime Minister, Ministers with Portfolios, Cabinet members and Secretaries, Leader of the Opposition and Members of Parliament, then this honoraria arrangement is disgraceful. A country that is saddled with a mountain of national debt, uncontrolled yearly deficits, horrendous waiting lists in health and the shortages of drugs cannot justify increasing salaries, allowances and other perks to such an incompetent administration.
Ghalxejn titbaqbaq Peppi tax-Xarabank biex tkun taf x'se jaghmel il-P.L. Bil-kurzita se tibqa, imbaghad xahar qabel l-elezzjoni tkun taf Lol!!! Mhux hekk tghid, nghidulek issa! Ghandek cans!!! Jekk shabek ixxuttaw mill-idejat (jekk qatt kellhom) ghax ma tmorrux int u siehbek Lou biex tilluminawhom? Wara kollox ara kemm ilkom thokku dahar xulxin!! u mbilli ghamilt minn kollox biex jghid xi haga biex ikollkom ma xiex taqbdu f'wicckom baqa! Prosit Joseph!!! Kull m'ilek mexxej tal-PL tlett snin imma l-loghba taghhom drajtha sew!! Proud to be a supporter of PL again!!!
Qabel l-elezzjoni kien qed jara l-maltemp gej ( ghalina ovvja mhux ghalih u ghal shabu ) issa ghandna l-qawsalla LOOOOOOL!!!!
Lawrence Covin
Could these people all be PL supporters? Eh?
PN maybe rainbow of opinions, but he should better wake up some of his ministers, caught NAPPING in Parliament!
Perswaz li Dr L Gonzi ha issib kif ha isolvi il-problemi li ghandu fil-Partit Nazzjonalista, billi juza l-ghajta tieghu "flimkien kollox possibbli" u il-Poplu li aktar minn nofsu qed jiftaqar ikkollu jaghmel tajjeb bi flusu ghal-dawk il-35 tal-"House of Commons" - Tieghom il-gazaza Wenz ha joqodu kwieti :) Xi €500 ohra.
Peppi and Lou can stop asking what the PL will do when in power. How stupid do they think JM and the PL are? Prior to 2008, the Dr Sant fell into this trap and put his cards on the table early and the PN, already devoid of ideas, stole 19 proposals and implemented them in their final budget. This time round, the PL and JM will not repeat this mistake. The PN are in government now, if they ran out of ideas, they should step down. If anyone, including Peppi and his mate Lou, want to know what the PL will do, well they will have to wait for the general election campaign to come.
Dr. Gonzi qal li mhux hu biss ghaddej minn mumenti difficli u semma u strah fuq il-Portugal, Spanja, l-Irlanda u l-Grecja. Tghid semma lil dawn ghax ahna ninsabu fil-keffa taghhom u se tfaqqa xi wahda bhal tal-Grecja dalwaqt. Nahseb li se jigri bhal ma gara fil-Grecja tghidli qalbi Gozni berbaq, ghadu jberbaq u se jkompli jberbaq kemm jiflah u x'hin sentejn ohra jitla Gvern tal-Labour ser isib ma wiccu l-istess haga bhal ma sab il-Gvern Socjalista Grieg pajjiz midjun u li ma lanqas inkunu nistghu nhalsu l-imghaxx tad-dejn ahseb u ara id-dejn. Imbaghad halli ghalihom in-Nazzjonalist jibdew jghidu ahra x'gahmel il-Gvern tal-Labour. Jiena nixtieq (u din hija l-opinjoni ta' eluf) li l-ewwel ligi li jrid jghaddi Gvern Laburista hi li min ikun ghamel xi haga kontra l-ligi mill-kapijiet kollha ibda mill-Prim Ministru l-isfel u spicca fil-kapijiet tad-Dipartimenti dawn kollha ghandhom jinzammu responsabli ta'ghemilhom u jekk jinstab xi haga fil-konfront taghhom ghandhom jittiehud proceduri kriminali fil-konfront taghhom u din il-ligi ghandha tkun tghodd minn snin ilu halli hadd ma jahrab bl-iskuza tal-preskrizzjoni.
What good is it to the PN with it's a rainbow of opinions if at the helm it has a clique of utter dictators, bid dahqa helwa f'wicchom. Rainbow of opinions kemm trid, imma meta tigi ghas si o no, dejjem tal istess erba tghaddi. Xala biebhom mir-rainbow. Hekk irrid w hekk se naghmel. Dahlu x'imkien ir-rainbow......
@Mark Navarro Xarabank and Bondi+ have always been and will always be biased against the PL since they have the guarantee of a permanent slot on TVM and that means thousands of euro per week. Bondi+ has recently, yet again, been rapped by the BA for being unbalanced against the PL. So, I'm not surprised about their attitude, Joseph will be playing away there. However, I fully agree with you, that he faired very well and please note that they didn't have the decency to air the televoting result. Good teams and players perform well everywhere. Another thing, the PN are running our of 'new' faces, they are sending Karl Gouder now. The PN supporters in the audience where told what to ask, especially the last one, who is a car dealer, and certainly is not knowledgable about the Sant' Antnin recycling plant.
Jien Xarabank qatt ma narah pero' l-bierah ghamilt eccezzjoni ta' darba u ma tergax tkun. Il-biehra Peppi Azzopardi wera bic-car kemm hu fjakk u malizzjuz. Gab kwazi l-kelliema kollha jattakkaw u juru l-hdura lejn Joseph Muscat pero' Joseph hareg ta' Mexxej matur ghax baqa' u fisser fid-dettal dak kollu li gie mistoqsi lilu. Wera kemm hu matur bir-risposti ghal mistoqsijiet ghatxana specjelment ta' Peppi Azzopardi li pprova jdahhlu f'xi nassa imma Peppi mar zmerc ghad Joseph mhux xi baby bil-harqa. Peppi l-bierah were bic-car kemm hu standard fi'idejn il-Partit Nazzjonalista li jrid ikun jaf x'se jaghem il-partit rigward il-gays u r-risposta hadha u ma ghogbitux ghax ma rnexilix jitfa lil Joseph fin-nassa. Proset Joseph Muscat, ahna kburin bik ghax qed turina li inti kapaci u abli hafna biex tmexxi mhux biss il-partit imma lest biex tmexxi lil Malta minn dan id-dizastru li ninsabu fih. Proset u awguri Joseph.
Luke Camilleri
Bhal bandiera tal-Gay Pride bir-rainboy mela! Nahseb ideja ta' Engerer jew Gouder din! - Gonzi x'jahseb fuq il-gay marriages u l-gay adoptions? Issa jaf permezz ta' Peppi Azzopardi kif jahsibha Joseph...kollox as planned! . Issa jaghmel bhal David Agius u jikkopja lill - Joseph ukoll fuq din l-issue?
Gonzipn: L-AKBAR PRIMINISTRU FALZ LI QATT KELLHA MALTA. Iserrah rasu ghax mhux wahdu. MA NAGHMLUX MOD LI AHNA QEDIN FL-ISTESS BASSEZZI TA' SPANJA / IRLANDA / PORTUGALL HUX? Ticcajta! Intant, il-Eur500 zieda fil-gimgha HU U TAL-QAWSALLA HADUHOM!! U l-poplu? Jikriepa bil-Eur 1.16 fil-gimgha. Jekk is-sitwazzjoni ta' Malta bhalissa mhix wahda hazina mela, wahda hazina kif tkun sur PINOCCHIO?
Gonzi lives in wonderland you really lost your plot mate.
Sure, sure .. rainbow of ideas ... and... room for all... but that does not mean anything... just sweet talk. If PN were insy pinsy, teeny weeny democratically inclined, the PM would insist that MPs MUST vote according to the wishes of their district electorate. Democratic? No, demoncratic more like.
Room for all in GonziPN! Yes! Even for fascists!
Fl-Opinjoni tieghi Il-setup tal-programm kien b'mod ċar preġudikat meta prattikament l-maġġoranza tal-kelliema jattakkaw Dr Muscat inkluż is-Sur Cassola. It-tip u l-ordni li fihom il-filmati kienu murija u meta l-intervent kien permess verament wera li TVM huwa kkontrollat mill-"Dar Centrali" Peppi Azzopardi ghandu jghamel apologija pubblika bil mod kif tratta lil Joseph Muscat. Din l-istrategija qarrieqa wriet is Disonesta tal prezentatur Peppi li kelli stima lejh imma issa tlifta ghal kollox. Joseph Muscat gheleb l-mewg kollu fejn baqa Kalm u wera li IVA ghandna vizjoni cara ghal pajjizna. Vera ha tkun difficli hafna meta jkollok stazzjon tal-Istat kontrik imma is sewwa jerbah zgur!
Tonight I was disgusted with the way Peppi treated Dr Muscat because of the inbuilt bias of the programme shown today. The setup of the programme was clearly biased with practically the majority of the speakers attacking Dr Muscat including Mr Cassola. The type and order in which the clips were shown and when the intervention was permitted really showed that TVM is controlled from the “Dar Centrali” Anyone in such circumstances will feel discomforted and ill at ease appearing on a programme which was subtly slanted against Dr Muscat. The positive thing from tonight is that Dr Muscat passed this test with flying colours. This was shown because Dr Muscat kept calm and answered all questions and putting Peppi and his team in a confusing state of mind. Peppi looked tensed and agitated where even he broke his glass. Well done my future Prime Minister!
Ijwa orajt pacenzja Gonzi se nalmek haga il qawsalla ma taqadix ax dik spectrum metaforikament azilt ghazla hazina ax dik magoralment fin natura taraha bl ilma mux taqbad il kuluri ma ahnix artisti almenu mintix artist.Pls iqaf igdeb, misna namlu reklam al Malta: People allergic to lies please dont come to malta or the chances o f getting a Hearth attack is the same as how much the GonziPn failed.
It is not a consolation for the Maltese people that other Prime Ministers are facing a difficult moment. There are others who are popular in their country. Anyway, this is self inflicted and it will not go away unless the right decisions, which are going to be very difficult decisions (like voting YES) are taken.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has admitted that he is facing a “difficult moment” Well Well wasn`t this new for all of us. The latest being the landslide loss that the PN suffered during the referendum .I can still remember Gonzi`s recorded message of defeat .Let`s see who has got the power within your party the conservatives or the liberals ?
Krista Sullivan
QATT MA RAJT PRIM MINISTRU FALZ DAQS GONZI.....................................
Jista' jekk joghgbu l-Prim Ministru jghidilna liema huma r-rizultati ekonomici li ghandna ahna hawn Malta, li huma hafna ahjar minn ta' haddiehor???? Forsi b'hekk qed jipprova jiggustifika z-zieda ta' Euro 500 fil-gimgha ghalihom, u l'haddiem ha z-zunnarija!! Mhux ta' b'xejn ghamlu dak il-monument Hal-Luqa!!! Dak huwa s-simbolu ta' x'se jiehu min jigi Malta!!Nitkellmu fil-kwiet fl'elezzjoni li jmiss.
Jiddispjacini ma tibdix hdejn Eddie Fenech Adami. Zgur ma nergax nivvotalek. Ok hawn sitwazzjoni finanzjarja difficli mad dinja kollha. Ok hemm bzonn namlu sagrificji. Ok nifmuk. Imma li hadt 500 euru fil gima ZIEDA, wisq arroganti. Ma nistax nifhem x wicc ghandek. Kif ha jirnexxilek tmur quddiem in nies titkarrab ghal voti? ma x misthija. ja hali u xhih. qammiel mal poplu, imma ghalik hnizrijja. le ma nivvutalekx. u mhux biss imma ha nivvutaw al lejber.
So gonzi found it convenient to use Ireland as a case of difficult times for the government. Wasn't Ireland the model Eddy Fenech Adami based Malta's entry into the EU, how well they were doing, even Greece and portugal were mentioned as EU success stories. What is this drivel we are being fed about the governments problems, the problems is that gonzi is more concerned in keeping the party together and of course his seat of power than what is happening around him in the country.
..........and like the Irish say, There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and Tonio Fenech is gonziPn's Leprechaun. har har....